Napalm'Z first DWC grow.


Well-Known Member
comments are open on this thread but only if they are constructive. no attitude or bullshit. if you want to add or have something new to say, please edit your comments. 10 posts in a row annoy the piss out of me and it is cleaner to add an edit.

Edit: <<here is a good example.

Edit2:<<I'm good with examples.

<<<<oh, and if I'm doing something wrong, please tell me.>>>>

so this post will mark what i have and i will add new posts when i change something or add pics of growth(max of 10 pics per post)

much of this will be a mish mash of random info that ill try to form into a detailed(ish) grow journal.


i started with the standard GH formula reduced to 250ppm with tap water @ 200ppm. 450ppm. i am now ramping to full strength lucas formula. this however is not accurate as i just replaced my tds meter with a COM-100 and have yet to chose a measuring method though im considering EC/mS for accuracy. more conversions will make calculating harder, but more accurate than ppm.

I'm going to mix nutes to level in 1 gallon jugs of distilled water and measure each and add them together.(the measurements) then Ill check my math so i can keep them at a non toxic level. however i plan on ignoring the ppm level of additives like CALiMAGic. i believe i want around TDS @ 0.7 1326 ppm + ~200ppm for tap

Lucas Formula
target EC/mS= 1.9 - 2.2 ish? i need to test for accurate numbers.

per gallon


8ml flora micro

16ml flora bloom

2.5-3ml calimagic (additive) EC/mS=?

(same as above+ /or reduce by half to lower ppm?)

Open Sesame (start after switch to 12/12)
1/4 tsp per gallon as standalone. ramp to 1 tsp. flush every 2 weeks.

1/8 tsp per gallon with lucas. ramp to 1/2 tsp. flush every 2 weeks.

Sonic Bloom (additive)(start after buds start forming)
1/4 tsp to 5 gallons ramp to 1 tsp to 5 gallons

ChaChing (start on week 6 or 7 of flower)
1/2 tsp per gallon as standalone. ramp to 1 tsp. flush every 2 weeks.

1/8 tsp per gallon with lucas. ramp to 1/2 tsp. flush every 2 weeks.

(Ill test the finishers and go all the way through with at least one plant on just lucas. compare results and use in next grow.)


viparspectra 600w

^^same as viparspectra, but with a better light ratio more calculated for growing cannabis.^^


diy cob.
^^it's not perfect, but i designed it based on what was in stock and the light formula i wanted at the time of conception. there are things i want to add like a veg/flower option. mostly to cut the blues during flower. the quantity and spectrum's of the lights is almost ideal to my limited understanding and i can make more for larger grow areas. one set of lights over each plant would be a good start.

<<hydroponic unit>>

standard pre-built 5G DWC.

Aeroponic or DWC 6.5G fermentation recirculating buckets
bigger buckets provide more room for roots. next build will have a chiller and possibly a UV sterilizer. doing this will remove my option for bennies, however i may not need them if i have the UV system and chiller.

<<Grow Room>>

2X4X5 tent

will give me the option to scrog as well as simply grow taller fatter plants.

I'm sure there's more, but im done with haves and wants for now.

i just realized that the dates are recorded in the titles of my pics to ill post them with dates. in the future, Ill try to get all 3 plants in each picture with dates.

20161210_195236.jpg december 10

december 14

december 23

root rot almost killed my plant. it was a major fight to keep it alive. i made a thread about it here. it has the same pics as this thread.

December 27

left 1.22
center 1.23
right 1.22

nutrient mix left and right are the same but center is different.
left, right, and center are 1/4tsp each from GH 3 part and 1 tsp calimagic per gallon
center also has armor si. it was then diluted to the same ppm as the other batches.

I am currently ramping as i top off with lucas formula and calimagic having the intent to go to 2.0-2.6 depending on the plants needs. hoping to hit those numbers by the weekend. and if i can without burning, ill be switching to full strength lucas on saturday or sunday.

i still need to do some experimenting with the ppm levels of my nutes in distilled water.


space for next update.

cant find my edit option.

lucas is 1.8 EC/mS

calimagic is .77 EC/mS cut by 50%? .39-.38

armor si .05 @ 25% .09 @ 50% .16 @ 100% EC/mS

total is 2.3 ish in my formula. @ 50% CALiMAGic & Armor SI

premix 5 gallons at a time in RO and use to fill every week. top off with tap water. replace every 2 weeks while ramping.

let's hope this works.

premix is at 2.45 with 50/50 tap/distilled water. i will use for ramping and my weekly exchange.
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the left plant started burning so i pulled half a gallon of water and replaced with tap. dropped my ec down to 1.1

december 28

december 29

damn, having a photo journal really let's you see growth.

now, i'm on 4 hours of sleep and have to drive to Tahoe from Sacramento today. and if it weren't for the fact that i proofread everything before posting, this would all be gibberish.

i put in some booster lights to pick up the dead spots left by the viparspectra. i feel that the two outer plants are growing more slowly and it is because of two possible reasons. either they aren't getting as much light or they need some armor si.

i also picked up 3 COB lights. 1X CREE CXA3070 5000K and 2X CREE CXA3070 3000K.

ill play with the lights through next week. im going to be swapping my rez out saturday and will probably cut my premixed nutes down to 1.2 with RO for the refill. it seems to be the max the plants want. this solution is the same as the middle bucket which is the best growing plant atm.
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got back into sac on sunday. was too burnt out from partying and making money to mess with the plants.


my new diy cob setup. price was less than $100 a cob. somewhere around 230-250 to build it.


you cant see it in this pic, but the viparsperctra is above the cob in veg mode. i set it so about 8" higher so it doesn't cook the heat sinks.


split my main stem while tightening my LST. so i cut the old zip ties and started over. hopefully it fixes itself.

i also started LST on my other plants. i now know my plants need LST much younger. ill tighten them slowly to prevent breaks.


the plant on the right had a fan land on it and it lost a branch. instead of 2 main colas and 4 sub colas it has 2 mains and a 3 subs. ill be training it by pulling the 3 smaller colas to the right and the 2 mains to the left.
figured it was time to update.

January 7th

January 10th

January 13

definitely nute issues showing. i was thinking it was light burn, but i doubt it. im thinking it's zinc deficiency. i let the solution in the buckets for too long and just swapped with fresh nutes.

per gallon

2.5ml armor si

4ml flora micro

8ml flora bloom

5ml calimagic

i premixed in a Ziploc tote with RO and an airstone and let it sit for 24hrs to stabilize. (1.45EC) i then added the bennies and a tbsp of molasses to get a good colony brewing. i then let that sit for 24hrs (1.35EC). i adjusted PH each time i checked EC.

i filled fresh buckets filled with this solution yesterday morning. due to my thoughts on possible zinc deficiency i reduced PH to 5.6 in each bucket.

January 14

being that it is worse, im thinking light burn could be a possibility. i just raised the lights to 20" from 16" so lets see if it helps.

i also just ordered micro nutrient supplement for hydroponics (last resort item), super thrive, and GH rapid start root supplement. im oly planning on using the super thrive for now.

as soon as the problem is fixed, im switching to flower.

EDIT: im also considering dumping RO and going to 100% tap. on my next grow i will do a side by side of to identical seeds using the best method i come up with from this grow. using that method, ill be growing using one plant with RO and one with tap.
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January 15

just switched to 12/12

plants look much healthier. i may prune some of the larger fan leaves on the outer plants to make room for the bud sites. i keep trying to tuck, but the leaves love the light.

i also purchased these

i only plan on using them on one plant to see performance.
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