Lace and Frills <3

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
well it has come and now i need a sandwich i mean it was there now its not all that seent it know that kuroi is a talented and lucky madchen mit einem bueatiful korper und einen spielerischen geist


Well-Known Member
Okay. I'm sober now and I've just had a think. April is right. Urca is right.

I seriously need to go and have a good think about myself. It's getting kind of complicated offline at the moment and looking through my posts you can see they get more and more kinky the more insecure I'm feeling. I have to fix that. It's not safe or good for me. I'm sad and lonely at the moment, but that was out of order. I'm sorry for compromising people, being an embarrassment and letting people down.

What I'm seeing right now is how fucked up the whole thing is. The whole 'pleasing men' thing. It's also fucked up how much it makes me me liked or useful. That's another thing I need to fix.

Kuroi needs a good smack over the head and

1) To get over herself
2) Stop being so desperate for approval
3) Put everything away

Sorry. I'm especially sorry to those who say they like me but my posts put my character into question in their minds. I won't inconvenience you like that again.


Active Member
Don't get me wrong I love the pictures but I am glad to hear you say that Kuroi. It shows that your figuring it out and self respect is a beautiful thing. And besides sometimes it much more attractive to leave some things up to the imagination

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
People still adore you even if you keep your clothes on. Don't be ashamed. Off topic, I can't even post a woman getting her head crapped on by a horse without the post getting deleted. Is it really that offensive?? Or did a mod have a bad experience with a horse as a child?


Pickle Queen
Okay. I'm sober now and I've just had a think. April is right.

I seriously need to go and have a good think about myself. It's getting kind of complicated offline at the moment and looking through my posts you can see they get more and more kinky the more insecure I'm feeling. I have to fix that. It's not safe or good for me. I'm sad and lonely at the moment, but that was out of order. I'm sorry for compromising people, being an embarrassment and letting people down.

What I'm seeing right now is how fucked up the whole thing is. The whole 'pleasing men' thing. It's also fucked up how much it makes me me liked or useful. That's another thing I need to fix.

Kuroi needs a good smack over the head and

1) To get over herself
2) Stop being so desperate for approval
3) Put everything away

Sorry. I'm especially sorry to those who say they like me but my posts put my character into question in their minds. I won't inconvenience you like that again.
awww muffin sending u hugs and kisses xoxoxoxoxoxox

I luv u, that's why i took them down, feel free to spread ur beautiful pics via pm if that makes u smile and feel good , but sweety the attention ur getting is not the type u say u want, u complain about men using u for sex but post pics of u in a Gstring on a public forum and ask random guys to skype with u. Kuroi u keep doing the same thing expecting a different result. The only person that u need to seek approval from is urself, think about it ;) I am very hopefull u will achieve great things in ur life, ur smart,sweet, and very pretty :) U don't need to be posting thong shots love, most would rather see ur pretty face :)

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
awww muffin sending u hugs and kisses xoxoxoxoxoxox

I luv u, that's why i took them down, feel free to spread ur beautiful pics via pm if that makes u smile and feel good , but sweety the attention ur getting is not the type u say u want, u complain about men using u for sex but post pics of u in a Gstring on a public forum and ask random guys to skype with u. Kuroi u keep doing the same thing expecting a different result. The only person that u need to seek approval from is urself, think about it ;) I am very hopefull u will achieve great things in ur life, ur smart,sweet, and very pretty :) U don't need to be posting thong shots love, most would rather see ur pretty face :)
Did you delete my horse lady?


Pickle Queen
People still adore you even if you keep your clothes on. Don't be ashamed. Off topic, I can't even post a woman getting her head crapped on by a horse without the post getting deleted. Is it really that offensive?? Or did a mod have a bad experience with a horse as a child?

No i ride pretty well thank u ;)

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Okay. I'm sober now and I've just had a think. April is right. Urca is right.

I seriously need to go and have a good think about myself. It's getting kind of complicated offline at the moment and looking through my posts you can see they get more and more kinky the more insecure I'm feeling. I have to fix that. It's not safe or good for me. I'm sad and lonely at the moment, but that was out of order. I'm sorry for compromising people, being an embarrassment and letting people down.

What I'm seeing right now is how fucked up the whole thing is. The whole 'pleasing men' thing. It's also fucked up how much it makes me me liked or useful. That's another thing I need to fix.

Kuroi needs a good smack over the head and

1) To get over herself
2) Stop being so desperate for approval
3) Put everything away

Sorry. I'm especially sorry to those who say they like me but my posts put my character into question in their minds. I won't inconvenience you like that again.
sorry to hear your down, hope a little song brightens up your day . . . . . Aprils right gotta be comfortable with yourself first


Pickle Queen
So whats the problem with the horse lady? Is it the way she says peek a boo? What is it? I'm curious.

Do i really need to explain that a horse shitting on a womens head is not appropriate, damn guess i do :(

Seems the Mod ratio had to increase since the "common sense" factor decreased ;)

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
Do i really need to explain that a horse shitting on a womens head is not appropriate, damn guess i do :(

Seems the Mod ratio had to increase since the "common sense" factor decreased ;)
Coming from a mod that strips to her underwear for attention. Where's your common sense, hypocrite?


Pickle Queen
Coming from a mod that strips to her underwear for attention. Where's your common sense, hypocrite?

LOL i expected such a response, i do it for fun, i'm 29 and love my body, even my guy posted a panty shot on here :)
Hypocrite no, i did leave her panty pics up, but seeing as many members have daughters near her age, and the fact that her entire butt was showing i felt removing them was the appropriate action. If u had common sense or respect for kuroi u would encourage her to show most respectable pics ;)

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
LOL i expected such a response, i do it for fun, i'm 29 and love my body, even my guy posted a panty shot on here :)
Hypocrite no, i did leave her panty pics up, but seeing as many members have daughters near her age, and the fact that her entire butt was showing i felt removing them was the appropriate action. If u had common sense or respect for kuroi u would encourage her to show most respectable pics ;)
I said nothing about Kuroi. I'm referring to the fact that you stripping in a public forum is appropriate but a gif of a lady getting crapped on by a horse isn't. We're all adults here right?
Edit: And what about you giggling about Matts dick before you found out it was Anthony Wiener's? That was appropriate? Your priorities are fucked up girl.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
is this gonna be the topic of discussion Capt. do you really care about horse poop gif that much . . .. . . . . . . ..

principle or not . . .. its a gif and a single post of no apparent importance