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Well-Known Member
lol. Is that why Tweed is doing so well now? Oh, right... Chuck was fired because he knows too much. Look deeper, sheeper.
Umm.. no? Tweed is doing so well now? I assume that's sarcasm, but that doesn't help explain anything else.
Chuck knows too much so he got fired? How does that apply?

The firing was a mess and it was a mix of politics and performance.


Well-Known Member
Lol lp trolls tell your lizard people overlords chuck or no chuck we ain't buying any of your shit.
Still holding out for the LPs that actually give a shit.. there's a few built ready for final inspection and there's a few that haven't even received an LOI but really should. More lawsuits to come I'm sure.


Well-Known Member
I've been on a south park marathon for the past X weeks. Almost done Season 11.
It's ruining my brain but it's worth it.