Lace and Frills <3

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
How about April casually sneaks a link to a naughty photo of herself into one of her posts, in a very heated thread that has multiple posts in a matter of seconds. Deletes it after an hour, and the first person to PM her the link wins an RIU Naughty Photos T-shirt. I'll buy. ;)

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
How about April casually sneaks a link to a naughty photo of herself into one of her posts, in a very heated thread that has multiple posts in a matter of seconds. Deletes it after an hour, and the first person to PM her the link wins an RIU Naughty Photos T-shirt. I'll buy. ;)

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
How about April casually sneaks a link to a naughty photo of herself into one of her posts, in a very heated thread that has multiple posts in a matter of seconds. Deletes it after an hour, and the first person to PM her the link wins an RIU Naughty Photos T-shirt. I'll buy. ;)
....time to comb the forum....bongsmilie

what do i win with an old pic??? is it like the fair, trade 3 in for 1??? lol


Well-Known Member
Well, I DO like the idea of an RIU scavenger hunt, but it's not really fair cause not everyone is online at the same time...I realize, heated thread, lots of activity, obviously an ideal time, but sometimes I, er, people have to work early/late, or whatever wa'h wa'h...I'm crying like a baby, sounds like a good idea, I'm down for an RIU scavenger hunt...Although maybe we should refine it a bit more thoroughly.


Well-Known Member
Can you zazzle in like a fat cock or maybe an engorged clit? That'd make it a shirt you can truely not wear in public, well, you could...naughty.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Like this video :)


No but really... I told you people can be creepy :)
Especially around women on the web... :?


Well-Known Member
The majority of people who commented on my photos were a bit more respectful about it when I yelled at them for the crude 'I banged this slut once/I will break that bitch'-type comments. But they're bored now and no one wants to see.