Been with her on and off for a little over 2 years been through hell and back. But yea I think she's attractive

Exactly what kind of crowd are you going after? I feel like it would be more "attractive" to the human mind to not mention the word "girlfriend" at all...coming from the whole sex sells idea of course...
What crowd are we going after? Everyone.
What Femcult will do is bridge gaps and bring people together. It will destroy stereotypes and promote the image of a new kind of Stoner for the 21st century and beyond. The cannabis user as the modern man on the go... self-reliant, self-assured, and always fucking high.
There is huge crossover here in our town between the Cannabis world and the entertainment industry. Cannabis use for medical and recreational reasons has been advanced further because of this, and I'm grateful.. Hollywood (and entertainment as a whole including the music biz) is an influential force, whether people like to admit it or not.
But there is still a gap. There are still people who consider marijuana taboo and have loads of misconceptions about it. Femcult will have something for them too. I'm not worried about the 420 crowd... we own you already. It's everyone else that's the challenge. Even if you're not so 420, there will still be content to interest you. I'll be writing up a rip-roaringly funny send up of the Indy film biz, featuring stories and interviews from the hardest working people in sexploitation horror films. A friend of mine is a director and he has a rolodex filled with hot former porn stars struggling to make it in mainstream films... these girls need all the help they can get, and that's what Femcult is for. There will also be sexy human interest stories. Just as a taste, can you imagine a hot stripper dancing her way through veterinary school to finally host her own web show where she gives pet advice in lingerie? You don't have to imagine that. It's real. And it's one of the first stories we're gonna run in the arts section.
So what's gonna happen? Even the not-so-420friendly person is gonna have fun at this site. Maybe he or she will think, "Gee, this is so much fun I completely forgot it's a Cannabis Magazine!" And maybe this will help ease the attitude of that person towards ganja just a tiny bit. It's all a psychological game that is played in an instant between mouse clicks. I know how to play that game. I've been playing it for decades. We're gonna bring 420 out into the mainstream even more with just a little help from our beautiful Goddesses.
But make no mistake, the hardcore 420 people will not ever for a moment forget that this is about marijuana.
I disagree about the girlfriend thing. I love the word. And I dig the hot girlfriends of other guys, too... If you dig my meaning. I think we all covet our neighbor's ass just a little bit?