Lace and Frills <3

Do you think that Terry Bradshaw is qualified to comment on current quarterbacks, or Wayne Gretzky is qualified to comment on current hockey players?

You don't have to currently be something to be able to comment on it when you have had enough experience doing it in the past to know exactly what you are talking about.

Seriously i'd love to see ur fun or informative side, but all u seem to offer are the ramblings of a bitter old man, this makes me sad man, when i joined people talked about u like u truly had something to offer to the community, so far i'm still waiting to see who BT was because who u potray since i've been mod is not a very nice person :( Dude i would luv to pick ur brain but ur angry words keep me and plenty others away
Seriously i'd love to see ur fun or informative side, but all u seem to offer are the ramblings of a bitter old man, this makes me sad man, when i joined people talked about u like u truly had something to offer to the community,so far i'm still waiting to see who BT was because who u potray since i've been mod is not a very nice person

Read through my roughly 8,300 posts .. and my new ones. There is tons of information to be found. I dislike the entire 'like' thing but I've gotten something like 7 or 10 of them today and most were for useful/helpful information I posted.

I might seem like a; "bitter old man" to you, and many others, but I have always had a low threshold for pure bullshit, utter ignorance and incompetence. It made me the best at what I did because I wouldn't accept anything less from myself than I would try to get out of others, and it is why I was capable of retiring when I was 49-years old.

Dude i would luv to pick ur brain but ur angry words keep me and plenty others away.

If my telling things like they are, in my typical straightforward blunt manner, has kept you and or others from picking my brain it sure hasn't stopped all that many of them. I receive all sort of questions in threads and also in PMs. At one point in the past i took a several month break from this site because I was receiving so many PMs asking for advice that I could, and at times did, spend entire days, from morning until late in the night, doing nothing at all other than answer PMs. As soon as I freed up some room for more, my PM inbox would fill up again.

When it got to the point where almost every night I would dream that I was answering PMs I knew I needed a break. It began to feel not only like an unpaid job, but also a 24-hour per day unpaid job. Awake or asleep, I couldn't get away from it. So I took about 3-months and hung elsewhere.

If by telling it like it is, by being a straight talker, by not mincing words just so people will like me made/makes me appear to be a cranky bitter angry sounding old man and it scared, or now scares,people away, all I can say is THANK GOD! I couldn't have dealt with any more people than I already had coming to me for advice and I do not want to relive that experience ever again.

Perception can be an amusing thing. On the Mr. Nice Forums Nevil stopped posting a good while back because he grew fed up with the jerks he encountered on the site, the fights, the arguments, the questioning of things that are beyond question.

But he PM'ed me saying he liked how I told it like it is, how he liked my messages, how they were accurate and informative. So there you have someone who stopped posting on a site that was like his home, because of the number of jerks who eventually drove him off, telling me; "a bitter old man" who; "is not a very nice person" how much he enjoyed and appreciated my messages. Yep, perception can be highly amusing at times.
Read through my roughly 8,300 posts .. and my new ones. There is tons of information to be found. I dislike the entire 'like' thing but I've gotten something like 7 or 10 of them today and most were for useful/helpful information I posted.

I might seem like a; "bitter old man" to you, and many others, but I have always had a low threshold for pure bullshit, utter ignorance and incompetence. It made me the best at what I did because I wouldn't accept anything less from myself than I would try to get out of others, and it is why I was capable of retiring when I was 49-years old.

If my telling things like they are, in my typical straightforward blunt manner, has kept you and or others from picking my brain it sure hasn't stopped all that many of them. I receive all sort of questions in threads and also in PMs. At one point in the past i took a several month break from this site because I was receiving so many PMs asking for advice that I could, and at times did, spend entire days, from morning until late in the night, doing nothing at all other than answer PMs. As soon as I freed up some room for more, my PM inbox would fill up again.

When it got to the point where almost every night I would dream that I was answering PMs I knew I needed a break. It began to feel not only like an unpaid job, but also a 24-hour per day unpaid job. Awake or asleep, I couldn't get away from it. So I took about 3-months and hung elsewhere.

If by telling it like it is, by being a straight talker, by not mincing words just so people will like me made/makes me appear to be a cranky bitter angry sounding old man and it scared, or now scares,people away, all I can say is THANK GOD! I couldn't have dealt with any more people than I already had coming to me for advice and I do not want to relive that experience ever again.

Perception can be an amusing thing. On the Mr. Nice Forums Nevil stopped posting a good while back because he grew fed up with the jerks he encountered on the site, the fights, the arguments, the questioning of things that are beyond question.

But he PM'ed me saying he liked how I told it like it is, how he liked my messages, how they were accurate and informative. So there you have someone who stopped posting on a site that was like his home, because of the number of jerks who eventually drove him off, telling me; "a bitter old man" who; "is not a very nice person" how much he enjoyed and appreciated my messages. Yep, perception can be highly amusing at times.

I agree 100 % I have my 4 year degree in Communications, but I am just a brain damaged bitch hahaha!!!!! to some people lol on this forum, on others they actually have compassion!!!!!!!!!!!
Im sorry id have to agree april just over the past few months ive seen his post especially when 2 side are aimlessly fighting on a thread ive seen him come in inject his knowledge on the situation and both step back like woah why we agrguing again ?.........also in my opinion is very fact based alot and right on the money ive even been on the :other" side of the debate and he comes along and post very good stuff very informative and just down right common sense attached to his post and he well i never seen it lost keeps a cool head at all times even when being attacked or rambled at .............just my food for thought though
read through my roughly 8,300 posts .. And my new ones. There is tons of information to be found. I dislike the entire 'like' thing but i've gotten something like 7 or 10 of them today and most were for useful/helpful information i posted.

I might seem like a; "bitter old man" to you, and many others, but i have always had a low threshold for pure bullshit, utter ignorance and incompetence. It made me the best at what i did because i wouldn't accept anything less from myself than i would try to get out of others, and it is why i was capable of retiring when i was 49-years old.

If my telling things like they are, in my typical straightforward blunt manner, has kept you and or others from picking my brain it sure hasn't stopped all that many of them. I receive all sort of questions in threads and also in pms. At one point in the past i took a several month break from this site because i was receiving so many pms asking for advice that i could, and at times did, spend entire days, from morning until late in the night, doing nothing at all other than answer pms. As soon as i freed up some room for more, my pm inbox would fill up again.

When it got to the point where almost every night i would dream that i was answering pms i knew i needed a break. It began to feel not only like an unpaid job, but also a 24-hour per day unpaid job. Awake or asleep, i couldn't get away from it. So i took about 3-months and hung elsewhere.

If by telling it like it is, by being a straight talker, by not mincing words just so people will like me made/makes me appear to be a cranky bitter angry sounding old man and it scared, or now scares,people away, all i can say is thank god! I couldn't have dealt with any more people than i already had coming to me for advice and i do not want to relive that experience ever again.

Perception can be an amusing thing. On the mr. Nice forums nevil stopped posting a good while back because he grew fed up with the jerks he encountered on the site, the fights, the arguments, the questioning of things that are beyond question.

But he pm'ed me saying he liked how i told it like it is, how he liked my messages, how they were accurate and informative. So there you have someone who stopped posting on a site that was like his home, because of the number of jerks who eventually drove him off, telling me; "a bitter old man" who; "is not a very nice person" how much he enjoyed and appreciated my messages. Yep, perception can be highly amusing at times.
Im sorry id have to agree april just over the past few months ive seen his post especially when 2 side are aimlessly fighting on a thread ive seen him come in inject his knowledge on the situation which in my opinion is very fact based alot and right on the money ive even been on the :other" side of the debate and he comes along and post very good stuff very informative and just down right common sense attached to his post and he well i never seen it lost keeps a cool head at all times even when being attacked or rambled at .............just my food for thought though

lol food's not for thought, food is for eating.
I love when people try to take BT on, they get schooled real quick. Sure he can be short with people but he knows his stuff and his comments are "to the point". It's a good thing we have people like him around to help, now the question is does he have any lace or frills? Sorry I know that paints a scary picture but had to ask.

Keep keeping people on their toes BT.
Boy did this get off topic BIG TIME can we bring it back ON TOPIC it's the weekend, lets party and puff, what do ya say........

Xk you need to carry a bigger stick to keep everyone in line here,

they should make you the mod for this thread, then we could get back to some serious fashion lessons and pretty stuff with

"LACE and FRILLS" remember everyone!

Just a side bar here, we all have become a little selfish in pushing our agenda in this nice ladies thread and I for one will stop and stay on topic, just saying...

I'd like to see more of Jen, in or out of a cage with lace

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He still post facts and true ones from what i have read thats what matter imo ................................also its not if 30 people hate him is cause of him why not they dislike him because of something to do with them like him shooting down with facts their arguments ....just to say

thats like saying it only rains because the clouds are dark and have water in them

its more like a combo of mabe him and them but to say its all him is redonculous imo
I come back here and its pages of ths bullshit
Who honestly gives a shit about brick top?
And why in the hell did this amazing thread get jacked for that asshole?
What's the fuck.
Looks like a few pages of this now need erased
I hope this is lace and frills enough. I actually don't care. These women are fucking beautiful!! Shannyn Sossamon, Ziyi Zhang and Milla Jovich- My 3 favorites in close enough lace and frills.



Read through my roughly 8,300 posts .. and my new ones. There is tons of information to be found. I dislike the entire 'like' thing but I've gotten something like 7 or 10 of them today and most were for useful/helpful information I posted.

I might seem like a; "bitter old man" to you, and many others, but I have always had a low threshold for pure bullshit, utter ignorance and incompetence. It made me the best at what I did because I wouldn't accept anything less from myself than I would try to get out of others, and it is why I was capable of retiring when I was 49-years old.

If my telling things like they are, in my typical straightforward blunt manner, has kept you and or others from picking my brain it sure hasn't stopped all that many of them. I receive all sort of questions in threads and also in PMs. At one point in the past i took a several month break from this site because I was receiving so many PMs asking for advice that I could, and at times did, spend entire days, from morning until late in the night, doing nothing at all other than answer PMs. As soon as I freed up some room for more, my PM inbox would fill up again.

When it got to the point where almost every night I would dream that I was answering PMs I knew I needed a break. It began to feel not only like an unpaid job, but also a 24-hour per day unpaid job. Awake or asleep, I couldn't get away from it. So I took about 3-months and hung elsewhere.

If by telling it like it is, by being a straight talker, by not mincing words just so people will like me made/makes me appear to be a cranky bitter angry sounding old man and it scared, or now scares,people away, all I can say is THANK GOD! I couldn't have dealt with any more people than I already had coming to me for advice and I do not want to relive that experience ever again.

Perception can be an amusing thing. On the Mr. Nice Forums Nevil stopped posting a good while back because he grew fed up with the jerks he encountered on the site, the fights, the arguments, the questioning of things that are beyond question.

But he PM'ed me saying he liked how I told it like it is, how he liked my messages, how they were accurate and informative. So there you have someone who stopped posting on a site that was like his home, because of the number of jerks who eventually drove him off, telling me; "a bitter old man" who; "is not a very nice person" how much he enjoyed and appreciated my messages. Yep, perception can be highly amusing at times.

Well once again you show how a bit of flowery, one-sided logic can make even the most crotchety old bastard seem like a reasonable man. I especially like the like the part where you try to paint yourself as the misunderstood, unappreciated artist. That's was a good laugh, thank you.

Haven't you left like 10 times already? You're last 'Goodby RIU' thread was only a few weeks ago if I remember right. What happened? As much as you complain, you sure keep coming back. You say it's people perception that's the problem and you sue Nevil as an example (btw, name drop much?), but you failed to mention that Nevil is an old man by now too. He's gotta be at least 50.
Even the people who like you admit that they have to look past your arrogance to tolerate you. I started a thread in the staff section asking what people thought about you being a mod possibly, and the general consensus ws that you're bitter and mean.

If you take 30 people who grow to dislike you, and replace them with 30 who've never met you, and THEY grow to dilike you, it's probably you not them. Frankly I like you better at Mr. Nice Forums because over there you don't have teh same chip on your shoulder that you seem to carry over here.