Land and Heir Genetics / Paydirt seeds

I'm stoked for that to entertain some of my ladies. I've narrowed down which of my Malawi his clone will hit first... and of corse I think a Malawi Laos love child is in order too
Malawi x Laos would be awesome. I havent grown any Malawi out here because I havent gotten the right Malawi yet, but I have smoked many a Laos and that would be an awesome orgy. Havent grown any Laos yet either though I know there are a few mixed in with the seeds I have. I havent seen any Laos for a few years here I guess, but I assume its still around if I look.
Malawi x Laos would be awesome. I havent grown any Malawi out here because I havent gotten the right Malawi yet, but I have smoked many a Laos and that would be an awesome orgy. Havent grown any Laos yet either though I know there are a few mixed in with the seeds I have. I havent seen any Laos for a few years here I guess, but I assume its still around if I look.
this is the only one i got to take out of the bunch. I hope she smokes good. When i have the cross seeds id send some your also going to cross it with the Thai male i have... hoping for good things... his stem rub smelt so sweet my mouth wouldnt stop watering lol
Here's the vintage pakis. I just transplanted them yesterday to bigger pots and a lighter soil mix. Just growing way to slow and pissed off at me. Will be flipping the malawis in a couple of weeks. Then the pakis 3-4 after that.


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Wow Kenyans more wide leaf leaning eh, I would have pegged most anything from Africa as having narrow leaves, though Ive never been on that side of Africa. The bush weed around Angola was definitely narrow leaf and we all know about the Malawi and most of the West African varieties are narrow leaves. Have you ever seen any Ethiopian? Curious what its like as well?
I've never seen any Ethiopian herb I lived in south Africa and saw Mozambique, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Egypt and that's it for my African countries I believe. I have seen some def hybrids growing wild in these places thought is the tea trade and spice trade to India and Pakistan most likely brought fat broad leafed varieties into south Africa and they began hybridizing, then inbreeding for at least since the 16-1700s?
My theory on why Durban is so much faster than say rooibard or swazi or drakensburg. I guess to confirm legitimacy we would need a weed nerd from Kenya or someone very very familiar with the indigenous cultivars to know