Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

Out of context?

I quoted verses with their numbers.

What you're essentially saying is "Hitler may have killed 6 million Jews, but it was taken out of context".
No, not really.

You quoted single verses, snipped out of the chapters which gave context. 9:29 for example, referred specifically to a defensive battle against the Christian army of the Eastern Roman Empire who was invading the caliphate in an act of unprovoked aggression and still commanded the army of the caliphate to be merciful. But you were trying to cite it as evidence that the verse commands aggression against non-Muslims in general.

I guess you're iq matches your stature.
No, not really.

You quoted single verses, snipped out of the chapters which gave context. 9:29 for example, referred specifically to a defensive battle against the Christian army of the Eastern Roman Empire who was invading the caliphate in an act of unprovoked aggression and still commanded the army of the caliphate to be merciful. But you were trying to cite it as evidence that the verse commands aggression against non-Muslims in general.

I guess you're iq matches your stature.
Blah blah.

Again it was started by a pedophile who loved war...
Yes, that's what I'm arguing. The quran doesn't command Muslim people to commit violence. Those who say it does are incorrect, and yes, there is a growing movement of Salafist Jihad who have been misreading the book in the last few decades.

Not coincidentally, those guys misrepresenting the book receive a lot of financing from western powers. Did you see the Judicial Watch docudump indicating the government knew exactly what would happen if they decided to support the rebels in Syria?
For some it is, it's OK to admit this. There are leaders who use it as a recruiting tool too to the uneducated poor and desperate. Those 72 virgins are a helluva incentive to some. You act as though admitting this would be the same as saying all Muslims think X. It's not.

Except the real appeal to these new recruits typically does not stem from their religious beliefs. Rather the fact they get to have some source of power, where they previously had none at all and food in their bellies... these things are the real attraction. Not to mention most of them have probably had bombs from foreign countries detonate near them, maybe even kill someone they know and love. These are the real motivations.

Hell, even western intelligence agencies agree on this point and western governments are guilty of pushing some of these nonsense the hardest.
I edited your post to emphasize what your doing here with the qurans meaning being taken out of contex , you allow for non muslims to take the exact written words out of contex & use that distortion to condem islam as a religion of violence , then you use their out of contex examples to claim ignorance of others .

Something you fail to acknowledge is muslim extremists who are taking verses in the quran out of contex & using their distortions of the book to further their political & military goals , you refuse to allow for the violent ideology within the muslim world using the quran as a tool to reinforce their violent ideology of rape , torture & murder , muslims can see the quran being taken out of contex to promote violence but you cant .

Somehow this escapes you & at no time have you acknowledged the perversion of the quran by islamic extremists like Taliban , ISIL & ISIS who pervert the quran to indoctrinate muslims with their violent ideology, islamic leaders acknowledge the perversion of islam though .

While you make no allowances or acknowledgement of muslim extremesists perverting the quran many of the worlds islamic leaders have, they've denounced these terror groups perversion of the quran & out of contex ideology in trying to resurrect the Caliphate , they have spoken directly about the perversion of islam by muslims & have been doing so for several years .

The Grand Muftis of Egypt ,Jerusalem & Pallastine among many others admit & denounce the ongoing perversion of islam by these groups calling themselves the islamic state , muslim leaders have demanded an immediate stop to their perversion of islam .

Say again the quran isnt being taken out of contex by extremists ( The topic of this discussion ) and used to promote the resurrection of the calliphate thru violence , before you blast my post as nonsense as you normally do read the open letter from the muftis & other islamic leaders addressed to the group’s self-anointed leader, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, and “the fighters and followers of the self-declared ‘Islamic State.'”

Better yet post it here after you read it & still claim.the quran isnt being taken out of contex by extremists.

All I got from this post is you are forced to agree with him but somehow don't understand that you agree with him because you seem to want to condemn a huge group of people for no reason at all.

You just acknowledged what he's been saying to you this entire time with this post.

Where you are wrong is that these kids are motivated by the Quran to join. They are motivated to put food in their belly. They are motivated by the people they have lost to foreign weaponry. And the leadership are sociopaths who take advantage of other people.

Meanwhile the Islamic State is largely funded by Western Powers. Not a coincidence there by the way. Leadership wants you to hate Muslims so that you'll be ok with dropping bombs on their head in the future (for the benefit of leadership, not you).

Its impossible to deny the impact of foreign affairs in the middle east being the initial cause of hatred twords western powers , before ww2 the middle east was our allies , after all the broken promises made them mistrust us , other than saving Kuwait from being overthrown permenantly by iraq we have no business over there , the more we do the more they hate ,you'd think somebody would notice this pattern & put a stop to it .

And those broken promises are being used to setup the other side of this very large and inevitable war.
Blah blah.

Again it was started by a pedophile who loved war...

"Ok, you're right and I'm wrong, but I still hate all Muslims because I'm a bigoted piece of shit. I'm just spouting nonsense about the contents of the quran because I like lying about muslims, since I despise them all."

Pro tip: Aristotle was a pedophile and he invented formal logic, so by your reasoning everyone who uses formal logic is a terrorist.
Except the real appeal to these new recruits typically does not stem from their religious beliefs. Rather the fact they get to have some source of power, where they previously had none at all and food in their bellies... these things are the real attraction. Not to mention most of them have probably had bombs from foreign countries detonate near them, maybe even kill someone they know and love. These are the real motivations.

Hell, even western intelligence agencies agree on this point and western governments are guilty of pushing some of these nonsense the hardest.

AQI was well paid. One of the founders of the international Salafist movement (OBL) was a CIA agent. Also, there are just too many English speaking Salafist dickheads with Twitter and YouTube accounts. Dabiq is composed in journalistic quality English which is more than can be said for most editions of English translations of the Quran.

I'm starting to think that all of the US military equipment that has fallen into ISIS possession was actually intentionally made available to them.
I'll remember that Buck.

You'd snitch on me right now if you could, wouldn't you?

Admit it Buck. Show your true snitch colors. You hear this @desert dude ? Buck is the snitch he's accused you of being.

Yeah, Buck has been dry-snitching on me for many months (thanks to sheskunk for teaching me that term). Buck makes wild accusations and assumptions. It is pretty funny to read.

I especially liked it when he campaigned for months to convince readers that I was responsible for FDD's legal problems. FDD eventually waded in and exonerated me and speculated that it was Buck who caused his arrest. Buck does have a history of insanity (stalking, snitching, pretending to be a woman, etc)
Yeah, Buck has been dry-snitching on me for many months (thanks to sheskunk for teaching me that term). Buck makes wild accusations and assumptions. It is pretty funny to read.

I especially liked it when he campaigned for months to convince readers that I was responsible for FDD's legal problems. FDD eventually waded in and exonerated me and speculated that it was Buck who caused his arrest. Buck does have a history of insanity (stalking, snitching, pretending to be a woman, etc)

Why are you so full of shit, DD?
Yeah, Buck has been dry-snitching on me for many months (thanks to sheskunk for teaching me that term). Buck makes wild accusations and assumptions. It is pretty funny to read.

I especially liked it when he campaigned for months to convince readers that I was responsible for FDD's legal problems. FDD eventually waded in and exonerated me and speculated that it was Buck who caused his arrest. Buck does have a history of insanity (stalking, snitching, pretending to be a woman, etc)

didn't you taunt FDD with federal prison the day he was arrested, then try to play dumb about it, then i caught you playing dumb about it, and then you said he deserved it, then you wished federal prison time on several more growers all while joining white supremacy groups on rollitup?
AQI was well paid. One of the founders of the international Salafist movement (OBL) was a CIA agent. Also, there are just too many English speaking Salafist dickheads with Twitter and YouTube accounts. Dabiq is composed in journalistic quality English which is more than can be said for most editions of English translations of the Quran.

I'm starting to think that all of the US military equipment that has fallen into ISIS possession was actually intentionally made available to them.
I know the CIA armed and funded indigenous Mujahideen, but there is no evidence of them supporting Arab Mujahideen. The legend of OBL as CIA, was disseminated by the agency itself to cover the fact that since the end of the cold war, it has never once been able to penetrate any terrorist group. It's disinformation that's used to hide the fact that the agency sucks at its main function after the fall.