Know the facts, but need some experienced opinions

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
A hermaphrodite is a plant that can pollinate itself as it has male and female flowers. Stress is the main cause. Skate is slightly misguided when saying that a male being alongide causes hermies: The male justs pollinates the female, thats all.
so when it pollinates, it causes it to be a hermie right?
i said that when a male is close to a female than the male spreads the pollen and creating the female to be a hermie. isnt that the same thing as you said? idk if im missing something can you clear it out for me cuz im here to learn.


Well-Known Member
so when it pollinates, it causes it to be a hermie right?
i said that when a male is close to a female than the male spreads the pollen and creating the female to be a hermie. isnt that the same thing as you said? idk if im missing something can you clear it out for me cuz im here to learn.
When a male pollinates a female the female remains female with fertile seeds. Man impregnates Woman, woman remains a woman that is pregnant. Ok?

A hermaphrodite reproduces asexually ( on its own)

Razorback Romulan

Active Member
are they ruined? I put the seeds in a laundry basket and put the lights over that for a quick fix. Whats the furthest away the lights can be and the plant still be ok?
Thanks for the help

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
are they ruined? I put the seeds in a laundry basket and put the lights over that for a quick fix. Whats the furthest away the lights can be and the plant still be ok?
Thanks for the help
be more specific. u put the seed in a laundry basket? wtf!?

germinate them in a wet paper in the dark, or put them in soil. please explain what you meant about laundry basket... and what kinda lights are u using? the type of light depends on how far away it should be. cfl/fluorescents usually should be right up to the plants, a few inches away at the most.

Razorback Romulan

Active Member
no, I had the plants in two small pots (dixie cups) and I put them in a basket with the lights laying on top of it . but it was only like that for an hour, I had to leave the house! but now they are 2 inches away. Thanks for the advise. They are still salvageable right? I hope so :S

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
no, I had the plants in two small pots (dixie cups) and I put them in a basket with the lights laying on top of it . but it was only like that for an hour, I had to leave the house! but now they are 2 inches away. Thanks for the advise. They are still salvageable right? I hope so :S
you havent told me what kind of lights u have still...

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
sounds good, make sure they get fresh air and watch the temps. 70-80 fahrenheit is good. dont over water either.

Razorback Romulan

Active Member
Can anybody assure me that I didnt "stunt" or hurt my plants by the light being too far away? Right now I have holes cut into the dixie cups. They are sitting in dishes, and I am keeping water in the bottom, to let the dirt suck it up. How long does it take the plant to veg to about one foot? I am on a 24 hour lighting schedule.

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
Can anybody assure me that I didnt "stunt" or hurt my plants by the light being too far away? Right now I have holes cut into the dixie cups. They are sitting in dishes, and I am keeping water in the bottom, to let the dirt suck it up. How long does it take the plant to veg to about one foot? I am on a 24 hour lighting schedule.
umm i dont know about everyone else but i dont think just constantly flooding the water is good. just add water everyday, not too much, and make sure it will drain. too dry is when the dirt is really crumbly. for the plant to get one foot, it really depends on many things. it depends on lights, soil, strain, environment conditions, bugs, whatever. maybe like 3-5 weeks, but im really not sure about that one.


Well-Known Member
^^^^^ Water from the top, and rarely....the roots need to search for water, so when the soil is dry (I mean dry, not: well its just damp I better water....let it dry out!!!!!lol) this will cause a good root structure and promote plant growth. Water until it comes out of the drain holes, then leave for 2 days or so....don't baby them, you will kill them if you do! Don't fill the tray as you are doing now. JMHO:joint::peace:


Active Member
about height... using cfl's lightning ,, does the plant grows taller if the light is way above so the plant trying to reach for the light,, or the closer the light the taller they get cause light absorbencies are more efficient .
¿? thanks. does taller plant means more places to grow bud ¿?
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Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
about height... using cfl's lightning ,, does the plant grows taller if the light is way above so the plant trying to reach for the light,, or the closer the light the taller they get cause light absorbencies are more efficient .
¿? thanks. does taller plant means more places to grow bud ¿?
when lights are farther away it causes the plant to stretch. thus having less buds, do you want that? i dont think so...

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
If You are serious about it,you will need more get by cheap,buy a shop light,one of the cheap ones with a reflector...get a "Y" adapter from home depot...2 cool white cfl bulbs,the highest wattage you can find....get all the fresh air you can into your closet,as soon as possible

Razorback Romulan

Active Member
yeah, I will be adding some CFL's soon. But yeah, Kyaz check out my plant, I had the lights too far away and look what happened.... I definitely learned my lesson.

Razorback Romulan

Active Member
^^^^^ Water from the top, and rarely....the roots need to search for water, so when the soil is dry (I mean dry, not: well its just damp I better water....let it dry out!!!!!lol) this will cause a good root structure and promote plant growth. Water until it comes out of the drain holes, then leave for 2 days or so....don't baby them, you will kill them if you do! Don't fill the tray as you are doing now. JMHO:joint::peace:
when lights are farther away it causes the plant to stretch. thus having less buds, do you want that? i dont think so...
I was looking at your pictures of your plants, In each pot is there only one plant? because damn they are bushy....