"Kush" and other BS names


Well-Known Member
This is just a rant of all the people out there that buy any weed off of the street that has a catchy name on it!

I have a couple friends that don't know I grow, and they are always showing me this amazing new strain they bought. It's almost always some commercial pressed bricks. Usually Mids at best. But they always say this is that new blueberry kush, or pineapple kush, strawberry kush, Hell, I think I have heard "Kush" after every fruit name out there! Had someone show me some "killer Sour Diesel" It was schwag! Makes me want to just spread some random bagseed out in a field and harvest the seedy bud, quick dry it w/ no cure and sell it as Snosberry Kush! I bet I could get atleast $10/gram!


Ursus marijanus
Every fruit? I'd love me some Durian Kush. At least it isn't like 12 years ago when it was all Skunk or G13xC3PO or some shite. cn


Well-Known Member
Every fruit? I'd love me some Durian Kush. At least it isn't like 12 years ago when it was all Skunk or G13xC3PO or some shite. cn

Lol, almost, I have heard Passion Fruit Kush before! Was like WTF?!...

When I was in Highschool, I revitalized some dried up ditch weed with Orange peels, and sold it as "Orangecicle" ppl LOVED it.


Active Member
LOL this is soooo true. I can't tell you how many times I've had friends come up to me with a dub of mids and tell me it was some name brand danksters.

I pity the fool.


Well-Known Member
Those names are almost all bullshit ,bubbblebery snazzleberry fuckleberry for christs sake.


Active Member
There was this one time....

I got some high mids that looked like little strawberries... and believe it or not.

It was called strawberry kush.

Tasted nothing like strawberries though.


Well-Known Member
my "Orange Kush" really tastes like oranges, i must admit, but the leaves are not true Afghani type leaves, and definitely have a dose of sativa in them. i like it, so i keep it around.


Active Member
names do mean alot if your buying weed...but ive seen plenty of weed that was said to be one thing and i could tell it wasnt..and kush is overrated imo
This is just a rant of all the people out there that buy any weed off of the street that has a catchy name on it!

I have a couple friends that don't know I grow, and they are always showing me this amazing new strain they bought. It's almost always some commercial pressed bricks. Usually Mids at best. But they always say this is that new blueberry kush, or pineapple kush, strawberry kush, Hell, I think I have heard "Kush" after every fruit name out there! Had someone show me some "killer Sour Diesel" It was schwag! Makes me want to just spread some random bagseed out in a field and harvest the seedy bud, quick dry it w/ no cure and sell it as Snosberry Kush! I bet I could get atleast $10/gram!
thats because there is no standard in our industry and so most joe shcmoe potheads who don't study this stuff and roll around on forums aren't gonna know shit, most people don't know real kush and i believe all the hype comes from the OG cuttings yet any afghani, paki, or hindu kush sold as bud, seed, cutting or hybrid strain rides the bandwagon. so there are even a large amount of growers out there in the wide world that think they have "kush" when really there is no OG what they have and is some hybrid of the aforementioned kush varieties. Another trend I've noticed outside cali and some mmj hotspots (though it happens there also) is "kush becoming synonymous with anything good, much like "chronic" or "fire" i think it just comes from not knowing jack about where your shit came from and the lack of standardization.

Out here they don't even bother with names. They call it hydro and charge. $20 a gram
then the name they use is hydro... its a lame ass name and indicates an ignorance about cannabis lineage and varieties. but people hear things such as "blowin' dro" or "put the dro in the wind" in rap songs and such and begin to think that hydro is some super bomb type of weed that celebs smoke instead of a growing technique. seems like both of these instances are more often than not used by youngsters

peace fellas,


Well-Known Member
I tell my guests what we're smoking by type. I like a nice sativa dom. hybrid. I don't care about a name, I care what's in my cannabis.


Well-Known Member
thats because there is no standard in our industry and so most joe shcmoe potheads who don't study this stuff and roll around on forums aren't gonna know shit, most people don't know real kush and i believe all the hype comes from the OG cuttings yet any afghani, paki, or hindu kush sold as bud, seed, cutting or hybrid strain rides the bandwagon. so there are even a large amount of growers out there in the wide world that think they have "kush" when really there is no OG what they have and is some hybrid of the aforementioned kush varieties. Another trend I've noticed outside cali and some mmj hotspots (though it happens there also) is "kush becoming synonymous with anything good, much like "chronic" or "fire" i think it just comes from not knowing jack about where your shit came from and the lack of standardization.

then the name they use is hydro... its a lame ass name and indicates an ignorance about cannabis lineage and varieties. but people hear things such as "blowin' dro" or "put the dro in the wind" in rap songs and such and begin to think that hydro is some super bomb type of weed that celebs smoke instead of a growing technique. seems like both of these instances are more often than not used by youngsters

peace fellas,
True true, with the whole 'everything is called dro or something-kush' mentality. Not just because half the time they couldn't tell what it is/the dealer outright makes up what it is but the status of 'celebrity strains' that get bandied about in rap music. Well some of hem deserve the reputation. I had one of the best nights of my life alone with some OG Kush (be it sativa dom...) flown over for me. then I finally understood the hype, but it's not the be all and end all. Everything in the UK seems to be some kind of cheese, and the funny thing is, it most often isn't. (It may have been the case in the past though) Alot of my friends will smoke anything as long as it's green; I think that's crazy as I know my body and what strains work best when so I'm not just toking up forever to get where I want to be. Just because someone slaps the name BombKushDroFireUnicornWeed on it doesn't mean it's going to make the creaking go away how I like it...

Then there's the matter of how it was grown (+/flushed) and cured... My Lavender came out better than the OG x UK Cheese the local dealer grew and sampled me with. Not that I told him that.

Oh, there is another thread on the ridiculousness of some strain names, too as it's a related topic. I don't think any are called 'Unicorn' yet, though.


Well-Known Member
True true, with the whole 'everything is called dro or something-kush' mentality. Not just because half the time they couldn't tell what it is/the dealer outright makes up what it is but the status of 'celebrity strains' that get bandied about in rap music. Well some of hem deserve the reputation. I had one of the best nights of my life alone with some OG Kush (be it sativa dom...) flown over for me. then I finally understood the hype, but it's not the be all and end all. Everything in the UK seems to be some kind of cheese, and the funny thing is, it most often isn't. (It may have been the case in the past though) Alot of my friends will smoke anything as long as it's green; I think that's crazy as I know my body and what strains work best when so I'm not just toking up forever to get where I want to be. Just because someone slaps the name BombKushDroFireUnicornWeed on it doesn't mean it's going to make the creaking go away how I like it...

Then there's the matter of how it was grown (+/flushed) and cured... My Lavender came out better than the OG x UK Cheese the local dealer grew and sampled me with. Not that I told him that.

Oh, there is another thread on the ridiculousness of some strain names, too as it's a related topic. I don't think any are called 'Unicorn' yet, though.
I would smoke BombKushDroFireUnicornWeed just to see. Just saying, it sounds fucking amazing.