kitty's flower garden part 2

Hi Danny,
Nice teaser...
that would make good screensaver.
we got another freeze. This is getting's another late one. Crisped the crepe myrtle and the pomegranates and I lost a few toms that I didn't cover. Cannas took a little damage, but just some burn leaf edges.
Sorry bout your winter woes Azoned. My nephew just moved back to here from Scottsdale. Its lovely until it's gets hot. I would be what he called a snow bird. But I'm not from Colorado. Ima break ground on my veggie garden this week and prep raised beds for mostly veggies and a few weeds hiding amongst Cleome and Vitex. Pix to come. Where's PiP? Haven't read anything from him. Mb he travels?
Dunno...looks like a lot of folks are busy. It is that time of year.
I'm getting ready to toss a 1/2lb of cosmos seed down. Needs to be planted or composted so...It's old 3-4yr. I've got enough to get a good stand. Love mass plantings of 'em.
Hi all,
some random shots...that's Browie angist the Jujube trees1204180005.jpg1204180009.jpg1204180010.jpg1204180011.jpg


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mold is a very rare prob here. Everything turns to jerky before the mold get it...


the phal is starting to pop... this was yesterday morn. #2 is just opening. Looks like 12 buds on this one. It seems to like it here. Now, if I can locate the rest of my plants. I can put a lot outside and is best for them...the jade plant will get a sunburn, then get angry and grow real fast. Most will shock from sun exposure. Hot as hell. I was barefoot and burnt my tootsies.
mold is a very rare prob here. Everything turns to jerky before the mold get it...

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the phal is starting to pop... this was yesterday morn. #2 is just opening. Looks like 12 buds on this one. It seems to like it here. Now, if I can locate the rest of my plants. I can put a lot outside and is best for them...the jade plant will get a sunburn, then get angry and grow real fast. Most will shock from sun exposure. Hot as hell. I was barefoot and burnt my tootsies.
mold is a very rare prob here. Everything turns to jerky before the mold get it...

View attachment 2130557View attachment 2130558

the phal is starting to pop... this was yesterday morn. #2 is just opening. Looks like 12 buds on this one. It seems to like it here. Now, if I can locate the rest of my plants. I can put a lot outside and is best for them...the jade plant will get a sunburn, then get angry and grow real fast....and NEEDS the sun to mke blooms. I keep mine ine a south window, with the dendrobs until it goes out for the summer.
. Hot as hell. I was barefoot and burnt my tootsies.

I'm gonna try to hand pollinate my phal...I think I've identified to active parts. Kinda hard to tell with some of these things.
some fresh shots from the yard..

I don't know what this is in the 1st 3. It's one of my favorite, though. #4 is baby blue eyes and 2 unknowns. #5 is Grandpa Townsend in bloom.

noooooo zoned, come baaaaack :( :hug:

i'm sorry i haven't been very active lately; severe case of the 'blahs' (in both gardens)..... that and it keeps raining on my gardening days *pouts*
Hi Kitty,
I've been in a pissy mood, too, as evidenced by my last post.Told the folks in one of the threads i thought they were nuts for paying big bucks for the hype attached to all the newest/greatest strains. $10/seed is too much. Like I a pissy mood.
Lost a couple of my fav cats to birds...shades of the Sylvester/Tweety version DrJeckyll. Hawks and owls...
My garden is starting to come up. beans, corn, cilantro, the brandywines hit the dirt before the last freeze. Lost a couple that didn't get covered.
My girls are doing great. Growing like weeds. Might even get a decent cut. I'm beyond speculation

oh, forgot to mention a couple of Devil's Claw plants have popped up. These are very nice plants. They don't get "weedy" looking. I'll post some pics as they grow. They're just getting first true leaves.
The amaryllis seeds are ripe. Pods are staring to open.
And my phal has 7 blooms and 3 buds. I doubt if #11 is going to make...
dendrobs are still on the fence as far as their new location. It is better. Hope I haven't done irreparable damage.

trip to the favourite nursery, acquired a mini-phal or 2 (among other things)......

the container garden is allllllmost over its blehs. good news! the pepper tree has buds! apparently it gets really pretty pink flowers so we shall see.... now if only last year's poor trumpet vine would do something...... :(

.....oh. does anybody know anything about blue-eyed grass? i bought a small pot to put in a hanging basket; when i bought it its flowers were open, they closed up that night (2 nights ago) and i haven't seen them open since. the blooms are there and not "spent" looking or anything, just like furled up umbrellas.