keeping room warm at night.


Well-Known Member
yah most of the small space heaters are 1500 watts but their not on 24/7 obviously

What!?!?! A space heater uses more electrisity than a 1000W!?!?! fuck!!! and I'm woried about using too many lights... mights as well buy a 1000 watter than :D


Well-Known Member
i run a small space heater at night, it gets to about -20 celcius at night around here on a normal day, cold days get up to -35 celcius.

if your using a newer space heater, most of them have thermostats to shut off and go on automatically to save power and as long as its not really close to something thats flamable i really dont see why it would catch fire!

funny thing is the little space heater uses more power than a 1000 watt hps, lol !

ideal temps are what ? 22 celcius during the day and 20 at night ?

WOW.....-35 degrees celcius...thats NUTS! Whats that in farenheit?? Whatever it may be, its cold as balls!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
-35... is like... hmm... carry the one... times three... WOA thats really fuckiing cold in farenhite!!!


Active Member
now that its getting to be really winter... even though its still warm for winter... I killed 4 masquitos this week what the fuck!?!?! I still see bugs around they sohould all be long gone but anyway

HOW DO YOU keep your growroom warm at night? What is a good cheap eficient non firestarting space heater?:blsmoke::peace:
Have you tried to have the lights on during the night while having the lights off during the day? I am not certain if you have a grow room that is sealed from light but it is what I do and it helps to minimize fan usage (to vent out air that is too warm whlie lights are on) while eliminating the need for heating the room at night.....just a suggestion.