Law of Attraction


Well-Known Member
in the scientific community, the burden of proof is indeed on the person making the claim. my problem with this thread is not the idea iam all for it. but to propose such a theory as fact with opnionated sources... that is my problem.


Well-Known Member
I'm way to high and tired proceed with this conversation. Use and to find evidence and facts.
i truly want to believe you sir, but all google will bring up is scientists saying it has no basis in real science, and then a bunch of anecdotal references (stories that have no evidence other than the persons word) claiming it to be so. it is another self help, get rich scheme that Rhonda Byrne wrote a book about to, you guessed it, get rich. She didnt even invent this theory, it can be dated back to the late 1800's. The video you linked very clearly is purely anecdotal, with a self described PHILOSOPHER (please, look up the definition, he should be in no way regarded as a scientist any more than Nostradamus was). The FACT of the matter is, there is NO evidence or facts, because it is based on a theory that is in its very own meaning unprovable.

i find this theory no different than the theory of God, String or M theory, Big Bang or the higgs boson (the latter of those at least is slightly more probable, but still no where NEAR fact. iam not telling you its not real, iam telling you not to present it as a scientific fact, because no matter how many philosophers or personal stories you link me, NONE of them actually have any basis in widely accepted science.


Active Member
i truly want to believe you sir, but all google will bring up is scientists saying it has no basis in real science, and then a bunch of anecdotal references (stories that have no evidence other than the persons word) claiming it to be so. it is another self help, get rich scheme that Rhonda Byrne wrote a book about to, you guessed it, get rich. She didnt even invent this theory, it can be dated back to the late 1800's. The video you linked very clearly is purely anecdotal, with a self described PHILOSOPHER (please, look up the definition, he should be in no way regarded as a scientist any more than Nostradamus was). The FACT of the matter is, there is NO evidence or facts, because it is based on a theory that is in its very own meaning unprovable.

i find this theory no different than the theory of God, String or M theory, Big Bang or the higgs boson (the latter of those at least is slightly more probable, but still no where NEAR fact. iam not telling you its not real, iam telling you not to present it as a scientific fact, because no matter how many philosophers or personal stories you link me, NONE of them actually have any basis in widely accepted science.
Like I said before, we feel something exists after repeated evidence of such a thing. The Law of Attraction feels good, it is of benefit to me and others as I focus on positive intentions, feeling good, and letting go of worry, doubt, and stress, and yes - it improves the quality of my life. So I believe the Law of Attraction exists. But yes, the Law of Attraction doesn't have scientific evidence of existence. The problem with the Law of Attraction is that there is no way to tell whether or not it exists. I know Rhonda Byrne didn't invent the theory and I also find the LoA similar to the theory of God, M theory and Big Bang.


Active Member
So the law of attraction isnt bealivable becase it consists of no facts, right? but isnt religon the same way?
i dont think so. i can show you facts to backup what some of the bible claims. such as genetic adam.


Well-Known Member
Like I said before, we feel something exists after repeated evidence of such a thing. The Law of Attraction feels good, it is of benefit to me and others as I focus on positive intentions, feeling good, and letting go of worry, doubt, and stress, and yes - it improves the quality of my life. So I believe the Law of Attraction exists. But yes, the Law of Attraction doesn't have scientific evidence of existence. The problem with the Law of Attraction is that there is no way to tell whether or not it exists. I know Rhonda Byrne didn't invent the theory and I also find the LoA similar to the theory of God, M theory and Big Bang.
then i beleive our argument is now over. that was my only qualm with any of this friend, was claim that it is fact. as stated before there are some facts about the bible that can be proven (adams genetic code, jesus actually existed, etc). as you have has stated, that it is a personal belief and it has improved your quality of life. that is the one and only true argument for religion, theory, and even LoA that i wouldnt in my right mind argue with. i totally believe in the idea of the power of thought, and when it comes down to it if you make it real to you, and act a better person for it, are happier and feel better then hey, i wont harsh on that, i want people to be happy and i want people to live better lives, through whatever means necessary. it is the representation of personal beliefs as facts that i have a problem with, and i would have made a similar post to any number of ideas, including the Big Bang (which is even widely accepted as LIKELY, but still not fact) this is not just about LoA.

so, Branabis, i believe we have found some middle ground here, and we can both move along happily =D ive enjoyed the discussion.


Active Member
then i beleive our argument is now over. that was my only qualm with any of this friend, was claim that it is fact. as stated before there are some facts about the bible that can be proven (adams genetic code, jesus actually existed, etc). as you have has stated, that it is a personal belief and it has improved your quality of life. that is the one and only true argument for religion, theory, and even LoA that i wouldnt in my right mind argue with. i totally believe in the idea of the power of thought, and when it comes down to it if you make it real to you, and act a better person for it, are happier and feel better then hey, i wont harsh on that, i want people to be happy and i want people to live better lives, through whatever means necessary. it is the representation of personal beliefs as facts that i have a problem with, and i would have made a similar post to any number of ideas, including the Big Bang (which is even widely accepted as LIKELY, but still not fact) this is not just about LoA.

so, Branabis, i believe we have found some middle ground here, and we can both move along happily =D ive enjoyed the discussion.
I also enjoyed the discussion. :peace:


Firstly, I hope no one is sour about my posting on this thread again. I really like the idea of the Law of Attraction.

I agree that the things like the Law of Attraction and God should probably not be bother too much with hard empirical evidence, but it makes sense to me as a logical observation of how the world generally works. The only thing that I really don't like was all that confusing bit about knowing:
We know what we know, we know what we don't know, we don't know what we don't know, and we don't know what we know covers all of the collective mind.
One of my life philosophies is that knowledge doesn't exit. Nothing is certain. Anything can be. I think our current understanding of quantum mechanics supports this idea as once something like an electron can appear anywhere by having an observer collapse its superposition state. We do 'know' where the areas where electron is most likely to appear, but miracles happen. Just don't get too cocky, and I'll try not to be either.

The next bit that I have a problem with is the desire as well. I can relate to OjosRojos.
Basically, through the process DEVISE, you can achieve your desires. What are these "desires". Are these worldly desires? Is it a way to achieve enlightenment or a sense thereof?

If we are talking worldly desires, do you think extreme focus would merit more of the stuff that causes the desire?

Now if this process or mindset could be adopted for spiritual growth then I would ride that rollercoaster a few times. I just have a hard time with the desire part because I spend much time to rid myself of them. Huh, wow a lightbulb just went off.....

I have been focusing on desires in a negative way, while you have a mindset that sees desire as a natural part of the cosmos where I see it as a man-made meme. Make sense?
I for one have had experiences naturally doing DeVisE minus the E. I have completely obsessed over friends before wanting so badly to have more in the relationship. The only step that I did not do was the part about being grateful for 'already achieving your desire.' As far as desires go I feel that they are a set up for disappointment, but without desires there may not be as much innovation.

All in all I really like the idea of LoA. I remember meeting someone at Rothbury music festival who kind of told me about it. He said I'd start meeting a lot more people like him. I don't think that happened. I just really like the idea that your thoughts affect the material world/future. It seems to be the mystical basis behind the whole idea. Regardless, if you want something bad enough you are more likely to have it or at least think you have it.

I'm going to experiment with this. Great idea for a new thread. ; )


There aren't any instruments that can measure its supposed effects; therefore, it can not be scientifically proven.