Khalid Sheikh Mohammed


Ever notice you will end up doing dishonest shit like this every time you back yourself in a corner. You either make shit up by taking edited posts from your files you keep or you yell racist. You will completely abandon the topic to do this too.

Ever notice? just wondering.

well, i was happy to go on discussing your 72 virgin canard, but you still haven't presented any evidence for it. and then you posted (for the second time) that same dilber cartoon to make your feelbads hurt less. then you had a conniption because i recalled the time you threatened to call the FBI on me for the crime of making posts on poker forum.

anyhoo, your call on how to proceed, but i gotta throw some dinner on soon.
One? lol

Not obsessed with it, just think it nailed you perfectly. Obsessed would be if you see me do that for the next 3 years 10,000 times. I'm just going to have fun with it for a few days because it was so perfect.

so you're not obsessed with it, but you posted it multiple times in multiple threads and will keep doing so for days because you feel it is so perfect?

well, i was happy to go on discussing your 72 virgin canard, but you still haven't presented any evidence for it. and then you posted (for the second time) that same dilber cartoon to make your feelbads hurt less. then you had a conniption because i recalled the time you threatened to call the FBI on me for the crime of making posts on poker forum.

anyhoo, your call on how to proceed, but i gotta throw some dinner on soon.

I say we don't proceed and call it in the name of "waste of time".

You are going to do what you do, I'm going to roll in the mud with you until I get bored and the rest of the forum finds something else to do.

Have a good one man. Try to hate less, it's unhealthy.
The only verses which command violence are contextual. By taking 9:29 out of this context, people are arguing that the Quran commands violence against non-Muslims in general.

I edited your post to emphasize what your doing here with the qurans meaning being taken out of contex , you allow for non muslims to take the exact written words out of contex & use that distortion to condem islam as a religion of violence , then you use their out of contex examples to claim ignorance of others .

Something you fail to acknowledge is muslim extremists who are taking verses in the quran out of contex & using their distortions of the book to further their political & military goals , you refuse to allow for the violent ideology within the muslim world using the quran as a tool to reinforce their violent ideology of rape , torture & murder , muslims can see the quran being taken out of contex to promote violence but you cant .

Somehow this escapes you & at no time have you acknowledged the perversion of the quran by islamic extremists like Taliban , ISIL & ISIS who pervert the quran to indoctrinate muslims with their violent ideology, islamic leaders acknowledge the perversion of islam though .

While you make no allowances or acknowledgement of muslim extremesists perverting the quran many of the worlds islamic leaders have, they've denounced these terror groups perversion of the quran & out of contex ideology in trying to resurrect the Caliphate , they have spoken directly about the perversion of islam by muslims & have been doing so for several years .

The Grand Muftis of Egypt ,Jerusalem & Pallastine among many others admit & denounce the ongoing perversion of islam by these groups calling themselves the islamic state , muslim leaders have demanded an immediate stop to their perversion of islam .

Say again the quran isnt being taken out of contex by extremists ( The topic of this discussion ) and used to promote the resurrection of the calliphate thru violence , before you blast my post as nonsense as you normally do read the open letter from the muftis & other islamic leaders addressed to the group’s self-anointed leader, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, and “the fighters and followers of the self-declared ‘Islamic State.'”

Better yet post it here after you read it & still claim.the quran isnt being taken out of contex by extremists.
I say we don't proceed and call it in the name of "waste of time".

You are going to do what you do, I'm going to roll in the mud with you until I get bored and the rest of the forum finds something else to do.

Have a good one man. Try to hate less, it's unhealthy.

you're right, your 72 virgin canard is a waste of time, and so is your weak attempt to rebut the plain fact that you threatened to call the FBI on me because i posted on a poker forum.

you also threatened to ruin my personal life through some other website, and then recruited other members on that forum to dig up my personal info, then you bragged about it.

would be a waste of time for you to try to rebut any of that.

probably also why you stopped trying to rebut the facts about your neck down evolution theory being so popular with white supremacists.

anyhoo, gonna make some tacos now and get to trimming. i'll be back to see your meltdown later.
i'd say foreign meddling and support for israel are far bigger recruiting tools .

Its impossible to deny the impact of foreign affairs in the middle east being the initial cause of hatred twords western powers , before ww2 the middle east was our allies , after all the broken promises made them mistrust us , other than saving Kuwait from being overthrown permenantly by iraq we have no business over there , the more we do the more they hate ,you'd think somebody would notice this pattern & put a stop to it .
Its impossible to deny the impact of foreign affairs in the middle east being the initial cause of hatred twords western powers , before ww2 the middle east was our allies , after all the broken promises made them mistrust us , other than saving Kuwait from being overthrown permenantly by iraq we have no business over there , the more we do the more they hate ,you'd think somebody would notice this pattern & put a stop to it .

John Stewart summed it up pretty good (not that he's anything more than a comedian and his opinion should be seen as anything more).
What is lowell?

IDK who or what a lowell is , i do know that if anybody is using sock accounts it sucks & should stop , im not accusing you of being a sock cause idk either way but it seems the entire forum has been flooded with socks this last year or so , most in toke n talk , i just want everybody to know who their talking to & am commenting on sock accounts in general as i have no info to accuse anybody .
Its impossible to deny the impact of foreign affairs in the middle east being the initial cause of hatred twords western powers , before ww2 the middle east was our allies , after all the broken promises made them mistrust us , other than saving Kuwait from being overthrown permenantly by iraq we have no business over there , the more we do the more they hate ,you'd think somebody would notice this pattern & put a stop to it .
Our support of israel, and the u.s. presence in the Arabian peninsula are the biggest factors.
I'll check it out in the morning , im a little bit exhausted tonight from back pain & no alcohol so im gonna let the sleeping pill do its job n get some sleep .

G night all .
Take care man, I'm a PT if you need any pain and torture techniques. My own back pain from factory work in Canton is what got me interested in the field.

Back pain is the worst, people don't see a cast, so they auto think you are putting on.
For some it is, it's OK to admit this. There are leaders who use it as a recruiting tool too to the uneducated poor and desperate. Those 72 virgins are a helluva incentive to some. You act as though admitting this would be the same as saying all Muslims think X. It's not.

No, clearly you're a dumbass too. Only a dumbass would say that they've read the Quran, only to turn around and spout some crap about 72 virgins. So you just got caught in that lie. Terrorist Salafist dickheads understand the book as well as you do.
I mind if you call him dumbass. And in this age of "we can't offend anyone", you should apologize to DD and become determined to be politically correct from now on.

So you think that me calling him a dumbass is comparable to the bigotry he spouts about entire demographic groups.

Yes, you're exactly right. Terrorists don't quote the quran in their beheading videos, they're reading from the torah. We just don't understand their language. It's just a misunderstanding, that's all.

And, and, and they just love them some Jews too. They totally don't want to annihilate a people that just want to be left in peace.

Funny how a bunch of Western educated folks are making youtube videos. I bet you think benghazi was about a video. Like I said a bunch of times in this thread, Salafist dickheads understand the book as well as you do.
Something you fail to acknowledge is muslim extremists who are taking verses in the quran out of contex & using their distortions of the book to further their political & military goals

Actually, that is the major premise of my argument. But now that I know you can't read, this is making more sense.

Salafist dickheads understand the book as well as you do. Likely they never read it, likely you never did either, but don't let that keep you from foisting your worthless opinion on us.
I'm just responding to all of the false claims of what it contains. You and Harrekin both made claims regarding what the book contains, got schooled, and now you're both trying to move goalposts. It is quite bigoted to claim that Muslim people are violent because you think that their book commands them to commit violence. You've never even read the Quran.

I will answer your question anyway. It was politics. Politics made the terrorists hate the United States.
Made false claims?

I posted quotes, retard.
Out of contex such that you could claim that the point was something other than what it actually was.

Dumbass bigot.
Out of context?

I quoted verses with their numbers.

What you're essentially saying is "Hitler may have killed 6 million Jews, but it was taken out of context".