Know the facts, but need some experienced opinions

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
yeah, I will be adding some CFL's soon. But yeah, Kyaz check out my plant, I had the lights too far away and look what happened.... I definitely learned my lesson.
It takes will learn something new everyday,for as long as you grow...keep the lights close,water when it dries out,and keep the heat down....Oh,and pray for a time,start at least 3 to grow 1,that way you get to choose the best looking female....dang,that sounds like going to the

Razorback Romulan

Active Member
LOL dont hate the player, hate the game. check out my plants, using your best judgment, how long should it be before I start using nut.s?

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
if it was me?....I would get all the light I could...start 5 more by folding them inside a wet paper towel,then sliding them into a plastic baggie...don't seal it or squeeze the air out....but you do have to get some cfl's and get them close,after about a can start seeds just fine on a window sill


Well-Known Member
I'd bury the stem and see what happens. Worst case scenario, you decide its a runt and start over. You can use the time growing it to learn. One plant each in the pot. Used LST. GROWFAQ

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
for now,do nothing but water a small amout every couple of days and let it grow...I got a couple just like it in my I wanted to grow 2 plants,from bagseed I suppose,like mine,then I would start 5 seeds....with care 4,maybe all 5,will sprout...50% chance of girls will leave you with the 2 you want

Razorback Romulan

Active Member
I see.... well shit. Some lessons we have to learn the hard way..... For now I'm gonna let it grow, cross my fingers, and buy weed, until I can finally grow my own. But When I transplant it, should I leave half the stem? bury it up to the foliage? Sorry, but I'm a perfectionist.

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
an inch deeper will be fine,but not for a couple of weeks anyway...looks like you have some time to do some me on this,it is a weed....give it light,water,and food if it needs it and it will grow...keep it simple

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
Ah,I in a dorm,or apt,or do know its gonna smell,right? Are you in a position to allow for that?