Kottonmouths Chernobyl Single Cola's Grow

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Damn it! Its gonna be tuesday to post pics.somthin came up-but thats ok.this will give me time to get more pics.todays 2wks&3wks flowering.lookin amazining to me.


Well-Known Member
Just checked your pics out and your dominas are bushy fuckers! Looking really good man, how much more have they grown since the end of veg?? Did they grow bigger quicker..

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
one great thing about growin from seed is the ability /chances of seeing different pheno types.my dom's are flowering different from ea. Other.1has thin wirery whit hairs while the others are real fat wht hairs!

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
whats beav- thanx for stoppin by! Uummm,they stretched prolly 6/7 in"h flower. Id say dbld. I fed bushmaster-i read that its kik starts flowering& stopps stretch.focusing growth to buds? According to hydrfarm catalog.anyone got any info on bushmaster?


Well-Known Member
Hey man.. I'm here to stay, well interesting when someones growing the same strain!! Just turned my lights to 12/12 today can't wait. How big was ur plant before u changed to 12/12?? I'm scared I'm not guna get much bud off mine..

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
lst'd one was maybe 10"@flower& the other domina was about a ft& i tied the tops down low& flowered. Mine are doing well as far as wut they'll yeild.i think. I got 4oz dry off 1 dom outdoor&finished@36"!

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
THe top i broke off of 1 of the dominas(trying to supercrop) is about 6" tall&flowering too! Counting yesterday as day1! Got pics! Posting in an hr-

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
domclonea.jpgdlst.jpgdombud.jpgc2.jpgc.bud.jpgc3.jpgc1.jpgdomtop.jpgd1.jpgc5.jpgdomclone.jpgc4.jpghere we go. all the pics labeled with a c are for thr chernobyls and are at 3 weeks yesterday. all the d labeled pics are the dominas. and then the the little dom clone that has begun to flower as of yesterday. camera phone doesnt do the frostyness justice with the chernobyls! from left to right#1,2,8,9,&11 are dominas and the rest are chernobyl. view thru my phone different.idk if u all justb see pics,or if their labeled?!!!

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Yh let's please see a picture of it... Cool il show u a picture of mine see what ya think, it's a month old and is about 7 inch tall! I really wana get an ounce off it but don't think il get anywhere near that, it's only a small cfl grow. If it gets anything like yours il be well fuckin please lol.... http://i1121.photobucket.com/albums/l509/stuartcurrie/b4a0643b.jpg
hey that looks great! did u top that? thats how i got the branching,but if ur gonna flower,i can tell u she will stretch dbl to triple that size. looks great tho!stoked to see another domina!

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Yh let's please see a picture of it... Cool il show u a picture of mine see what ya think, it's a month old and is about 7 inch tall! I really wana get an ounce off it but don't think il get anywhere near that, it's only a small cfl grow. If it gets anything like yours il be well fuckin please lol.... http://i1121.photobucket.com/albums/l509/stuartcurrie/b4a0643b.jpg
hey that looks great! did u top that? thats how i got the branching,but if ur gonna flower,i can tell u she will stretch dbl to triple that size. looks great tho!stoked to see another domina!


Well-Known Member
King15 your plants are looking sick man, the lil Dom is like mine. Na didn't top it at all didn't dare cut it lol, I just lsted it and coz it was so naturally bushy new tops just grew through from the stem!! Cheers man... You recon hope it does wana get some good buds growin, only 2 months to go :-)

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
THanx a/b ! Ur plants lookin great! Definatly start a thread/journal or just update pics in mine if u dont want ur own.i totally wanna see urz grow!