Larry OG vs. Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (2nd Scrog)

Okay, so with Chrissy and Carly confirmed, I was badly in need of a blonde. So who should respond to my casting call but 2005 Pet of the Year, Martina Warren? I don't know if you've been a Martina Warren fan as long as I've been, but I gotta tell ya, I'm a real sucker for British babes.


She's a whopping 28 years old now, but she assures me that she's held her shape nicely.

I believe her, and I appreciate her honesty. Most models stay 22-24 for like ten years in their model profiles.

I think I may have found my blonde.

I'll definitely have to do a hi-def video interview with her. Dig that British accent.

Oh, and I just noticed that her resume includes High Times. You know what that means. :D

Nobody does that whole "sex kitten" thing like Martina.

And look at this shit. Wow. Smoke a bowl to this. Exciting stuff on the horizon. More to come. Stay tuned!

MMMMMmmmmmmmm Yummy!!! Love the new Blondie Jin! Now where are the nudie shots!?!?!?!?!?
MMMMMmmmmmmmm Yummy!!! Love the new Blondie Jin! Now where are the nudie shots!?!?!?!?!?

Well she was Pet of the Year, and she still hosts her own site, so nude photos of Martina are all over the internet. BUT you haven't seen mine yet. And she has yet to be professionally shot with her new tattoo! I'm gonna be the first! Whoo hoo!

She's also been away on a break from modeling for a while, and she chose me to showcase her return! Such an honor. So it's very much Martina Warren version 2.0 that I'm about to unveil.

What's that sound? What are you doing there? Lol.

Man, if only I could post Martina photos like that one. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to take my own and post those. Yee haw!
Hey Jin

Awesome work on so many levels! I am only on page 25 of 357 but I intend to follow all the way through.

I tried to send you a PM right now RE: your adult work but it says that your PMs are full.

Any other method of contact for you?
Hey Jin

Awesome work on so many levels! I am only on page 25 of 357 but I intend to follow all the way through.

I tried to send you a PM right now RE: your adult work but it says that your PMs are full.

Any other method of contact for you?

I'll clear it out in a bit.

Thanks for reading.
I think you're getting better. Can't give ALL the credit to the equipment. Your weed looks like it's getting better too.
awwww shucks ;) i think it's weird how there's just as much resin under the leaves as is on top! I've been running my UVB same as HPS time, so alot more than what 'most' uvb growers would advise. Again, i'll state that yeah they are trying to mimic mother nature. I'm trying to cheat it. I don't know what to say really, i don't have much basis for comparing really. You on the other hand have grown many fire you think she's 'up there'??

Does she look at all familiar like something you've seen or grown, or anyone for that matter??
Thanx again Jin! Legend, good to know i'm on the right track.
You think I would forget about my tattooed brethren?

I'm currently in discussion with one of my favorite tattoo models, Ronni Riley.

Her style is primarily in the retro-hot rod-tattoo genre, but I think she looks amazing when she does straight beauty. Her ink and her 'conventional beauty' look make an interesting (and hot) amalgam.

That's right, I said amalgam.
yummmmm puuurfect groping top.


Going to have to add an old fave of mine.. Alicia Silverstone. pure goddess and kitten eyes

awwww shucks ;) i think it's weird how there's just as much resin under the leaves as is on top! I've been running my UVB same as HPS time, so alot more than what 'most' uvb growers would advise. Again, i'll state that yeah they are trying to mimic mother nature. I'm trying to cheat it. I don't know what to say really, i don't have much basis for comparing really. You on the other hand have grown many fire you think she's 'up there'??

Does she look at all familiar like something you've seen or grown, or anyone for that matter??
Thanx again Jin! Legend, good to know i'm on the right track.

Yes, I actually see a greater concentration of trichomes on the under side of OG sugar leaves.

Don't know what you're growing, mate, but it looks really, really good by anyone's standards including mine.

yummmmm puuurfect groping top.


Going to have to add an old fave of mine.. Alicia Silverstone. pure goddess and kitten eyes


Oh, shit! Alicia Silverstone! One of my faves from back in the day! Remember this shit?
How weird would Steven Tyler look in regular pants?
Lol! I'm thinking of changing the spelling of my name to Djynn. That'll be my new stage name! Lol!
These are the dangers of smoking too much dope.
Great grow, thanks for sharing . . . . I tried to find the answer for myself but the thread is super long lol so I wanted to save time and just ask you but what was the yield of the plants, which one produced more and which one do you like better, and what were the total amount of days in flower? Thanks and sorry if you already posted the info.