Kottonmouths Chernobyl Single Cola's Grow


Well-Known Member
THanx a/b ! Ur plants lookin great! Definatly start a thread/journal or just update pics in mine if u dont want ur own.i totally wanna see urz grow!
Cheers man... Can't be bothered to set up my own, but Yh if you don't mind I'd love to compare with u and post up the odd pic :-)! What fertiliser are u using for yours, Iv only got some cheap stuff atm...

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
i use fox farm ocean forest soil, mg plant food in veg& flora nova 1part bloom,mollasses,& tried bush master this grow. The dominas reacted the best w/bush master. & will use sea kelp @end b4 flush.

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
i only know what i read about bushmaster- itsa 1 time application, kik starts flowering,focusing energy to buds,while reducing stretch. Feed @ 2weeks flowering


Well-Known Member
Cool cheers, I need as much help as I can get lol I'm a complete newb my first grow... So here we go lol what's a flush?

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
a flush is when u run 2-3x's the amount of water threu ur soil as ur container is. 1gal cont- 2/3 gals of water. It flushes the salt &nute build up out making nutrient intake better or posible if it gets nutrient lokt. U do this 7-10days b4harvest. Last 2weeks cutting off all nutes.or u will taste/smell it in finall product.does that all make sense?

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
i water every 2-3 days. I use about 1/2 gal per plant ea.feeding.the 3rd watering i use plain water,but i use 3/4 -1gal on this watering. I go bloom1st feed,water& mollasses2nd feed& just water on 3rd& repeat


Well-Known Member
That all makes a shit load of sense lol thanks man. I need to get my self a good bloom fertiliser really... And what are the mollaces good for?? Cheers for the help..

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
THe mollasses sweetin's up ur buds.it has sugars in it that feed some micro-organism in ur soil. Ive been told its good from beginning to end.i use it once i flower. I use earth juice hi-brix mollasses.


Well-Known Member
hey what's up kmk... did you ever make it to the $ store? i wonder if i'm causing a shortage in those plant hangers (upside down = plant hat), stoney just got another one lol.

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Not yet homer. Ive been wondering if they make them baskets that'll fit 1gal. Pots? Been thinkin it wud also be eassy to make from bailing wire if not.i gota go chk it out.


Well-Known Member
I like my diy yeast C02, in my lil cab.
Its outside an sealed due to the temps, an dosent get much fresh air.
So I use c02 to get better air, an hopefully enrich it a bit.

But it does stink like a beer trash can. lol

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Really?lol like a beer trashcan? Como chingas! Wey!! Lmao so scar,how do u maintain urz?(co2) how often u dump&remake? Stoner barbie sez just add sugar every few days. Wvmade sez re make wen smells like alcohol-


Active Member
Really?lol like a beer trashcan? Como chingas! Wey!! Lmao so scar,how do u maintain urz?(co2) how often u dump&remake? Stoner barbie sez just add sugar every few days. Wvmade sez re make wen smells like alcohol-
Mine started smelling like beer last night, i added about a cup of sugar to each and BOOM ! Bubbles .. it re-activated the yeast I think... so .. they will stay in there until they really start to smell.

I noticed, they are good at catching gnats and flies.... I had a bout with fungus gnats / flies ..... they went away for a while.. but are back now... not nearly as bad tho. the ones i see flying around have all ended up in the yeast bubbles.. so Killing two birds (or flies) with one stone.

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
i use the bright yellow stiky papers for gnats&mosquitos. Only seen a few &they were stuk to the papers.they have stiky baking so u can stick'em anywhere. Thanx for sub'n man!


Well-Known Member
THe mollasses sweetin's up ur buds.it has sugars in it that feed some micro-organism in ur soil. Ive been told its good from beginning to end.i use it once i flower. I use earth juice hi-brix mollasses.
Cheers man, I might have to give that a try swell then! I'm curious about the make shift co2 aswell... If it goes well for you and u think it makes a different tell me and il give it ago to! Hope ur grow is goin well.


Active Member
Cheers man, I might have to give that a try swell then! I'm curious about the make shift co2 aswell... If it goes well for you and u think it makes a different tell me and il give it ago to! Hope ur grow is goin well.
I tried it and ya know what...... its real simple... not to expensive to do....... and IMO

My garden just seems greener and happier ... i didn't measure or anything or take pics.... before and after (I hear** it takes about a week to see results )

but it just seems like my plants have started to grow over night... and the shade of green is darker and the leaves seem not as paper thin anymore... def. a plus !

I'm thinking about getting a 2-liter and making a hose out of the top and string across my plants.

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
u got it a/b-im feeding all bloom tonight& will be doing the 1gal.jug co2 method&tubing aswell green power.the 1st dom clone will be getting bush master.lil early but its stretchin'! 1 of the 2 latest domina clones i took rooted well& other nota 1!transpl. The rooted 1.