Kochs Try To Register Cat To Vote..

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
anybody want to tell me all about how widespread and systemic this problem of voter fraud is?

for example, out of the 110+ million votes cast last time, how many cases of voter fraud were there?


thanks in advance, i KNOW i'll get a straightforward answer.

You're welcome.

Okay. Voter fraud. The entire voter system of a "free country" is a fraud if it doesn't include the option of non participation and freedom from the influence of other persons choices over your peaceful existence.
It is fraud to call a democratic system of voting a measure of "what the people want".

First, not all people vote.

Second, those that do vote , cannot exercise all the possibilities, they are given a limited range of choices.

Third, if a person wins a vote in a 51 % to 49% tally of all votes cast, an actual preference for the winning candidate by the majority of all those impacted by the vote is not a mathematical certainty.
For example....
The number of people that didn't vote added to the vote of those who chose a candidate other than the eventual winner is usually larger than the number of persons that voted for the declared winner. Democracy can't even enslave people consistently...jeeeez.

Fourth. Slaves voting for who will be their new master is not the same as slaves being able to have freedom from the tyranny of a false majority or an actual majority if that is the numerical result.

Fifth. Elections can be bought, machines can be rigged, cats and dogs and dead people can cast votes.

Sixth. Electoral college is an aberration of democracy. (not that democracy is automatically a good thing)

Seventh. You didn't draw any pictures of a penis, how do we know you're really Uncle Buck?


Well-Known Member
Without fudging...
Exactly how many people do you personally KNOW that actually VOTES that does not have some type of ID?


Well-Known Member
I am too as long as it's free and doesn't inconvenience the constituent.
I agree with free. I think a minor inconvenience is fine, it's the major ones I'm not good with. Doing home health in the Appalachians, I know some of those people had no means to get to a DMV. In those cases, the state should go to them. They sent health care workers, why not ID signeruppers?


Well-Known Member
Without fudging...
Exactly how many people do you personally KNOW that actually VOTES that does not have some type of ID?
i agree..no one i know..but what about those i don't..in the deep south?..in pennsy?..texass?

everyone knows that minorities (which predominately vote dem) may have monetary or transportation issues.

if the government would like to voucher transportation and ID costs for those with limited income..then i see no reason a universal ID wouldn't work..you MUST accommodate those who cannot afford or it is simply a "poll tax".


Well-Known Member
I agree with free. I think a minor inconvenience is fine, it's the major ones I'm not good with. Doing home health in the Appalachians, I know some of those people had no means to get to a DMV. In those cases, the state should go to them. They sent health care workers, why not ID signeruppers?
unfortunately your party doesn't agree with you..


Well-Known Member
unfortunately your party doesn't agree with you..
Well you know why that is. If it's a burden to you to get an ID, it's likely you are a democrat. The pubs know this and use it to their advantage, which is shitty granted.

I have no problems with states requiring ID, just don't think we should have to pay for it 3 or 4 times. It's revenue for states, doesn't seem very altruistic to me.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I agree with free. I think a minor inconvenience is fine, it's the major ones I'm not good with. Doing home health in the Appalachians, I know some of those people had no means to get to a DMV. In those cases, the state should go to them. They sent health care workers, why not ID signeruppers?
Why not let the health care workers do the signing up while they are there?

Or better yet, turn it over to the Jehovah's Witnesses, they are going door to door anyway?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
i agree..no one i know..but what about those i don't..in the deep south?..in pennsy?..texass?

everyone knows that minorities (which predominately vote dem) may have monetary or transportation issues.

if the government would like to voucher transportation and ID costs for those with limited income..then i see no reason a universal ID wouldn't work..you MUST accommodate those who cannot afford or it is simply a "poll tax".
And yet you have no objection to making people pay hundreds of dollars yearly, and making them take a maze of "training", wade through reams of paperwork, be finger printed, and subject to the arbitrary whims of a local police chief, sheriff, county bureaucrat or other flunky to purchase/own/carry a gun, and the "right to keep and bear" is black letter law?

Democrats are fun.


Well-Known Member
I agree with free. I think a minor inconvenience is fine, it's the major ones I'm not good with. Doing home health in the Appalachians, I know some of those people had no means to get to a DMV. In those cases, the state should go to them. They sent health care workers, why not ID signeruppers?
You should pass a absentee voter ballot measure in your state. Pretty easy to put it in your mailbox.


Well-Known Member
You should pass a absentee voter ballot measure in your state. Pretty easy to put it in your mailbox.
Well cool, considering you are sitting here on the internet on a grow site I am sure you can easily take care of it.
I am sure hooking up on some Hazy is nothing but a thang for ya.

Thanks for proving my point.


Well-Known Member
Let's stop bullshit-talking.

Lefties don't want voter ID laws cos they claim it'll effect all the "poor, helpless and too stupid to help themselves" black people. (Don't call me racist, I'm merely stating overt lefty ideology btw)

My question...do you not need ID to collect welfare?