Landlord wants to come visit the property? what should I do?

If it was me, I guarantee you within an hour of her coming over she would've had a glass of wine and 20 minutes later I would have stinky finger and a rent reduction of $200 per month for continued service. Up your game, stop focusing on IKEA, and start focusing on getting moisture. Period.
If it was me, I guarantee you within an hour of her coming over she would've had a glass of wine and 20 minutes later I would have stinky finger and a rent reduction of $200 per month for continued service. Up your game, stop focusing on IKEA, and start focusing on getting moisture. Period.
LOOL I don't even drink but man you're turning me on I wouldn't mind giving her a go lol can it be done without alcohol? she seems a little stiff though shes like 40-45 I believe.
Im happy I own my own place now. But was renting how I hid them was put plants in back of my van which has blacked out windows. Then put all my home brew gear into the grow room and said it had reflective stuff on the walls to keep area sterile and easy to clean and the light was there because it was a UV active yeast.

Never had a problem. They never even bothered looking in that room again after the first inspection.
So what happens when your landlord knows what a growtent looks like? Everyone else has covered what you need to do with the Uhaul and all.
But regardless if you wanna have your landlady drop those panties then here's my suggestion. Grab a bottle of mead. Grab a bottle of port. Mix it. After 2 glasses turn of some music to set the mood. No Lil Wayne shit, Emminem or Sublime stoner music. (maybe creep her FB and see what she likes) a glass or 2 more and you should be well on your way to tongue punching her in the fartbox.
Simple solution.....;
If your illegally growing you'd be a fool not to disassemble everything and get it all packed away . I'd rather spend several hours taking everything down as opposed to the next year or two in jail.
It's your life do what you think is best for you . I personally wouldn't take the chance !
Wait why cedar blocks?, and so uninstall the light and take out everything? including fan carbon filter external 16" fan too damn man pain in the ass that's like the main bit tent takes minutes to install.
Do you really want to keep your lights running? Do you want to keep the fans blowing? (I bought some cedar blocks; disconnected my filter from my tent, turned my lights off; and told my land lard my tent was a home-made cedar closet.). This may not work now since landlords read these comments! BE CREATIVE!!!
Okay so I have a 100x100x200 tent, and I currently have a loose bed/mattress sheet (the ones without the fitted corners) I have that put on it so it looks like the material is naturally grey. could be sold off as like a shelf? or a wardrobe or a storage room?, was planning on saying it's like a cheap shelf I keep my books and I put that on top so dust and stuff don't get to it but wondering if that's stupid? the landlord isn't there to check/search my property but obviously I don't want her to be suspicious, funny thing is imagine my living room, on the other side of the room is the window, on the left side of the window wall is my dinner table and chairs and on the right side is my tent and on the opposite corner of the tent is my wardrobe (yeah I know wardrobe in living room) it's because I switched my bedroom and living room up so my old living room is now my bedroom and my wardrobe was too big and wont fit out of the door.
So would it look obvious? or it could be bought off?, alternatively I can always uninstall the tent and put my plants in wardrobe or cabinet or something but I don't want to, it just causes so much hassle and backache that lasts me 3days every time I install a tent due to amount of bending I do and it's going to take time.
It looks like this picture but like a different colour I got baby blue and brown and black and obviously without the door? if she asks how do you get inside what do I respond? do I tell her this is the original material or that I put it on top of myself?
I take everything down hide plants remove ducting light pack the tent up ppl r not dumb a wardrobe in the middle of ur lounge room is strange
Problem is she's just being nosy in my opinion, she doesn't need access to my bedroom and my living room, their safety assessment is based on the environment they're working in and all the access they need is the hall way and the bathroom or kitchen which the hallway is connected to both, to be honest with you she isn't even the landlord she's just the state manager rented the house from this company she's just there to check and snoop around and take peoples complaints or concerns or other neighbors, etc..., you want to talk about fire or damage? when I moved into the property one of the rooms were completely painted in BLACK YES BLACK, ceiling and the walls and when I told her she simply refused but at the time I didn't have a job or an income and I was under age so the company gives you the house now that I'm over the age and I have an income I pay them rent they simply refused to do anything they were like either you live here or you gtfo in a nicer way and live in the streets, I spent 2000 of my hard money decorating and painting the place.
By mess the only thing that was messy was the flower had some clothes (dirty laundry) and night before went shopping and left the bags unpacked, I can have a shit and rub it all over the walls for all I care I painted and decorated the whole place myself (sorry for banter It just makes me made thinking about the state the house was in).
From this statement I reakon u leave the tent wide open so arrogant fucks like u goto jail lmfao ur a dumb shit pack the fucken tent up u lazy fucker hide ur plants if u not happy with ur house rent a different 1
If your home is so unkept you deny the landlord access to rooms & your landlord is assessing the safe working environment of her subcontractor it sounds like you've got a big problem comming up with her based on cleanliness.

Unless your landlord is a slumlord or complete nincompoop i highly doubt she's not gonna question the elephant in the room obviously hiding something ,or hiding property damage , if i were you i'd take the entire grow down , then after workers are finished reorganize & clean my home where a wardrobe in a clean bedroom wouldnt draw attention or look out of place .

I have to say, I agree with panhead; what you described sounds like her being very suspicious and she's not going to stop until her suspicions are either confirmed or relieved. If it were me, I'd take it all down. That said, if you live somewhere where it's legal, then go for it.
I have to say, I agree with panhead; what you described sounds like her being very suspicious and she's not going to stop until her suspicions are either confirmed or relieved. If it were me, I'd take it all down. That said, if you live somewhere where it's legal, then go for it.
Chill guys I took it down it went smooth she came with her colleague so I couldn't tongue punch her :'(
No you don't understand yes I agree I'm probably to blame but she was suppose to check only the bathroom and the kitchen only but cuz it's messy she's like "seen as I'm here might as well check the whole house" so now she wants to check fml I have to spend 2 hours taking the tent down and every time I take that bloody thing that the house gets so dusty and messy and I have to hide all the equipment and you know how much hassle it is to fold the tent material accurately? :(

she is your landlord .
you asked her over and are now stressing about the tent ?

its only a small setup could be took down and put back up in an hour why would you ask her over while your growing plants also why would u want to take the risk of her seeing your op and before you know it police are in ya shit i had to take down a 8 light setup in the past with 32 plants had to move everything into a transit van earlie hours of the morning my setup took us 9 hours to get everything back to inspection and longer to set back up even if i could of hiden the plants in the house the smell would of been too much and landlord really aint stupid mate if its the only property she got and not been a landlady long she might be a bit blind to the signs but imo lots of landlords have founds grows or signs of them in there properties in the past and even without looking for obvious signs the signs jump out at them just my 2 pence
Want to know a secret? same house previous person got kicked out, they wanted access to have a look at the property and asked him and sent him so many letter but the retard didn't respond or anything or give them access so they broke in, but he had his set up in open space without a tent, (I've been told by neighbors).
its a bit raving then that your following in the same foot steps as the previous tennant she definately not stupid and proberly checks all her properties for growing after the last tennants