Last 2 Weeks. Please Help


I am 2 weeks from cutting and have some good pieces, but have a MG problem. I use GH with Magical and have been running a high 6.4 PH. The buds on the edges look better than the ones in the middle. I usually just use tap water and ph adjust it the last weeks. I have put in clean water at 6.0 PH for now. I am not sure if more nutrients will save it for 2 weeks or make it taste like junk. Anyway only a small fraction of the hairs have turned. Its just the yellow leaves bleeding into the buds that is bothering me. Any advice would be appreciated.



Well-Known Member
They look great buddy, they are showing Mg def like you said but I think it's normal .. they'll get there soon and taste sweet. Good work (cured Mg irritates the throat and makes the taste more leaf like)


Well-Known Member
i usually feed w just molasses and water for the flush, should help and not give you a chem taste. doesnt loook like a maj issue tho


I am growing 12 plants in hydro and three in dirt. The dirt ones are on their last week and the hydro are about 3 weeks away. How much molasses do you give them? It adds weight to the buds? Right?


Rebel From The North
They look great buddy, they are showing Mg def like you said but I think it's normal .. they'll get there soon and taste sweet. Good work (cured Mg irritates the throat and makes the taste more leaf like)
I agree they look normal to me


Well-Known Member
Just keep it going as long as you can, its just at the end of it's life cycle! they die at the end I know it sad! It hurts!


Well-Known Member
I am growing 12 plants in hydro and three in dirt. The dirt ones are on their last week and the hydro are about 3 weeks away. How much molasses do you give them? It adds weight to the buds? Right?
yea might add a little weight to the buds, i give about a tablespoon of two per gallon, usually just eyeball it.


Well-Known Member
clean plants for being sick natural honey works to but most swear by the molasses but honey when deluded acts like hrydogen poroxcided helps heal and such


Well-Known Member
They don't look that bad. Push it through man, with 2 weeks left you prolly don't wanna add a bunch of stuff. But u do want ur plant to use up all its stored nutrients and chlorophyll, which is what it's doing right now.