Killer Compost


Well-Known Member
The compost I get from my local nursery does not contain any manure. Should I amend with some composted cow manure or is that a bad idea?

Mother Earth News published an article says not to use cow or horse manure because Dow Chemical marketed a dangerous herbicide (aminopyralid) for cow and horse owners to control perennial weeds.

When animals graze on the treated pasture or hay, the chemicals pass through the animals and persist in the manure for several years, even if the manure is processed into compost. Gardeners use the contaminated hay, grass clippings, manure or compost on their crops, bringing damage or slow death to plants. These poisons are so powerful that they can damage sensitive crops at levels as low as 10 parts per billion, according to Ohio State University.

This entire aminopyralid problem is a repeat of damage that surfaced in 2000 in the United States from another persistent Dow herbicide, clopyralid. Clopyralid was used for broadleaf weed control on residential lawns, and it contaminated grass clippings used to make municipal composts. Researchers eventually traced mysterious damage in gardens across the United States to the herbicide residues in compost.

Here is link to article if you want more info: