Law of Attraction


Well-Known Member
some would debate if such a thing were real, but my mind is totally open to such an idea. I am also particularly glad you placed it in this this topic (spirituality and philosophy) and did not opt to claim it as fact.

ive been arguing with another member for days who believes in this same sort of fringe science, but put it in another topic, and claims his beliefs are fact, mainly because his friends agree. kudos for the respect for others as recognizing this as an opinion and putting it in the right place. in fact, ill even +rep ya for it =D


Active Member
The universe is governed by the Law of Attraction. It has been proven numerous times that the Law of Attraction works. I've read 'The Secret', 'The Science Behind The Secret', 'Thought Vibration' and 'Decoding the Law of Attraction' and can legitimately back up these facts. This law is much deeper than people think it is. But thank you for the +rep, I posted under 'Spirituality, Sexuality & Philosophy' because the Law of Attraction is a philosophy. But who knows, it could be one big scam.


Well-Known Member
The universe is governed by the Law of Attraction. It has been proven numerous times that the Law of Attraction works. I've read 'The Secret', 'The Science Behind The Secret', 'Thought Vibration' and 'Decoding the Law of Attraction' and can legitimately back up these facts. This law is much deeper than people think it is. But thank you for the +rep, I posted under 'Spirituality, Sexuality & Philosophy' because the Law of Attraction is a philosophy. But who knows, it could be one big scam.
lol mindphuk has already pointed out how flawed your post is but i couldnt resist. you should go hang out with Abysmal Darkening on the Sun Charged Water thread, i think you two and your absolute convicition about unproven fringe science could form a wonderful relationship of bullshit with each other =D


Active Member
lol mindphuk has already pointed out how flawed your post is but i couldnt resist. you should go hang out with Abysmal Darkening on the Sun Charged Water thread, i think you two and your absolute convicition about unproven fringe science could form a wonderful relationship of bullshit with each other =D
How has mindphuk pointed out how "flawed my post is"? All he said was, "no its not" and "no it hasn't". He is wrong by saying that the universe isn't governed by the Law of Attraction. The universe is governed by the 7 natural laws. The Law of VIBRATION AND ATTRACTION, Perpetual Transmutation, Relativity, Polarity, Rhythm, Cause and Effect, and Gender. The Law of Attraction feels good, it is of benefit to me and others as I focus on positive intentions, feeling good, and letting go of worry, doubt, and stress, and yes - it improves the quality of life. Basically we feel something is true after repeated evidence of such a thing. There has been repeated evidence by copious people that the Law of Attraction is real, including myself. So how about KlosetKings and mindphuk socialize on the the We Try To Prove People Wrong With No Evidence thread.


Active Member
lol mindphuk has already pointed out how flawed your post is but i couldnt resist. you should go hang out with Abysmal Darkening on the Sun Charged Water thread, i think you two and your absolute convicition about unproven fringe science could form a wonderful relationship of bullshit with each other =D
lmfao that thread was a crock of shit

also the law of attraction has no scientific barring what so ever. its a attitude adjustment thats all. im not saying its a bad thing but its not backed up by fact


Active Member
lmfao that thread was a crock of shit

also the law of attraction has no scientific barring what so ever. its a attitude adjustment thats all. im not saying its a bad thing but its not backed up by fact
It is an attitude adjustment, but it is more deeper than just that.


Yeah I'll roll on this subject but lets have the gist of it while I do my research. The term has come and gone throughout the years but I have never studied it. Guess the time is now, so break it down for us Branabis I'll play..


Well-Known Member
lmfao that thread was a crock of shit

also the law of attraction has no scientific barring what so ever. its a attitude adjustment thats all. im not saying its a bad thing but its not backed up by fact
agreed. ive experienced shit i cant explain, but to claim something like this as fact.... geez.


Well-Known Member
So how about KlosetKings and mindphuk socialize on the the We Try To Prove People Wrong With No Evidence thread.
It is not up to us to prove you are wrong. It is up to you to prove your claims are correct. You are the one making a positive claim about the existence of something, the burden of proof is on you.


Active Member
As requested by irishwcrick and OjosRojos. I hope your happy because writing this was the hardest I have ever thought while baked. bongsmilie

The whole concept revolves around like attracting like. We know what we know, we know what we don't know, we don't know what we don't know, and we don't know what we know covers all of the collective mind. The Law of Attraction principles are ask, believe, and receive. An easy to grasp Law of Attraction method is called DeVisE. DeVisE is a simple method for attracting to us virtually anything we want in a a practical way. DEVISE IS AN ACRONYM TO HELP YOU REMEMBER WHAT IT MEANS. I'm going to break down DeVisE into different concepts. The first concept is DE, which stands for desire. The second is VIS, which stands for visualize. The 3rd concept is E, which stands for emotionalize. Feel your desire for what you want to attract so strong that it becomes an obsession you only think about. When having the strong desire, visualize yourself having already received it. Feel it, smell it, taste it, hear it, and see it. I like to prepare myself as if I was about to meditate but rather than keeping clear minded, I think only of my desire. I also like to create a picture of my desire and focus on it multiple times of the day. While having the strong desire and the powerfully clear visualization of already having received your desire, get exited about how thankful and grateful you are that you have received your desire already. If you incorporate all three concepts simultaneously and do this often and even non-stop at least in the mind for as long as possible, then powerful results will follow. Utilize the DeVisE method then you will communicate to the universe from a position of strength instead of a position of weakness where you might set yourself up for failure by being in the "will be" mind set. I will not get into The whole concept revolves around like attracting like. We know what we know, we know what we don't know, we don't know what we don't know, and we don't know what we know covers all of the collective mind. The Law of Attraction principles are ask, believe, and receive. An easy to grasp Law of Attraction method is called DeVisE. DeVisE is a simple method for attracting to us virtually anything we want in a a practical way. DEVISE IS AN ACRONYM TO HELP YOU REMEMBER WHAT IT MEANS. I'm going to break down DeVisE into different concepts. The first concept is DE, which stands for desire. The second is VIS, which stands for visualize. The 3rd concept is E, which stands for emotionalize. Feel your desire for what you want to attract so strong that it becomes an obsession you only think about. When having the strong desire, visualize yourself having already received it. Feel it, smell it, taste it, hear it, and see it. I like to prepare myself as if I was about to meditate but rather than keeping clear minded, I think only of my desire. I also like to create a picture of my desire and focus on it multiple times of the day. While having the strong desire and the powerfully clear visualization of already having received your desire, get exited about how thankful and grateful you are that you have received your desire already. If you incorporate all three concepts simultaneously and do this often and even non-stop at least in the mind for as long as possible, then powerful results will follow. Utilize the DeVisE method then you will communicate to the universe from a position of strength instead of a position of weakness where you might set yourself up for failure by being in the "will be" mind set. I will not get into The whole concept revolves around like attracting like. We know what we know, we know what we don't know, we don't know what we don't know, and we don't know what we know covers all of the collective mind. The Law of Attraction principles are ask, believe, and receive. An easy to grasp Law of Attraction method is called DeVisE. DeVisE is a simple method for attracting to us virtually anything we want in a a practical way. DEVISE IS AN ACRONYM TO HELP YOU REMEMBER WHAT IT MEANS. I'm going to break down DeVisE into different concepts. The first concept is DE, which stands for desire. The second is VIS, which stands for visualize. The 3rd concept is E, which stands for emotionalize. Feel your desire for what you want to attract so strong that it becomes an obsession you only think about. When having the strong desire, visualize yourself having already received it. Feel it, smell it, taste it, hear it, and see it. I like to prepare myself as if I was about to meditate but rather than keeping clear minded, I think only of my desire. I also like to create a picture of my desire and focus on it multiple times of the day. While having the strong desire and the powerfully clear visualization of already having received your desire, get exited about how thankful and grateful you are that you have received your desire already. If you incorporate all three concepts simultaneously and do this often and even non-stop at least in the mind for as long as possible, then powerful results will follow. Utilize the DeVisE method then you will communicate to the universe from a position of strength instead of a position of weakness where you might set yourself up for failure by being in the "will be" mind set. I will not get into synchronicity and powerful consciousness technology because it is to hard for me to explain, but I hope I helped RIU members who were curious about the Law of Attraction. +rep is appreciated. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
+rep is appreciated. :mrgreen:
If you truly believed in the LoA, you wouldn't need to ask for +rep points as they should just come to you if you will it. IMO, asking for reps does more harm and frames you in a negative light as the reps should come of their own accord and not because you ask for them.

Seriously, since you buy into this New Age woo woo, would you care to explain the mechanism for this particular law?


Ok I can dig. Here is my bounce back...

Basically, through the process DEVISE, you can achieve your desires. What are these "desires". Are these worldly desires? Is it a way to achieve enlightenment or a sense thereof?

If we are talking worldly desires, do you think extreme focus would merit more of the stuff that causes the desire?

Now if this process or mindset could be adopted for spiritual growth then I would ride that rollercoaster a few times. I just have a hard time with the desire part because I spend much time to rid myself of them. Huh, wow a lightbulb just went off.....

I have been focusing on desires in a negative way, while you have a mindset that sees desire as a natural part of the cosmos where I see it as a man-made meme. Make sense?

Dam, this has been one of those "Pull Head Out Of Ass Momnets", brought to you by,



Oh hey guys it's all good..We can all just chill and have mellow small talk on the subject. we're all on the same team here.

Let's keep rockin on!!! wooooohooo..


Active Member
If you truly believed in the LoA, you wouldn't need to ask for +rep points as they should just come to you if you will it. IMO, asking for reps does more harm and frames you in a negative light as the reps should come of their own accord and not because you ask for them.

Seriously, since you buy into this New Age woo woo, would you care to explain the mechanism for this particular law?
mindphuk, I don't live by the Law of Attraction. I originally didn't post "+rep is appreciated", than I changed my mind and put it because it took forever to type that. I'm not that into the New Age subculture like I may sound. I just like educating myself about various things. I didn't post this thread to argue, I posted it to help people find new interests. I'm going to spark a spliff. :joint:


Active Member
Ok I can dig. Here is my bounce back...

Basically, through the process DEVISE, you can achieve your desires. What are these "desires". Are these worldly desires? Is it a way to achieve enlightenment or a sense thereof?

If we are talking worldly desires, do you think extreme focus would merit more of the stuff that causes the desire?

Now if this process or mindset could be adopted for spiritual growth then I would ride that rollercoaster a few times. I just have a hard time with the desire part because I spend much time to rid myself of them. Huh, wow a lightbulb just went off.....

I have been focusing on desires in a negative way, while you have a mindset that sees desire as a natural part of the cosmos where I see it as a man-made meme. Make sense?

Dam, this has been one of those "Pull Head Out Of Ass Momnets", brought to you by,

I just burned a J of some $15.00 a gram sativa I bought from my buddy and this idea popped into my head. What if the Law of Attraction is just a positive conspiracy by a small group of people who's goal was to lead people to living a happy life? I got this idea from another idea that everyone should have the desire for world people. Damn, this is some fire green. I wish I knew the strain name.


Active Member
Oh hey guys it's all good..We can all just chill and have mellow small talk on the subject. we're all on the same team here.

Let's keep rockin on!!! wooooohooo..
A chill, mellow small talk was what I was aiming for when I made this thread. :peace: