Lack of excitment

I don't know perhaps its me but their seems to be no excitement on Riu any more, nothing seems the same I don't see any familiar names appearing, the usual witty banter taking place, no polls from pada, whats happened! Its like this new RIU has thrown us into a dull mode. Maybe I'm just feeling miserable, what do you guys think? :cry:

I'm thinking it may just be a combination of things, Granny. RIU should be getting back to "normal" (not) soon, I would think.
I've been feeling the same way for a while now. Maybe our changing hormone levels come into play. Perhaps we both need to get our internal juices flowing again. Being an older gentleman myself, I was thinking, maybe you and I should meet up over on the "Sex Talk Thread", just to get things growing....... I mean going again. What ya think Granny ? :wink:
I've been feeling the same way for a while now. Maybe our changing hormone levels come into play. Perhaps we both need to get our internal juices flowing again. Being an older gentleman myself, I was thinking, maybe you and I should meet up over on the "Sex Talk Thread", just to get things growing....... I mean going again. What ya think Granny ? :wink:[/QUOTE]
Well I'm flattered of course, but I will have to pass on that one, the sex talk thread doesn't do it for me. All this cyber sex is nothing like the real thing, and anyway I'm getting plenty!! but thank you for asking. :oops::o:grin:
I've been feeling the same way for a while now. Maybe our changing hormone levels come into play. Perhaps we both need to get our internal juices flowing again. Being an older gentleman myself, I was thinking, maybe you and I should meet up over on the "Sex Talk Thread", just to get things growing....... I mean going again. What ya think Granny ? :wink:
Well I'm flattered of course, but I will have to pass on that one, the sex talk thread doesn't do it for me. All this cyber sex is nothing like the real thing, and anyway I'm getting plenty!! but thank you for asking. :oops::o:grin:[/QUOTE]

Yessss! GW you go girl!!
I've been feeling the same way for a while now. Maybe our changing hormone levels come into play. Perhaps we both need to get our internal juices flowing again. Being an older gentleman myself, I was thinking, maybe you and I should meet up over on the "Sex Talk Thread", just to get things growing....... I mean going again. What ya think Granny ? :wink:
Well I'm flattered of course, but I will have to pass on that one, the sex talk thread doesn't do it for me. All this cyber sex is nothing like the real thing, and anyway I'm getting plenty!! but thank you for asking. :oops::o:grin:[/QUOTE]

You're welcome Granny and I agree with you all the way. All this new fangled stuff now days, just isn't like the old days. :roll:
I have seen this happen on countless forums after major changes like RIU just went through. The seasoned regulars always disappear for a bit because they do not like the way the new site looks, it may be difficult for them to see what I am getting at. But eventually, they always come back. That is because they realize it was the USERS that drove them to post here, not the aesthetics of the website.
Maybe you need a....muscle relaxer?

I'm thinking it may just be a combination of things, Granny. RIU should be getting back to "normal" (not)
Well I'm flattered of course, but I will have to pass on that one, the sex talk thread doesn't do it for me. All this cyber sex is nothing like the real thing, and anyway I'm getting plenty!! but thank you for asking. :oops::o:grin:

You're welcome Granny and I agree with you all the way. All this new fangled stuff now days, just isn't like the old days. :roll:

soon, I would think.
I've been feeling the same way for a while now. Maybe our changing hormone levels come into play. Perhaps we both need to get our internal juices flowing again. Being an :wink:
I've been feeling the same way for a while now. Maybe our changing hormone levels come into play. Perhaps we both need to get our internal juices flowing again. Being an older gentleman myself, I was thinking, maybe you and I should meet up over on the "Sex Talk Thread", just to get things growing....... I mean going again. What ya think Granny ? :wink:
Well I'm flattered of course, but I will have to pass on that one, the sex talk thread doesn't do it for me. All this cyber sex is nothing like the real thing, and anyway I'm getting plenty!! but thank you for asking. :oops::o:grin:[/QUOTE]

But granny how can you pass up such a sly talker like Foothills lol