Larry's Fall/Winter seed tests

Yesterday was a good above ground planting day. So I dropped a few seeds.

4 Hurricane Head GN
4 Hurricane Head FP
4 Rotten Stinking Bastard
2 Prickly Pear {BST2 GN X BST GN}
1 handful of Peach {this was a early cutting with lots of white seeds mixed in. I broadcast them}
4 60/40 HH {Some seeds made it through to the stash bag with no label. Just by smoking the bud, I'm almost certain it is Hurricane Head, and I'm about 60% sure it's from the FP patch. Thus the name}

I did 8 or 9 different strains, so there is some not in the picture, and therefor, forgotten. That Prickly Pear is not too bad. Very few seeds, as it was a natural pollination.

Yesterday was a good above ground planting day. So I dropped a few seeds.

4 Hurricane Head GN
4 Hurricane Head FP
4 Rotten Stinking Bastard
2 Prickly Pear {BST2 GN X BST GN}
1 handful of Peach {this was a early cutting with lots of white seeds mixed in. I broadcast them}
4 60/40 HH {Some seeds made it through to the stash bag with no label. Just by smoking the bud, I'm almost certain it is Hurricane Head, and I'm about 60% sure it's from the FP patch. Thus the name}

I did 8 or 9 different strains, so there is some not in the picture, and therefor, forgotten. That Prickly Pear is not too bad. Very few seeds, as it was a natural pollination.

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I did 4 seeds of Little Sister, the bent over BST2 in the GN patch that was dusted with her brother's pollen while tied down. They were together in a two plant trench, and Prickly Pear {the skinny, ugly sister} a few feet away.

Also did 4 seeds of one other kind that escapes me at the moment, but I did label all of them. It might have been BST2 FP#1 X CP1 ALw.
Last night by the light of the moon, I transplanted the two flowering females. I used about 6 gallons of my Adult Tomato soil mix. I moved them to an area that was a little wetter than where they were. Good black soil. The pots were full of roots.


I put seedlings in those holes, as well as the one from other male, which I moved well away from the rest of them. Also dug out one of the coffee cup sized holes to hold a pot. There is one more round pot, and two square ones above ground. Will sink them when I have the time. A plane flew over today when I was working on them, so I had to cut it short.

The last male is almost ready to chop. Will check on it in the morning. {Flash picture from last night. Didn't turn out too good}

Larry your pics are looking sweet! Here's an update on my backyard. Sorry if my pics are shitty i smashed up my phone pretty bad.

Kerala krush (starting to slowly fill out trichs are still kinda clearish/cloudyish)
20161116_115149.jpg 20161116_115151.jpg 20161116_115159.jpg 20161116_115206.jpg 20161116_115214.jpg 20161116_115216.jpg

Auto Jock horror planted 10/22 already flowering :(

Oh yea... I also got some shroom spores today. :fire:
I'm watching this too. I live on Oregon coast and have thought about trying a winter grow
Glad to have you @Peg leg, I'm hoping to learn from this go round so I'll be better equipped for my Spring crop. The quickness that they started to flower was a big surprise. I thought I would get a couple more weeks of veg. I'm using lights for the Spring crop, but all of these are natural light. My days are down to 10 hours 28 minutes, so they didn't do much growing before the flip.
Due to my weekend event getting cancelled, I had Friday and Saturday off. I've been doing lots of family time, but did steal an hour yesterday to check on the plants. I should have stayed home. 3 planes flew over while I was digging a hole for 2 young plants. I was too far to make it to the woods, so I just stood over the plants until they flew past. Needless to say, I moved them from that spot. Hope it was just weekenders out for an afternoon, and not the law. Still pretty unnerving.

But before that I did bring food and water to the two flowering plants.


The little Hurricane Head {FP} that I had transplanted a few days ago is a male. Which I am very happy about. That will mean BST2 FP#1 [Big & Stinky] X BST1 FP pollen. I may use it on the two flowering plants. But the lesson learned is to wait for them to show sex before putting them in the ground. But this was the one in the coffee cup, and I needed to get it out of that.

I culled about 5 seedlings that were growing too slow. With the planes flying over, I decided to pull all the small stuff and use the dirt in the holes for the bigger ones.

I did see sprouts in two of the newly planted pots yesterday, but didn't have time to move them above ground. Will try to transplant and get them in the sun tomorrow.
I had sprouts from all the last round of seeds. All of them but the Peach went into the recently emptied holes in the marshgrass. There was a shit-pot of the Peach sprouts, so dug the two plant trench I had done the other day a little bigger, and put them all there.

Did I mention that I had planted a handful of Peach seeds? I potted up 21 in 20 cups, and there is still a good dozen in the hole. Since I was already planning on getting my lights setup for the Spring crop, I decided to to run these until the Spring crop sprouts are up.

I planted the first seeds from my Spring crop today. If they come up good, I will have to move the Peach to the back burner. {1 of the Peach sprouts died. And I had miscounted. It was 22 plants in 20 cups} I do have a few tubes, so I could let them ride a couple more weeks. I will have to build a frame for the lights when I have the time. I didn't really have the two hours I spent planting today.

Anyway. . . .



5 Rotten Stinking Bastard
5 Peach
5 Little Sister


5 Hurricane Head FP
3 Hurricane Head GN


5 Jack Carlos Cross {88's}
5 BST1
5 BST2

Other Crosses

5 BST2 X CP1 {ALw#2}

10 BST2 X CP1 {ALw#1}

5 CP1 {BP#2} X Slo2 {BP}

5 Donkey Kong X Cindy's Blue Cheese

5 Donkey Kong X Grape-ish Bag Seed

1 Tray Jumper at this location.

2 Tray Jumpers at the other location {which I will move as soon as they come up}.

There is at least one strain that I can't remember, and can't make out in the picture.
I cut the Hurricane Head {FP} male today. It was much closer to the 2 Big & Stinky X CP1's than I would have liked. {another reason to just say no when you think it is a good idea to transplant by star light}

Most of the remaining Peach sprouts had been pretty well fucked by bugs. {the HH male was wrapped up with bugs when I cut him} I went ahead and pulled all but a couple of them. May put one of the Peach seedlings that is currently under lights back there.
I may have got the food mixed a little hot on the Peach sprouts. Some of the leaves are showing signs of distress. I added a couple of gallons of water to the bucket to dilute it a little.

Yesterday was a good above ground planting day. So I dropped a few seeds.

4 Hurricane Head GN
4 Hurricane Head FP
4 Rotten Stinking Bastard
2 Prickly Pear {BST2 GN X BST GN}
1 handful of Peach {this was a early cutting with lots of white seeds mixed in. I broadcast them}
4 60/40 HH {Some seeds made it through to the stash bag with no label. Just by smoking the bud, I'm almost certain it is Hurricane Head, and I'm about 60% sure it's from the FP patch. Thus the name}

I did 8 or 9 different strains, so there is some not in the picture, and therefor, forgotten. That Prickly Pear is not too bad. Very few seeds, as it was a natural pollination.

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Damn Iove the names
***Rotten Stinking Bastard***