KushXoj's pound per plant heavy-weight PPV Grow


Well-Known Member
Some 0-55-30 1 tsp per gal 3 times a week per plant. Then a good drenching of just water depending on the heat.


Well-Known Member
Some 0-55-30 1 tsp per gal 3 times a week per plant. Then a good drenching of just water depending on the heat.
well i would feed the molasses at 1 tablespoon per gallon of water on one of the days when your just giving plain water....
maybe once a week on your watering schedule

too much molasses can lock out other nutrients
which is why i only feed it about once a week ...some weeks i forget its no big deal tho ..better to go lighter than heavy on the molasses IMO


Well-Known Member
You know this is one thing I decided not to use this season. I got ants last season when I added molasses and shortly after that I had mites. I was slamming it with every other watering though and didn't control the ants once I saw them. This season I haven't seen one ant try to colonize. :) But that's just me! Keep doing what works for you guys. :)


Well-Known Member
So Kush, could you possibly give me a tutorial on how to re-veg a cut plant?
Not much to it.. Harvest your plant and then toss it back in light. :) Reveg done... It takes a long time for some plants to revert. I have waited a little over 2 months for ANY growth on several strains. If you have a small container plant it can be done easily.


Well-Known Member
Thanks ABM, just cut my WW xBB and got some very nice bud from it would like to see if I can do this. My top is one big bud that weighs 31 grams wet, I know it will lose as it drys but damn this is my best grow yet.


Well-Known Member
Nice man! If you take that plant and put it under 18/6 you can keep it going till next season indoors and then toss it back out in Feb under cover and have a nice June harvest.

That's only if it all works out and stays alive. :)

Take a look at my last couple grows and you will see that I have a few plants that I have done this with.


Well-Known Member
Ive never reveged a plant after flower but I hear its best to cut off the bottom half of the rootball and add new soil under and above the old rootball ...you also would want to leave as much foliage (fan leaves) on the plant as possible ....

Like ABM said give it veg hours
18 - 24 hours of light per day


Well-Known Member
I have read your grows and have been following you and Kush. I'm impressed and will be attemping this now.