Larry's Fall/Winter seed tests

Thanks. We have had lows in the 40's this week. Growth will be slower until it warms back up.
Thats crazy man I would be freezing lol. you must really be up there near that panhandle. I even read your post earlier in this thread about how you go hiking, that is awesome man there is very few spots like that here in SFL, unless you like the everglades which im not going out there without a 4X4 and a shotgun. My area is just too populated. :cry:
Thats crazy man I would be freezing lol. you must really be up there near that panhandle. I even read your post earlier in this thread about how you go hiking, that is awesome man there is very few spots like that here in SFL, unless you like the everglades which im not going out there without a 4X4 and a shotgun. My area is just too populated. :cry:
well i meant to say how you can go hiking and just plant seeds along the way.
I am up in the panhandle. Right around Interstate 10. My old next door neighbors moved to Homestead {National Guard} and are involved in catching non-native species in the Glades. Which means really big snakes.

Crowding is relative. I bitch and moan all the time about the traffic on my road. Last night I got to the camp around 1730. I heard 4 or 5 cars go by in the next hour. But from the time I started hiking at 1900 until I got back to the camp two hours later, there was only one car go by.

I have gave planting herb along the Appalachian Trail some serious thought. If I was thru hiking, I don't know how I could get back to pick it though.
I decided the Peach seedling in the GB patch wasn't going to do anything due to lack of light, so I potted it and sunk the pot near the others. It did roll off the little garden shovel and bend the stem. Not sure if it will over it or not, but it wasn't going to do anything where it was at.

Also moved the Hurricane Head {FP} seedling from the garden to near the others. It is younger than the Peach seedling above, but is in full sun all day.

There is no sprouts from the last two sets of seeds I planted. Maybe the cold weather is keeping them from popping. I will move them to my underground greenhouse and see if that will work.

I'll be putting some of these seeds in soil soon. This is the Slo2 that was dusted {pretty heavily} with CP1 {BP#2} pollen. My BIL is wanting seeds from tall plants, and the mother and father of these were both over 10 feet tall. He should like them.

This morning I put a few seeds in soil. And moved the others to the underground greenhouse as well. I planted . . . .

4 [Peach {BST2 FP#1 X BST2 FP#2}]
5 [BST2 FP#1 X CP1 ALw#1]
9 [CP1 BP2 X Slo2 BP]

The BST2 {GN} X BST2 {GN} seeds are 4 of 4. Maybe the subterranean solar germination device is working after all. I sunk them in the garden for the full sun. All 11 hours and 1 minute of it.

First sprout in this pot. {I will have to look back and see what it is}


Grasshoppers got one of the Hurricane Head sprouts. The remaining three look alright.

There was a long legged Peach sprout in the GB trench. The seedling that got bent over during transplant had cashed, so I put this one in that pot. {since it was the only one free}

last year i put out clones early and late after vegging indoors for a few months.the late one's finished around christmas they didn't grow much and the buds wore airy but shoot out a lot of resin covering most of every leaf.the early ones stayed small also three out of the thirteen variety's THC bomb,PR OG 18 & King louie had nice hard buds that wore descent smoke.The rest didn't keel over from the freezing tempts but wore low quality. there are a lot less bugs to deal with in the lower temperatures.
last year i put out clones early and late after vegging indoors for a few months.the late one's finished around christmas they didn't grow much and the buds wore airy but shoot out a lot of resin covering most of every leaf.the early ones stayed small also three out of the thirteen variety's THC bomb,PR OG 18 & King louie had nice hard buds that wore descent smoke.The rest didn't keel over from the freezing tempts but wore low quality. there are a lot less bugs to deal with in the lower temperatures.
Its bug city over here :cuss:
last year i put out clones early and late after vegging indoors for a few months.the late one's finished around christmas they didn't grow much and the buds wore airy but shoot out a lot of resin covering most of every leaf.the early ones stayed small also three out of the thirteen variety's THC bomb,PR OG 18 & King louie had nice hard buds that wore descent smoke.The rest didn't keel over from the freezing tempts but wore low quality. there are a lot less bugs to deal with in the lower temperatures.
I'm starting these outside with no indoor vegging, so they are going to be really small. My main goal is to see how the new seeds do, but I will collect some pollen, make a little smoke, and hopefully learn about cold weather growing for my Spring crop, when I will veg indoors. The quickness that they went into flower was a surprise. I figured I had 4 to 6 weeks, but it was about half that.
Underground greenhouse? like literally underground?
Yes. It's just a hole in the garden with shower doors over it. This picture is from Spring. It's not near that neat looking now.

Yesterday I planted 10 {will insert name when I check the label} seeds in five pots. I think they are BST2 {FP#1} X CP1 {ALw}.
