Keeping clone vegging for a while?

How can I keep clones small while main plant flowers?

Could I clone main plant, let the clone grow out, and then clone the clone again? And keep cloning the clones?
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Well-Known Member
How can I keep clones small while main plant flowers?

Could I clone main plant, let the clone grow out, and then clone the clone again? And keep cloning the clones?
All you should focus on is keeping the clones alive and thriving, don't even think about keeping them small, they'll do that on their own.
Yea, you can clone a clone again, but just pick one mother and take all your clones from there.


Well-Known Member
How can I keep clones small while main plant flowers?

Could I clone main plant, let the clone grow out, and then clone the clone again? And keep cloning the clones?
U can clone clones as many times as u like. I do it all the time. Easier than maintaining mothers.
I also was curious as to the maturity level of cloned clones.
So I cloned a clone. Let it grow 3 weeks. Cloned it again. And literally maybe after a week of growth it already was showing sex.
So clones I'm pretty sure maturity is off the initial mother plants age. I could be wrong.
U can clone clones as many times as u like. I do it all the time. Easier than maintaining mothers.
I also was curious as to the maturity level of cloned clones.
So I cloned a clone. Let it grow 3 weeks. Cloned it again. And literally maybe after a week of growth it already was showing sex.
So clones I'm pretty sure maturity is off the initial mother plants age. I could be wrong.
Yeah I have read that clones age is like original plants age, so if you have been cloning same plant or clones of same plant for 2 years the new clones think they are 2 years old

Alright thanks for answers guys, I will clone the clones since that's easier than up keeping the mother plant


Well-Known Member
1)How can I keep clones small while main plant flowers?

2)Could I clone main plant, let the clone grow out, and then clone the clone again?

3)And keep cloning the clones?

1)check out a grow bible, mine says you can top a healthy mature plant multiple times, for years and years with no worries, your rooted clones are now plants.

2) yes

3) yes, know that if you have a dirty cloning habit/space/tools that some issues can/will pass from one clone to another, and compound over time. a healthy mother though will give the same clone every time.

I clone from a clone thousands of times with no issues, I dont keep moms


Well-Known Member
You can clone clones indefinitely. I had a Blueberry Gum strain going I liked so much I quit counting after 8-10 generations. To use the proper terminology - the first mom is referred to as F1. Her clones would be F2, etc.

One important thing to remember is that you will have best results with bigger/older clones. Donor moms should be at least 6 weeks in dirt themselves before taking cuttings from them. I try to wait until the stem being cut for a clone is big enough to have a hole running through the middle of the clone stem.

Good luck, BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
With the price of local clones I am considering just farming clones soon.


Well-Known Member
Clone the clone, of the clone, of the clone... I do it all the time as I like my variety plus breeding so I have to keep my breeders almost indefinitely or until I find a replacement for it, both males and females. Trying to keep 20+ mothers going is not my idea of efficient space management. I keep them in cups longer and many times clone straight from the party cup instead of up-potting.