kitty's flower garden part 2

not familiar with it.
sounds like shock. has the weather changed? How long had it been off the truck before you bought it?

the Jujubes have buds. A very non-spectacular appearing blossom. They make up for it. The whole property smells like lime jello.

have yet to see one of these mini phals...
wife was whining about birthday/Mother's Day. They generally fall on or about the same time. Works out nice as wallyworld tends to get some decent plants then.She's not happy this phal is blooming 3yrs later. go figure.
I feel kitty's reach getting ready to put a big swat upside my head.

I'll buy some minis from home despot and take pix. They're cool. I've been buying more tropicals and keeping them indoors during winter obviously but if I keep them in a veg or flower room i can use them around the house as props. Changing them weekly. Kitty my soil is prepped for my veg/ninja grow outside. Just gotta do the planting? And thank you for that other thing! xo...db
Wish I could treat you to an afternoon of mannies, peddies a good therapeutic massage. By a professional. Not me. Mb some day.
sign me up. nothing like a good pedi...and a massage to boot!

gotta take a few shot of the Devil's Claw. It's growing quite fast. Fortunately, I have several in different stages, so the "grow journal" on it will be nearly complete. sans seeds sprouting. That stinky passion flower in staring to get a little size. I had a big one at the other stayed there.
hi all,
just a quick update

cubrits and squash [sugar pie pumpkins] are up. Still trying to get homes for my extra brandywines. I think they are going to be donated to "science"....the wife's kids at school. the ones that made gal pot have some bonus plants in them. Random peppers and toms from the compost.
speaking of the "devil".... Mrs.Z asked ME if I WAS going to get some chickens. I haven't mentioned them for a while. Now, it's her idea. Soooo, another project. Restore a chicken coop. I would like Aricanas [sp?]. I like things a little less domesticated. I used to run "Buckfast" bees, too. Domestic, but exhibit a lot of "wild" traits.
Interesting point...
in AZ, bees are considered "livestock".
i need a latin name....oooh i just bought a beautiful little grass i wanna show ya..wait just a sec.
May 6 2012 001.jpgMay 6 2012 002.jpgThe variegated thing is called Abutilon. Variegated Salmon. Pretty thing.
Zoned i'm real sorry bout ur cats. ima get a new kitty next week mb. it fits into the palm of my hand. lol. May 6 2012 003.jpg
Hi Danny,
The grass looks familiar, but a scientific name...sorry
Unfortunately, cats are not anywhere near the top of the food chain. Coyotes, raptors.....wildlife refuge 2 blocks away. I saw what I think is the"perp". A raptor..
A couple years back, I had a red tailed hawk stoop on one of my RC helicopters. It stopped about 3ft from the heli. It was almost funny watching it trying to back peddle out of its attack. Birds seem to view the little helis as one of them. If I take my helis out at certain time if the day, I get company while flying. Swallows. So many, that I can lose my heli in them. I think my flight technique mimics their feed/flight pattern and they come to see what "someone" has found...
oooo..... beeeees..... i really want to get into keeping a couple hives but the only ones i seem to be able to source are mason bees. (weirdness; LOTS of beekeeping classes etc. etc., very little info/resources for where to actually get the bees for said hives)

anywho, made another trip to the favourite nursery






and now onto kitty's garden.... finally starting to escape the blehs.

new phals:




blue-eyed grass (which i still haven't figured out the when or the why of the opening/closing):


calla (when the sun shines on it it looks on fire):


Hi all,
your flower are wonderful!
Bees...\ great hobby. like having an aquarium that gives food.
Don't know how thing work any more, but I got my first colonies 'attached" to the the boxes and frames.....I bought the equipment. The bees "just happened to be occupying it". With AHB and the colonies dying, don't know about getting nucs and package bees. A four frame nuc is a good starter, if you can get one or two.. It might be good to get in touch with a local apiartist. You can usually track them down by going to the beekeeping supply. There mey be some stuff for sale on a bulletin board and/or the proprietor can get you in touch with someone or two. Farmer's market might get you a lead, also.

I kept bees until I moved to HI. None no current knowledge.

here's a good can get Caucasian bees....they're black. My favorites are Buckfast. But, it's hard to go wrong w/Italian. They can get a little "fiery". Carniolans are very gentle/easy to work

Dadant publishes a monthly mag. Again, no current knowledge...will check on that ya go
This is best I could do last night...maybe do better today. The jujube in bloom. Kinda pretty, but very small. these blossoms are ~1/8in.

jujube blossom.jpg
Dude could you mb take a pic of the plant as a whole so I can get a better idea of it's form? Thx zoned. Jujube is a new plant 4 me
1205100004.jpg1205100010.jpg I hate the way photos come up... These are pretty easy to figure out....devils claw plant. the fleshy purple/green thing...bachelors buttons and cilantro in bloom....jujube grove. I don't really know what kind of stature the tree will assume if by itself and in a location that has more than 4ft before you hit bedrock. The tree , itself, reminds me of a locust tree.



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very nice (i love bachelor`s buttons!).... and i love all manner of things that have that "umbrella" shape to them (queen anne's lace etc.)

if you double click on the photos after you upload them it should give you a box with appearance options.
Hi Kitty, Danny and all...
The bachelor buttons and cilantro bloom at the same time. I think it looks pretty together. Had a good stand at the other house. This one's just getting started. This is its 1st yr from seed I scavenged. We can never have enough cilantro. We make salad of it. Good w/buttercrunch lettuce, too. Need to get some seed for that. I lost mine.

The devil's claw attracts whiteflies like crazy. You can see some in the photo. There were 4X as many before the rain. Doesn't bother the plant. Might make a good bait plant for companion planting...don't know whether it would draw them into the garden too...
dear kitty, your notification is a pleasant surpirse to me this peaceful mystical evening. I miss your amazing spirit of light, harmony and bright colorful visions. i hope your doing well and life is treating you fine. Are you going to the cannabis cup in Denver 4-20. Maybe we can blaze one up together. that would bewicked cool.:weed:
I'm gonna try to hand pollinate my phal...I think I've identified to active parts. Kinda hard to tell with some of these things.

The easy part is the pollen grain... Just stick your implement into the bloom, press upwards, and pull back.. The grain will hinge outwardly. Now flip it around, and try and find the sticky pad at the back of your cross's bloom... That can be a real bitch.
dear kitty, your notification is a pleasant surpirse to me this peaceful mystical evening. I miss your amazing spirit of light, harmony and bright colorful visions. i hope your doing well and life is treating you fine. Are you going to the cannabis cup in Denver 4-20. Maybe we can blaze one up together. that would bewicked cool.:weed:

you're so sweet. i was just reading this over and must've hit the spot where the like button was disabled for a while.
the flower garden is starting to come together again, i should have some nice pics for this album soon, i hope.

no stateside cannatrips in the near future for this kitty, unfortunately. although it would be wicked cool to blaze one up together. :hug: