Landlord wants to come visit the property? what should I do?

I know right? If they were real they would all end with cops showing up, then fade out to little "One month later" text like at the end of Beyond Scared Straight that would sum up the court cases that inevitably followed.
Ikr? Walks up to her "I'm just gonna go for it" kisses total stranger she gives him her numb, real life you have to flash some green to get that far(lol jk to sensitive women), but yeah like just imagine the tent cover it's black correct? With exhaust holes imagine that fully covered with a sheet of material fully fitted, just to make it look normal I can even go ahead throw some decorations on top to make it look legit such as toys statues remote control car I have had memory of my childhood. I'd share pics but I'm really paranoid about that I don't want to be sharing evidence on the net, posting plants is one thing and then posting a picture of how your room looks is another I might consider privately sharing if anyone is interested.
or close the whole thing up and say u grow veggies and give her a bag of tomato's and some herbs u are gunna be fucked tho if she wants to look in it and its gunna be suss if u say no
No that's like putting petrol on fire. And really obvious seen as no one is stupid enough to do home grow veg cuz it costs more than buying it outside.
Well she wanted to visit with an engineer to look at my bathroom and kitchen and the condition of it to fit in a new bathroom and kitchen (As I requested, the bathroom is so old it doesn't even have a shower it has tap water) so she agreed. House was a bit messy at the time so she was like "can I check see if you're keeping the house tidy and whether it's safe environment for our workers to come" I was like I can't let you into the other rooms at the moment it's quite messy I said you may look but it's messy I feel embarrassed, obviously she couldn't force me and by law she must give me notice so she said she would be back in 2 weeks and said that should give me enough time to tidy up.

Wow , just wow , as a landlord of nearly 30 upscale homes i will tell you right off we'd have a big problem as tenant & landlord & we are very mj friendly landlords, as long as shits done right & not in living quarters .

If your home is so unkept you deny the landlord access to rooms & your landlord is assessing the safe working environment of her subcontractor it sounds like you've got a big problem comming up with her based on cleanliness.

A grow tent in living quarters is a very serious fire risk in the best kept homes , if your place is unkept & cluttered as you say it adds to the risk of fire , your denial of access is sure to pique her interest as to wtf is happening in her property .

Fyi , if one of our rentals burned down yesterday & fire dept deemed cause as a mj grow & excess clutter the 1st thing our insurance company would want from us would be a list of dates & times the property was inspected ( looking for reason to deny claim ) , i care about our properties & would not just walk past something so obviously out of place as your set up without asking you to show me what was behind the sheets , it could be a massive hole in the wall with exposed wiring so walking past shit like that wouldnt fly with me , the $800 deposit or whatever amount wouldnt cover my $100,000 loss in a fire .

Unless your landlord is a slumlord or complete nincompoop i highly doubt she's not gonna question the elephant in the room obviously hiding something ,or hiding property damage , if i were you i'd take the entire grow down , then after workers are finished reorganize & clean my home where a wardrobe in a clean bedroom wouldnt draw attention or look out of place .
What about odors ? ... Is it obvious ?
I say do a full shutdown , remove plants , 24 hour dark in garage or something.
Most tents look like a wardrobe , hang shirts coats from light bar . Buy a fern .
I would worry more about danky aromas hitting her in the face.

1. Run a humidifier with VICKS MENTHOL to cloud odors , tell her you got Ebola .
2. " Roofie" her
3. Buy a blowup doll and lay on top of bed , she will run away.

But seriously lay folded blankets towels whatever to simulate a storage area.
Plastic bins , stuff like that.
Wow , just wow , as a landlord of nearly 30 upscale homes i will tell you right off we'd have a big problem as tenant & landlord & we are very mj friendly landlords, as long as shits done right & not in living quarters .

If your home is so unkept you deny the landlord access to rooms & your landlord is assessing the safe working environment of her subcontractor it sounds like you've got a big problem comming up with her based on cleanliness.

A grow tent in living quarters is a very serious fire risk in the best kept homes , if your place is unkept & cluttered as you say it adds to the risk of fire , your denial of access is sure to pique her interest as to wtf is happening in her property .

Fyi , if one of our rentals burned down yesterday & fire dept deemed cause as a mj grow & excess clutter the 1st thing our insurance company would want from us would be a list of dates & times the property was inspected ( looking for reason to deny claim ) , i care about our properties & would not just walk past something so obviously out of place as your set up without asking you to show me what was behind the sheets , it could be a massive hole in the wall with exposed wiring so walking past shit like that wouldnt fly with me , the $800 deposit or whatever amount wouldnt cover my $100,000 loss in a fire .

Unless your landlord is a slumlord or complete nincompoop i highly doubt she's not gonna question the elephant in the room obviously hiding something ,or hiding property damage , if i were you i'd take the entire grow down , then after workers are finished reorganize & clean my home where a wardrobe in a clean bedroom wouldnt draw attention or look out of place .
Problem is she's just being nosy in my opinion, she doesn't need access to my bedroom and my living room, their safety assessment is based on the environment they're working in and all the access they need is the hall way and the bathroom or kitchen which the hallway is connected to both, to be honest with you she isn't even the landlord she's just the state manager rented the house from this company she's just there to check and snoop around and take peoples complaints or concerns or other neighbors, etc..., you want to talk about fire or damage? when I moved into the property one of the rooms were completely painted in BLACK YES BLACK, ceiling and the walls and when I told her she simply refused but at the time I didn't have a job or an income and I was under age so the company gives you the house now that I'm over the age and I have an income I pay them rent they simply refused to do anything they were like either you live here or you gtfo in a nicer way and live in the streets, I spent 2000 of my hard money decorating and painting the place.
By mess the only thing that was messy was the flower had some clothes (dirty laundry) and night before went shopping and left the bags unpacked, I can have a shit and rub it all over the walls for all I care I painted and decorated the whole place myself (sorry for banter It just makes me made thinking about the state the house was in).
I could care less if it took me 5 hours to take everything out especially if i have been working on it for months! Get it out or out of sight, get on track with your landlord then
continue. You will sleep better, and your probably not the first tenant of hers that has/had an operation, watch out.
What about odors ? ... Is it obvious ?
I say do a full shutdown , remove plants , 24 hour dark in garage or something.
Most tents look like a wardrobe , hang shirts coats from light bar . Buy a fern .
I would worry more about danky aromas hitting her in the face.

1. Run a humidifier with VICKS MENTHOL to cloud odors , tell her you got Ebola .
2. " Roofie" her
3. Buy a blowup doll and lay on top of bed , she will run away.

But seriously lay folded blankets towels whatever to simulate a storage area.
Plastic bins , stuff like that.
At the moment I have an unused carbon filter to me smell isn't a problem at the moment as my tent is exhausted and is behind the window and I leave my window open 24/7 I'll just do some air freshening, and I don't have a garage bro.
I could care less if it took me 5 hours to take everything out especially if i have been working on it for months! Get it out or out of sight, get on track with your landlord then
continue. You will sleep better, and your probably not the first tenant of hers that has/had an operation, watch out.
Want to know a secret? same house previous person got kicked out, they wanted access to have a look at the property and asked him and sent him so many letter but the retard didn't respond or anything or give them access so they broke in, but he had his set up in open space without a tent, (I've been told by neighbors).
Lets say for example this lady has caught 2 tennants prior to your residency,they all had a messy house, the two faced neighbors who act cool always rants about a shady residence,only because it happened in the past,you and the old residence is and or was probably in the mid 20's and lives in a stoner town. Now this lady, as her job is to report your living environment per complaint or even simple checks, if she has experience with her expertise she WILL be ready for suspicious acts and items to report. Best thing to do is like cali said, hide it at a friend's house or in uhaul. If you are young like me, they will not rule out drug use, somebody that stereotypes on the daily, can probably see your up to no good.
Want to know a secret? same house previous person got kicked out, they wanted access to have a look at the property and asked him and sent him so many letter but the retard didn't respond or anything or give them access so they broke in, but he had his set up in open space without a tent, (I've been told by neighbors).
The fact that they broke in is a dead giveaway that they were suspicious.
Rent a small uhaul truck or van for 20 bux. Park it in your driveway. Put all your plants and tent and equipment in it. Park it across the street if you so desire. Theres nothing in your house now. Ive had to do this with 24 lights in flower. I think you can handle 1 tent.
Seems to me you really stepped in it. She has to be wondering wth is going on in the house now.
Shoulda just took shit down and did what was needed to do. Now it will never go away.
I say you better get your place spotless and smelling like fresh laundry, I'm guessing she's on a fishing expedition looking for a reason to evict you
I would have the place so spotless she feels comfortable sitting down and have a coffee/tea with you
Get rid of all your gear & plants or be prepared incase she calls the police or evicts you
The choice is yours but I'd hate to see your next post as
"I got evicted now what"
Remind me of the time that my buddy sent pics of his new place to his mom. He took one of the living room and then another with the bong on the coffee table for his friends. He accidently sent the bong pic. He panicked. Tried to cover it up by sending the exact same email over and over with all the pics except the bong one. Hopeing she wouldn't even open the first one. She replied the next day "whats that on the coffee table?"

Then he says it's a "special beer glass" ahahahaha

Luckily it was just his mom and not a landlord that can boot him out :lol:

Take the tent down, it's probably not worth the risk. Next time figure out how to deal with this stuff BEFORE starting your grow.
take plants out of tent, put a jesus/buddha statue in there.
Light some incense sticks and lay out a bible and a few flowers and a rosary chain.
Wear a muumuu and pretend ur a newage born again nutcase and its your personal shrine. Keep your grow light on to simulate the divine light of the holy spirit.
Okay so I have a 100x100x200 tent, and I currently have a loose bed/mattress sheet (the ones without the fitted corners) I have that put on it so it looks like the material is naturally grey. could be sold off as like a shelf? or a wardrobe or a storage room?, was planning on saying it's like a cheap shelf I keep my books and I put that on top so dust and stuff don't get to it but wondering if that's stupid? the landlord isn't there to check/search my property but obviously I don't want her to be suspicious, funny thing is imagine my living room, on the other side of the room is the window, on the left side of the window wall is my dinner table and chairs and on the right side is my tent and on the opposite corner of the tent is my wardrobe (yeah I know wardrobe in living room) it's because I switched my bedroom and living room up so my old living room is now my bedroom and my wardrobe was too big and wont fit out of the door.
So would it look obvious? or it could be bought off?, alternatively I can always uninstall the tent and put my plants in wardrobe or cabinet or something but I don't want to, it just causes so much hassle and backache that lasts me 3days every time I install a tent due to amount of bending I do and it's going to take time.
It looks like this picture but like a different colour I got baby blue and brown and black and obviously without the door? if she asks how do you get inside what do I respond? do I tell her this is the original material or that I put it on top of myself?
Tell them that your girlfriend is in that room(naked) sleeping a heavy hangover off and doesn't like to b disturbed.....
Rent a small uhaul truck or van for 20 bux. Park it in your driveway. Put all your plants and tent and equipment in it. Park it across the street if you so desire. Theres nothing in your house now. Ive had to do this with 24 lights in flower. I think you can handle 1 tent.
Done that and honestly it was a nightmare......