Killing you softly with this thread....


Well-Known Member are sooo ridiculous.....
He is!

I try and refrain from talking to CC because CC is trouble. CC will hijack any thread because she/he would rather "....step in the ring bitch....." than have a civil debate.

I feel bad for CC because I believe CC must have some underlying anger issues that severely effect his/her disposition.

I try and ignore CC in hope that he/she will go away. I always (or 90% of the time) feel animosity when I read a post from CC.. I feel that I would be attacked if I tried to give constructive criticism to CC. :neutral:

Anyways, you can most always count on CC to start little fights in most every thread she/he posts in. CC doesn't like to write more than a couple sentences at a time and I think its because she/he is an extremely slow typer.

The REVOLUTION has begun!




New Member
He is!

I try and refrain from talking to CC because CC is trouble. CC will hijack any thread because she/he would rather "....step in the ring bitch....." than have a civil debate.

I feel bad for CC because I believe CC must have some underlying anger issues that severely effect his/her disposition.

I try and ignore CC in hope that he/she will go away. I always (or 90% of the time) feel animosity when I read a post from CC.. I feel that I would be attacked if I tried to give constructive criticism to CC. :neutral:

Anyways, you can most always count on CC to start little fights in most every thread she/he posts in. CC doesn't like to write more than a couple sentences at a time and I think its because she/he is an extremely slow typer.

The REVOLUTION has begun!


but...I believe CC started this thread....:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Other than We Tarded, I like how everyone that was bickering,found common ground to discuss. Music, dogs, etc. Sometimes this forum makes it appear like we can't discuss anything without anger. It's nice to see that although we have different views on some issues, there are still things that make us say " too!!:mrgreen:" :peace:

OK, back to the bickering

I'm sure We Tarded has 6345132945 YouTube clips we just HAVE to watch:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Top 10 at least...:mrgreen: I've got an Australian Cattle dog, and IT'S supposed to be the smartest; that and the poodle...:mrgreen:
Im pretty sure border collies are the smartest, followed by poodle, followed by GS

but who would want to have a collie or poodle when you could have a GS



Well-Known Member
Other than We Tarded,

----------> Me----->kiss-ass<--------You <---------


(Whos angry? I'm not!.. Me and Diane don't get along too well. Thats why I don't talk to her. She doesn't get me angry though, just mildly flustered at times.)

I'm sure We Tarded has 6345132945 YouTube clips we just HAVE to watch:rolleyes:
Do you guys want to see more good stuff? I'll start a thread if you guys want to see all of the pertinent vids I have come across on my search for truth. It could take me a long time to put together, especially if I need to explain what each video actually means. Sometimes people miss key points, because they are overwhelmed with FACTS and information...

Ahh.. Its something I should do, but I'm just not looking forward to the time its going to take in order for me to get everything in a 'spoon fed' presentable manner.

The REVOLUTION has begun!




New Member
I don't know who is doing dog IQs, but they should include Jack Russell terriors. I believe they are pretty smart, although a bit high strung.
