Kush's "Life is like a box of chocolate" Grow

C Cat

Well-Known Member
Id say the all bagseed atleast a month and a half the one in the hydrobucket is just getting too big,My skunks about 5 weeks about the same size as your girls now,thing is the AK is under a scrog net(not too tied up in the net yet) skunk to the right on the net aswell and a bagseed the the other side of AK. KandyKush is stunted a bit due to Calmag def and they are being mainlined still real small,I got about 10 rooted clones of bagseed under a 95w,Sorry bout the chat but I just blazed

~C That Cat?:dunce:


Well-Known Member
Id say the all bagseed atleast a month and a half the one in the hydrobucket is just getting too big,My skunks about 5 weeks about the same size as your girls now,thing is the AK is under a scrog net(not too tied up in the net yet) skunk to the right on the net aswell and a bagseed the the other side of AK. KandyKush is stunted a bit due to Calmag def and they are being mainlined still real small,I got about 10 rooted clones of bagseed under a 95w,Sorry bout the chat but I just blazed

~C That Cat?:dunce:

Sounds good c cat.
Sounds like you're gonna have s bunch of bud once you do flip them


Well-Known Member
Grow got neglected a bit. Ended up getting 3/5 females and 2 party cup girls.

I haven't been following my nute schedule like I should and just been feeding them when I think they need it.

Got some nitrogen deficiencies but its not too bad.
Starting to see some purpling on a couple leaves. (im thinking its genectics not def.)

I fucked up my camera and now it doesnt focus so pics come out all blurry.

Gotta get a new camera so you guys can see em


Well-Known Member
Thats wassup, i did the same thing. My birthday + xmas, and everything else. i went in my veg closet and all my girls were limp as shit dry but i watered them and they are back up this am. i got 4 males and 10 females in party cups i'll up-pot them as soon as i'm for sure they're fem. ordered some supplies n picked up new soil for the first time in over a year n i'm good. Focusing on yield for '13. i'm good on potency.
And N deficiencies are like nipples, everybody has em. Is your soil amended? or do you just dose them with some fert?


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear you are still at it!

I lost 1 clone of the ECSD but the other 5 are going strong. I popped some of the seeds that I got as well but they are still to young to sex. I am trying to get a flower cycle in before I decide on what I want to run.

Hurry and get that camera! :D


Well-Known Member
Sounds good abm . I took some pics with the fucked up camera just to give yall an idea of where they are now .

Starting to get real frosty these pics don't do them justice since its all out of focus.



Well-Known Member
Lookin good mane. just a lil blurry ;)
Thanks Tryna
I'm loving this hps so far.

I though high temps would be a problem but I'm actually having the opposite problem with my temps not getting over 73 degrees with the lights on .

Well since I'm up I guess its time for the wake n bake :D


Well-Known Member
Last grow didnt go so well .. I didnt get all the pollen and everything ended up getting seeded .. it was still sonm good shit I chopped at 7 weeks.
So I cleaned everything and started over ill get some pics up in a min.