Law of Attraction


Well-Known Member
There aren't any instruments that can measure its supposed effects; therefore, it can not be scientifically proven.
ok thats what i thought you meant. my problem with that is, if we allow these things to be presented as fact without asking for proof, then anyone can just come up with anything they want that cannot be completely disproven and claim it as fact. see thread on 'Sun Charged Water" to get my point.

theorizing, philosphy, these things are fine by me. i love scifi and iam into the unknown. but to simply claim things as fact because we cannot prove them wrong, i find that illogical. take god for example, scientists still recognize the 'God Factor', which is just about anything they get to that they cant explain (the cause of the big bang, Dark Matter, etc). but at the same time, i would say that the idea of alien life (which while no proof, we can provide math and numbers that practically dictate that it HAS to exist) practically disproves god all on its own.


Active Member more or less...the laws are sayin that if u want and believe hard enough that you will purchase a winnin lottery ticket...that the chances of it happenin are greatly increased?


Active Member more or less...the laws are sayin that if u want and believe hard enough that you will purchase a winnin lottery ticket...that the chances of it happenin are greatly increased?
You want to believe and act as if you already have your "winning lottery ticket" and want to feel the emotions that go along with what you've attracted.


Active Member
ok well if that is indeed the case, ive been doin that shit for years lol i mean doesnt everybody have that kind of wishful thinkin?


Well-Known Member
ok well if that is indeed the case, ive been doin that shit for years lol i mean doesnt everybody have that kind of wishful thinkin?
yes. and when (if) it happens, they convince themselves that it was that positive thinking that made it happen, not chance or coincidence or anything of the natural sort =P

(b4 the flaming starts, i swear this was just poking a little fun)


Active Member
hmmm...thats an interesting thought either way, but i gotta go with the "you wont get what you want just by wishing (or praying) for it" point of view lol...i mean thought patterns might affect a persons daily choices to a small extent that would create larger consequences or coincidences (example, someone thats depressed might be more apt to start drinking daily or using drugs than someone who is happy with their lives), but those kinds of laws fall apart when u go outside of normal, circumstantial events.

take children for instance...ignorance is bliss with them, they are almost always happy for no reason, they get joy out of the small things in life and are oblivious to things like corruption, competition, and basically all the evils within society. so if a kid is kidnapped and murdered, was the it laws of attraction that brought that said negativity? and if so, on whos end?

also, a study done at princeton university with the PEAR Program (Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research), was exploring whether or not the human mind was able to change the outcome of random events by pure thought alone. They used a coin-flip test, and over a 28 year period they conducted 340 million coin tosses and 1.7 million trials. The results concluded that, although evidence points that psychokinesis exists, the effects are relatively small, a meager few parts per ten thousand, and such results have even been disputed by other scientists who claim that the researches had subtle, hidden biases in their data.

but hey...i like to keep an open mind, who knows. gotta remember, at one point in time we thought the earth was flat LOL


Well-Known Member
but hey...i like to keep an open mind, who knows. gotta remember, at one point in time we thought the earth was flat LOL
couldnt agree more friend. thats why i try to be very civil when i join these conversations, because i dont truly want to upset anyone, but i do know iam a skeptic and that iam capable of coming off a lot stronger than i mean to =D


Well-Known Member
Why and How is a few parts per 10,000 meager? That's almost 1 in 3000. Alot more than 0 in 340 million! How many times do you think we sub-consiously think about the same thing? The odds look good to me... something from nothing! :)

Edit: And that is study is of people trying to change the outcome of flipping a cion, let along changing your life!!
Hey, Sorry for joining this discussion late, but it's been an interesting read. I think the law of attraction is just a smart way of marketing a positive outlook on life. Be positive, optimistic, and focussed and the world will cater to your desires. Theres no "Magic" it's simple you maintain a positive outlook and optimistic veiw, and YOU will be drawn to the things that you want from life. No coincidences no chance, just hard work determination and persistence.

I think if you take the concept to litterally, then in theory I can sit on my lounge all day smoking cones and imagining cheques coming to my mail box. Problem with that is, it won't work. Life is a simple equation, The more you put in, the more you get out.

A guy who believes he will one day be a rock star and lives his live with dedication, optimism and passion will one day get there, no magic, just good old fashion persistence, but persistence without positivity is very hard to maintain as positivity is what keeps you moving. Negetivity stops you and you lose your focus..

That just my spin (opinion) but I say if it works for ya, go for it.


Active Member
The Law of Attraction isn't wishful thinking
really? then please, show me the line between these "laws" and wishful thinking...if your sittin around daydreamin about money, success, or whatever, in hopes that by thinkin about it enough that you will get it, then yes, thats pretty much what wishful thinking is.

if you think about it enough to the point that it motivates you to WORK for those desires, then like it was said before, thats an attitude/outlook change, not a law...


Hey all,
I am unsure of whether this was mentioned in the other posts in this discussion, so it may be a repetition... ignore it if that's the case :). I think the LOA is a glorified name for action. Someone, probably someone lazy, decided they would dissect the process of action/acting, and came up with the LOA. After all, before you pick up that book on your shelf, you must make the decision to do so. Then, you must believe your intention is achievable and that you can do it, or, as it has been said by some, that what you want it already yours. Last, you must take action.
Essentially, the law of attraction is the same with setting goals an achieving them. But very intelligent people like Rhonda Byrnes, saw the potential in reiterating a fool proof concept--and making it sound far more esoteric in the process--to make a lot of money.
My two cents! :) *I will not resist your opinions, so please reply in peace :D!