Large study shows no correlation between psychedelic use and mental illness

Any documented cases and studies with proof someone went crazy from LSD duck?..we've all heard of the guy who thinks he's a glass of orangejuice,but I've never met real,anyone spoke to a tripping 'fatality'? Or know of one instance that is well documented?
Not really, also hard to pin down exactly what was taken. I'm betting a number of adverse DOM experiences got reported as being LSD way back when. Some crazy hippy in the ER had to be on LSD, right?
But really,we've all known or heard of someone going to the hospital on psychedelics,hell my own brother did on acid,but I'm talking irreversible rocking back and forth in a corner this scenario I'm thinking,average joe eats a decent amount of 300ug..perfectly sane average joe..and then goes liciking the wall crazy,and stays like that..any documented cases of such?by the govt or any reputable doctor/health care firm?
It's got to be possible... because you see people shellshocked during WWI, and severe PTSD now days where people get all sorts of bizarre problems. I'm sure with a trip disturbing enough to the right person, it could do some permanent or at least long lasting damage. But I've never heard of it! Except for the orange juice guy lol.... how the fuck did that story become so widespread?

Sometimes when I'm frying balls, I think that I'll be the first person to be permanently wacko. But then I remember that I already am.
Idk skuxx..everytime I heard the story it began with 'my cousin knew this guy...'..either the orange juice guy is the most popular/interesting man in the world,or every on who heard this from his cousin must be fulla sheeit!'i don't allways drink orange juice,but when I do,I'm frying balls'.....
I went into a 3 day paranoia trip from LSD, i went to sleep on the third day and I saw a beam of light hit me in the forehead. When I woke up , I was back on ground........ I have taken enough LSD, like Skuxx, to think im never coming back...... I like Skuxx theory of PTSD. LSD ain't for everyone...give some to a total church nut that has skeletons in the closet... like a church going married man that is actually gay.... Im pretty sure Acid would fry some peoples minds out of whack forever.

I know all of you can think of at least two or three people you know personally that would lose their shit completely on LSD.

I never give homeless people money unless I can clearly see they are actually crazy........ I will give a buck to the crazies.

I have a soft spot for skitso type people...I have seen what they see.... I always wonder if the man yelling at the sky has just taken too much LSD
but this survey says otherwise.... still
Unfortunately there is no social context for halucinogens. This is where much of the damage comes. Someone sitting at home take a big dose of some mystery drug, freaks out and attacks a train. Much of this can be prevented.

I notice reading through erowid that the vast bulk of bad trips involve taking way too much. "My friend got this stuff he called DoC on the internet. We made a couple small line and railed it up. Thats when the trouble began"
Wrong chemcial, bad chemical, too much chemical, taking chemical in wrong place and cops is the cause behind 98% of the bad experiences.

It would be nice if there were places people could go to recieve pure substances in proper doses and take them in a safe environment where trained people were available in case there was an issue. In circumstances like this the harm would be negligable. But no, instead we get some kids snorting 200mg of DPT in the local park then crashing their car as they try to drive to safety when chased by the devil.

The environment we have created is toxic, the drugs not so much.

Many of these drugs can cause a state which would be recognized as a religious experience. As such they should be protected under the constitution as religious behaviour. This has been done on a limited scale with the native american church, peyote way, church of the light and others. We need a new church which embraces LSD, Mescaline, 2C-B, 2C-E, Mushrooms, MDMA, MDA, DMT, DPT, DOC and others as their sacraments.
Well then, welcome to the First Internet Church of the Pyschonaut! All we need are members!
I think it would require someone winning the lottery. With a $250 million jackpot you could afford to send 40 people through law school then have them sue the federal government in perpetuity.
That'd be an interesting way to do it. Something needs to change. I've been amazed at how so many articles after the cancellation of electric zoo called the policies that lead to it happening into question. It was really nice to see.
i imagine if someone wins the lottery they give about fuck all to any petty doper they use to know on RIU.... the world of the haves don't have time to be bothered by the have nots. And 250 $ million dollars is like piss change to the big boys keeping drugs illegal. Pharmacy companies fart 250$ million dollars. I hate to be a nay sayer.... what we need is a leader. We need someone to organize the freaks! Freak Power! We need a solid doper that can get shit done. We need some high energy electricity to get people to realize our liberties have been stripped. .....political efficacy does not require money, although it seems that way. It seems unattainable .....but this is a democracy after all..... if we could only start the buzz.... turn off your fucking TVs and get the Freak Power out in the streets , we could fight for our freedoms promised to us in the Constitution. ..... more likely we will just stay inside, glued to the TV and whatever Gladiator combat the government lets us watch while the politicians rake in the cash....... all you need is your bud light, football, and your 9-5 job... but you better keep in line. don't peak around the corner and see what is behind the curtain........
Fuck imp..I been crusading for years...I can honestly say I've spread so much least 100 grams of L has been through my hands..not at once mind you..just over the I'm older and retired,and can't be a 'psychedelic politician'
Kervork..I thing religion and a structured environment will complicate things in the long run...allways has..look at the churches and governments thus far...I feel that one should be introduced to a substance..get to know it,and then have free reighn on how and what they take..after their experiences they can make up their mind for themselves..I know I have a very knowlegable grasp on lsd..I see no religion in it,just spirituality...there def wasn't any god last weekend while I was wallowing on the ground...lsd never showed me god,nor has any other drug..just how to be a better person and spread the love of man.
And I mean that in a friendly way bro..some people percieve life long as were understanding,our perception is generally the same.
over the years duck..and a lot of those were way more than 100ug...but id like to see a million hits..ill send ya a pic...
I do regularly give away headstash to my friends,also knowledge about psychedelics..hopefully this is spread around and makes a difference...TURKEY SANDWICH TIME..(damn ice hash makes me hungry!)..