laundry detergent helps with burning?


Well-Known Member
ive read some where (cant seem to find it now) that a little bit of laundry detergent add to your water/nuts helps keeps the nuts from building up and spreads them evenly through the water....has anyone else head this or just a bad idea?


Active Member
You can safely use detergent added to your water and this is only done to help the water penetrate more evenly in soil it also helps the plant get the water faster. I cant see why it would help with leaf burning unless it gave the plant alot more water but if you leaves are burning there getting to hot move them away from the lights and get mor circulation going. If this doesnt fix the problem then you may have a nutrient DEF.


Well-Known Member
You can safely use detergent added to your water and this is only done to help the water penetrate more evenly in soil it also helps the plant get the water faster. I cant see why it would help with leaf burning unless it gave the plant alot more water but if you leaves are burning there getting to hot move them away from the lights and get mor circulation going. If this doesnt fix the problem then you may have a nutrient DEF.

Are you kidding me? That's poison to the plant. Would you eat soap to help your body absorb water? Use perlite to aid in the even distribution of water absorption.


Well-Known Member
You can safely use detergent added to your water and this is only done to help the water penetrate more evenly in soil it also helps the plant get the water faster. I cant see why it would help with leaf burning unless it gave the plant alot more water but if you leaves are burning there getting to hot move them away from the lights and get mor circulation going. If this doesnt fix the problem then you may have a nutrient DEF.
ive been told it helps the leaf burn because the cystals in the plant food can bind together when foliar feeding and create little prisms in the drops of water and burn holes...
and a little bit of soap 2-3 drops per 5 gallons wont hurt anything i even drank some just to be sure....


Well-Known Member
never use sope in water for your plants NEVER!! and if you do you do not deserve to grow any more


too trick

Well-Known Member
ive read some where (cant seem to find it now) that a little bit of laundry detergent add to your water/nuts helps keeps the nuts from building up and spreads them evenly through the water....has anyone else head this or just a bad idea?


Well-Known Member
Its not laundry detergent. What you CAN do, but idk exactly what the benefits are, but Jorge Cerventes does it, is add a DROP, ONE DROP, of dishsoap to a gallon or more of water. What that does is breaks the natural bond the water molecules have with each other, and it makes the water, wetter. That is, the water will more freely flow throughout the soil and into the plant. It wont harm your plant at all.

Read Dish soap useful in garden, also | ®

I wish people would look things up before just commenting that they are SURE it will kill your plants, when they obviously have no experience or knowledge on the subject. Google is your friend.


Well-Known Member
He must have been smoking some strong shit (or you :D ), because I have never heard of anyone doing that. You are probably confusing his method of pest control with nutrient influence. people, do not add soap to your nutrients. pH would be around, what 8, 8.3. good god.


Well-Known Member
I wish people would look things up before just commenting that they are SURE it will kill your plants, when they obviously have no experience or knowledge on the subject. Google is your friend.
Are you serious? Do you believe everything you read? Hold that thought, you already answered that question. Google is a collection of half truth and half opinion. If you trust in that, you might as well trust the bum down at your local convenient store.


Active Member
I can quote the section in Jorges book and in Mel Franks book were it states exactly what Myoso says that you can put a drop per gallion of water so mabey a little research is in order for FROSTDICK THERE


Active Member
I can get quotes from jorges book as well as Mel Franks book stating exactly what Myoso just said , that a drop per gallon is safe and will benifit your plants water consumption by letting the water penitrate more evenly I know it sounds crazy but I have personal experience with this and I'll take Jorges and Mel Franks word over Frostdick anyday. Here is a quote from his book, "Since you want to wet the lower layers, you should thoroughly saturate the soil. If the soil is completely saturated, it should hold water for a minimum of a week. Usually only two or three waterings a month are required by a garden that is completely dependent on irrigation.
The most efficient way to water is to let the water slowly seep into the soil, so that all the organic particles which hold the water are saturated. If the soil is very dry, and the water beads or runs off and is not absorbed, add household laundry detergent at the rate of one or two grams per gallon of water. It acts as a wetting agent, which breaks the surface tension. Once the soil is treated with a wetting agent, it usually absorbs water throughout the growing season." And the website is THE MARIJUANA GROWER'S Mel Frank & Ed Rosenthal its under the section called "Older Plants" Anyone who thinks they know what they are talking about should read up before they give out false info..


I can get quotes from jorges book as well as Mel Franks book stating exactly what Myoso just said , that a drop per gallon is safe and will benifit your plants water consumption by letting the water penitrate more evenly I know it sounds crazy but I have personal experience with this and I'll take Jorges and Mel Franks word over Frostdick anyday. Here is a quote from his book, "Since you want to wet the lower layers, you should thoroughly saturate the soil. If the soil is completely saturated, it should hold water for a minimum of a week. Usually only two or three waterings a month are required by a garden that is completely dependent on irrigation.
The most efficient way to water is to let the water slowly seep into the soil, so that all the organic particles which hold the water are saturated. If the soil is very dry, and the water beads or runs off and is not absorbed, add household laundry detergent at the rate of one or two grams per gallon of water. It acts as a wetting agent, which breaks the surface tension. Once the soil is treated with a wetting agent, it usually absorbs water throughout the growing season." And the website is THE MARIJUANA GROWER'S Mel Frank & Ed Rosenthal its under the section called "Older Plants" Anyone who thinks they know what they are talking about should read up before they give out false info..
+ rep for you!


Well-Known Member
Even if Jorge said it, that doesn't make it law in the land of the green thumb. I could have written a book that told you to put arsenic in your water before you hit your plants. I know people who have tried and failed with soap. It is a harsh chemical and you're wasting your time.


Active Member
Thank you Gogrow.. and thank God you (alexdunaba) havent wrote a book then.. Everybody has their own preferences to growing, but its a fact and until I see a link from you stating otherwise ill continue to take the word of more than one WORLD RENOUNED MARIJUANA CULTIVATOR