Well-Known Member
Seriously?!! Don't misunderstand, I think April is cool as shit, but, seriously?!!We'll my vote for "Hottest RIU Girl of 2011",,,goes to April....Yea,,,and big finger's,,,Do what you gotta do lol,,,Hottie......
Seriously?!! Don't misunderstand, I think April is cool as shit, but, seriously?!!We'll my vote for "Hottest RIU Girl of 2011",,,goes to April....Yea,,,and big finger's,,,Do what you gotta do lol,,,Hottie......
hahahahaha see it's lame assumptions like this that make me giggle, especialy when i know what U look likeYou're the one who came in saying "i don't agree with your opinion so don't say it."
Women and their wily woman tricks...
Just because one boy doesn't think your pretty, the world isn't goin to end.
Hun, I hesitate to say this, because I know your going to get pissed off. But seriously no one laughs that much on a post unless their pissed off. It only comes off as passive agressive. If none of this bothered you, why even respond?hahahahaha see it's lame assumptions like this that make me giggle, especialy when i know what U look likebahahahahahahahahaha
Why are u getting involved? so i'm not suppose to respond but u can ? hahahahaha U sir are also a sheepleHun, I hesitate to say this, because I know your going to get pissed off. But seriously no one laughs that much on a post unless their pissed off. It only comes off as passive agressive. If none of this bothered you, why even respond?
I'm not even convinced his goal of the post that set you off was to make you feel unattractive, he just disagreed. But it really did seem to press a button with you. Considering how many men fawn over you I'm not sure why you even responded to it in the first place. With all the compliments you were given the only one you focused that much attention on was the one negative one.
It's true he's not a mod anymore, but should you really be holding your mod status over anyones head? Hint hint.. Remember, something about a thread on just that topic? Just sayin. I know the two of you are going to most likely continue the shit out of this, but I really don't see the point. Seems like somewhere along the way this thread got the shit jacked out of it.
And there you go. I didn't call you out, I was trying to be polite, I didn't call you names, so don't start with me. You want me to lie to you hun? Sorry, you seem to have enough 'yes' men. I'm not here to kiss your ass, or to hold your hand and make you feel better about yourself. You forget, we're not regular posters anymore, were mods. Like you said, he's not anymore. He doesn't have an example to set. So someone didn't think you were hot. "boohoo" so you go on a passive aggressive fit. If I was a "Sheeple" I would be part of your little herd who's support you apparently need all the fucking time.Why are u getting involved? so i'm not suppose to respond but u can ? hahahahaha U sir are also a sheeple
Fair enough. (I figure you meant 'shouldn't' so I'll just run with it. )Just curious why as mods you peeps don't make use of the PM feature?????????
You guy's should discuss things off the open boards.
Wake an bake works fast!But you got it.Fair enough. (I figure you meant 'shouldn't' so I'll just run with it. )
lmfao damn so many morning giggles, thanks again boysAnd there you go. I didn't call you out, I was trying to be polite, I didn't call you names, so don't start with me. You want me to lie to you hun? Sorry, you seem to have enough 'yes' men. I'm not here to kiss your ass, or to hold your hand and make you feel better about yourself. You forget, we're not regular posters anymore, were mods. Like you said, he's not anymore. He doesn't have an example to set. So someone didn't think you were hot. "boohoo" so you go on a passive aggressive fit. If I was a "Sheeple" I would be part of your little herd who's support you apparently need all the fucking time.
As you recall, I didn't exactly justify my little outburst on your beau, I manned up to the fact that as a mod I let that shit go to far. Guess what your doing?
Come to think of it, as I recall this thread was never about you. In your head, it seems it damn sure has to be. Congratulations, you asserted yourself queen of your modded area.I thought it was normally us men that let our ego get the best of us. Thank you for proving me wrong.
Nah, not a good look for me.Wake an bake works fast!But you got it.
Are you wearing any lace this morning?
Dude he could be chillin in a pair of lacy panties and his wifes nightie and u would never know lol makes me wonder what people are wearing when they post, hmmm anyone post naked ? lmfaoI'm actually glad this was your answer.I realized it is way to early to be talkin to some guy in lace on the internet.Must get more coffee.
I always wear lace when I'm on the internet.I'm actually glad this was your answer.I realized it is way to early to be talkin to some guy in lace on the internet.Must get more coffee.
Ahh shit!!!!!!hmmm anyone post naked ? lmfao
I always wear lace when I'm on the internet.
You don't?
Ahh shit!!!!!!
She caught me.
I'm only naked when i post to you April.(Beansly too but shhhhhhhh)
Mon,Wed and Fridays only.
AWWW Fdd still bitter over little old me becoming Mod HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
As if i would care what FDD thinks hahahahaha and Meta grow some balls, stop kissing FDD's it's pretty funny to watch, why bother u got ur free shit.
FDD u come and state ur opinion or view constantly but as soon as someone disagrees or gets more attention then u, u cry and pick at them on a personal level, see this is why i think everyone starting disliking u and the proper choice was made, still burns ur buttom doesn't it love. Either way bash me all u want, i still respect u as a fellow grower since ahem i am one
How or why would people respect u when ur goal is to make me feel unattractive, what kind of person would want to do that, i for one try and make people smile, if u don't like what i have to say or look like please keep ur narrow minded opinions of me to urself, if not u might not like what i and lots of others will have to say about u.
Seriously learn how to respect the people u Mod and maybe some might like u againComments like u felt the need to make only show how weak and jealous u are.
Funny how members have sent me pm's asking me to be nice 2 u because they felt bad about everyone not liking u, hahahaha u want people to pitty u over thinking ur cute and growing sweet plants hahahahaha whatever FDD i give up and i wont be so nice anymore, ur rude, funny how u think u can post whatever u want but everyone else must talk about growing , or wait do we need ur all mighty approval to open a tread?Go smoke a bowl ang get over urself, funny how i woke up to pm's of people telling me about ur rude comments, sorry love i got PLENTY of poeple who like me and enjoy my pix, I still can't believe u think it's needed to cause drama in a thread by making negative comments to get a reaction, no ATTENTION is all u want, that's why u poke at me, man u dsb and fab are all the same
hahahahaha see it's lame assumptions like this that make me giggle, especialy when i know what U look likebahahahahahahahahaha