Late night at the cove -extra cheezy edition

Did RIU up and die when I took a short break and I missed the memo. Where's the love? Where my ganja brothers at? Lol
Gah, just mosquito dunked all the girls and gave them a Serenade shower (for PM), not sure if the Serenade was needed really but I saw a couple of spots on some plants that looked the part. I'd rather be proactive than reactive. Just glad its done now I can go on bout by day. Figure I'll give them a h2o shower just before lights on and then just before lights off tomorrow I'll give them a neem shower for any FG flyers still hanging around. Then - fingers crossed - it will be smooth sailing.

Trying get shit on lock before they start getting bigger. I don't want a repeat of last grow when I had 3' tall plants that I had to treat for SM. Haven't seen any of them this grow btw - knock wood. Anyhow that's enough about my grow.

How is everyone else doing?
Hey canna, I have always used the mosquito dunks as a drench rather than a dunk. Seems to work pretty well but it does take a couple applications to kill them all. I usually rotate with some neem drenches too.

If you did a full dunk with BT my bet is you are going to see it work very well. Way to be proactive
Thanks, yeah I hope so. I had to do a drench on the 5gal. Cuz of the size but I didn't get much in the pots cause I did them last. I did soak the top few inches of them though. I got another dunk brewing now to make sure I can get em all soaked. So you used the neem in the soil? I though you were saying to use as a foliar for some reason.

On a different note, I've been wanting to give the girls a spray down of some kelp I got as a free sample. How long you suppose I should wait after this serenade spray I just gave them?
Yeah, a lot of people use neem as a foliar. I don't like spraying my plants with oil based stuff unless I have to. It is systemic so the roots will uptake it into the plant either way. I use only about 4-5 ml / gallon.

Never used serenade or had PM (knock on wood) so not positive there but I would think you can use the kelp foliar with not much delay. Kelp is good stuff, my plants love it.
No. I must be, lol. I swear I just saw that post for the first time like 10 minutes ago, but when I just commented noticed the date was 5/2 :-/ I'm a shitty friend lol sorry bro