Large study shows no correlation between psychedelic use and mental illness

L can definitely help addicts/alcoholics. Unfortunately it doesn't impact me mentally like it used to... I quit my enormous oxy habit with the help of a powerful trip the night before. I broke down crying thinking about my life and all that soft stuff... I've become desensitized since then, and don't get experiences like that anymore. Now it's just for entertainment (mostly). The reason it can be such a powerful tool in helping addicts is because it forces you to look at yourself and how you've been doing according to your morals etc. And makes you think about things like if you died right then and there, would you be satisfied with your life? I think it doesn't affect me much anymore, because I've accepted that I'm a jackass, and am completely fine with dying like that.
Skuxx, I don't think your a jackass... as least as far as your posts go. cuz there are some jackasses on here.....
I need to trip out tomorrow and meditate on some things.... I almost tried to fight a guy in the MCdonalds drive thru tonight. He totally cut me off on purpose, like clearly it was not his turn...... I yelled at him and he was clearly drunk... he babbled shit back at me and I got even angrier, took my seat belt off.....his girlfriend or whatever told him to back up and he did........ but wtf is wrong with me....over mcdonalds? I was all ready to throw down too. lol.... I used my calm voice fist though I was like "Bro, be reasonable, come on man, you know I was next." he was all fucked up and said ' you should have got with it ' or some ignorant ghetto shit.... there are very few educated people where I live.... its a mess....
IM drying up some san pedro for tomorrow ... ...... mescaline is so fun .. I can't wait. hopefully it mellows me out.... a little ego loss would not hurt
Mcdonalds is serious shit. People have died over that stuff. It's fast food for a reason! We want it now!!! .
Bill Wilson thought it could be very helpful for alcoholics. Damned shame that his organization bought into the anti drug hysteria of the 60s.
I wish I could still fight. Everything is so much simpler when you're fighting.
that certain anonymous organization is totally corrupt and don't get me started on them. they are all wrapped up in the court systems making a fortune... so much corruption involving it.......... errrrrrr.... Brain washing 101: Put a newcomer in front of the group and coerce them into demeaning themselves. Once you have lowered yourself, or embarrassed yourself, in front of the large group, you become submissive to the group. The group then accepts you and allows you to think you are less than everyone there but important to the group. You are now a part of the group. Mind control.

Millions of members, under 5% success rate for recovery. Something is wrong here, and it has nothing to do with booze.
Yeah but those meetings have some sexy chicks. Especially the NA ones. A lot of them I would hardly even consider an addict... but hey, they are attention seeking and easy pickings ;). Oh yeah you're all married.
lol, i like your style. Reminds me of Wedding Crashers.... will ferrel crashing the funerals. LOL
Im getting that San Pedro dried out... I think the heater must have kicked off sometime last night cuz it usually dries overnight. I have two good heaters and a fan on my pot with the cactus paste. I need it dry by 3... that way I can still get a couple hours of sleep. sleep may not be on the menu for tonight
A foot of fairly thick san pedro was only 30 grams of dried powder ... just another threshold high... what a fantastic drug mescaline is! It should be used to treat all types of depression. At low doses, mescaline is so great. You could fully function at any task i.e. operate heavy machinery, wash the car, perform math operations and hold conversations, and you feel like 10 million dollars.
I could see time taking away the last moment.... like a dust being sucked into a veil that can only be seen with the right eyes
Higher doses of mescaline is even better... until you get to the 800-100mg range, thats only for those that like it weird.... dont plan a day with 800 mg a mescaline, you will be melted into the fabric of time and space
mescaline does not have a friendly come down. Next day I feel like my head is a balloon on a string with a light headache, I rested really good but did not sleep much. Mescaline lets you relax and just drift off into a dream but you aint sleepin, LOL...... kinda grumpy and I want to do more mescaline.... But I found some old hash from a grow two years go... top quality shit, I smoked it and I think the nostalgia alone got me high. ..... it is so cool how weed flavors can take you back to a distant memory.
Coincidence..I found 2 ounces of sharksbbreath in a backpack..I hid it from myself sometime or another..that lemon smell and taste was still there! I been remembering ever since..