Large study shows no correlation between psychedelic use and mental illness

Dollar spunionaire menu...ill have the fried with cheesin smiles...good turkey sandwich..glad all the ice hadn't melted in the cooler..
god I made some bubble hash last month ......soo freakin good. I forgot how good ice bubble hash is... it had been a while.... back when I did that big grow I got a jackpuck press and a bubbleator (mini washing machine) with bags. The jackpuck is cool if you got a lot of keif and don't want to fuck with it. The Ice hash though.... my favorite way to blaze. so clean ... i think I have a tiny piece left.... I need to get a grow going soon somehow....... at least I got some cactus growing.... I am diggin these low doses of mescaline.... it is a working mans high for sure. If you want to make your day just a little weirder take 50-100mg of mescaline
Same way I feel bout the nbomes..I had about a pound and a quarter of sugar leaf I had been savin and made dry ice hash with the 120 bag..split that with my partner and it came out to a half oz apiece...I took mine and pressed a puck inside a medicne jar...some of you guys may have didn't bubble but its knockout still..I was in a hurry to get to the festival...
Someone, somewhere, is frying balls on Acid having a tea party in a massive garden. All the money one could imagine, and not a worry in the world......smoking a hooka loaded with ice hash.......hearing nothing but laughter and some good music in the back round..... not for me though, man....the real world takes a little bit of grit...especially with a brain that was a ton. The big joke in life of course is: Right before or after you die, you get the sudden realization that your life has been perfect and stress free, you just didn't live that way. Every little thing is going to be alright! LOL that is the punch line....The End is the End man.....little worries about bullshit , about money, things....its less that
Hey! no one said LSD was for the weak of heart. This kind of exploration takes true grit! and we are chalked full of that!
Pyschonauts need to be a little bit of a different cut than the average street hippy. They are like the 'hot shots' to fireman.

A psychonaut can work through tighter situations. ..... LOL could pull a hippies hair but don't fuck with a psychonaut. lol or something like that. they can talk their way out of a problems with the cops, or fix a broken car, or be the guy that saves a choking child..... psychonauts have that little extra hightened awareness

whats a average street hippy? lol
Street hippys trip ballz duuuuude.'i ate this mushroom and I tottttalllly tripped ballz brah!'...yeah right..I try not to be objective,but so much of todays 'kids' don't really know what tripping is or is about..I can say this having been on the opposite end..I was young,but was told what a real trip was..and never looked back,dove right in..I pull out a ten strip for a kid to eat nowadays and they cower in fear..its sad.
Randomly giving out hundreds of millions of dollars is a very dangerous game to play. Sooner or later, someone's going to take that $300M jackpot and shove it right up the establishments ass.

Some crazy person gets hundreds of millions of dollars no telling what they might do. That's more than enough to set up ergot bio-reactors and produce 10 billion hits of LSD.
Duuude. I just found this guys post on another webpage. He has a bioreactor and has this massive post on making LSD. Complete with real pictures and shit... this guy is for real.... I don't know if Im allowed to post their link or not.... but google bioreactor for lsd