Kava Kava. The Therapeutic Temptress of Delight!


Well-Known Member
The bowl of glory has been risen in delight.

May I present a Kava toast to all your non-kavers. Or would that be impolite?

A soothing trance like intoxication is over taking me and I'm not even finished chugging down the first bowl (mind you from the first chug pleasurable pulsations were riding down my leg). I have to admit not the best tasting stuff around but I've inserted much grimier things in my body. The taste is a bit peppery with an almost watered down clay like texture, the better you strain the Kava the easier it goes down. If you want to get technical and creative you can add various ingredients to spice up the drink. Personally, I add a mixture of soy milk and chocolate syrup. It appeases the senses slightly more. ;)

Oh lord. This buzz keeps rising in a cerebral way. My lips are number then lining my gums with .01 of some pretty dank cocaine. Total relaxation ensues me and a permanent grin is installed on my face. If you took the part where cannabis clouds your judgement and your just left with the euphoric giddiness then you would have the characteristics of a true Kava experience. There's a reason why this assortment of Kava is labelled as a Stone Blend. It does the job in epic proportions! Imagine the body buzz of a LSD experience coupled with the relaxation of a mild benzodiazepine, again you'll arrive at the front door of a truly remarkable Kava Kava experience.

In this particular thread, I will bring a range of personal anecdotes describing the various strains of Kava Kava. And what they have to offer as a medicinal means to other pharmaceuticals.

This little experiment generated more than a threshold effect, and I'm greatly turned on by it.

My little set up before the main course.

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where yah grabbing yah stuff homie

that looks like a kona kava bag relabbled with a new label

but good shit none the less

the taste? cmon mannnn just some clay water :D

nice bowl preparation though homie

may i suggest if your into the euphoric rush

that you gram some maca from where ever you can and have that 30 min before you down your kava and after the 15 minute smoke what ever herb you got

will multiply the euphoria ten fold

so much you might be over taken
I love Kava.

My girlfriend loved Kava

Until she and I took some and her head litteraly blew up like a baloon. really, honestly, she had the worst alergic reaction I have ever seen and I was afraid she might die. She looked like a pumpkin with eyes. She didn't and the Doctors told us that she wouldn't but that kava was permanently off of her menu - and mine, it would be cruel to be easing back in my chair on a kava sail while she sat and watched. Ah well, but I suspect this is not all that rare so newbies, test the water a bit before you dive in.
Wowza really?

thats sad

was it whole root you used?

if so depending on where the root comes from it will contain a diff assortment of the alkaloids

if she enjoyed kava before it may be because she was getting a alkaloid assortment her body loved

then when she got the other alks from a diff kava source it caused a violent reactions
Wowza really?

thats sad

was it whole root you used?

if so depending on where the root comes from it will contain a diff assortment of the alkaloids

if she enjoyed kava before it may be because she was getting a alkaloid assortment her body loved

then when she got the other alks from a diff kava source it caused a violent reactions

Same vendor, we used ground kava - we didn't want to go through the ritual so we just mixed it up in water and drank the sluge. The experience was so horrific that I wouldn't ever even want her to try a different brew.- as I said, ah well. It isn't like there aren't other things out there but I do miss it once in a while (like now).
oh no in no way i was suggesting to try diff brews

just more of a clarification as to what happened

Woke up a bit fuzzy, but in a delightfully good mood. :DSad to hear your GF had a bad reaction to the Kava Canndo! Before attempting mixtures of such kinds it best for your body to get use to the new alkaloids. Take two chugs wait ten minutes and see what effects are achieved.

I've been investing a lot of time in reading private medical journals and periodicals regarding the different alkaloidal content of various Kava batches and well as Kava whole root. There's been a few reports that indicate side effects of trauma when drinking Kava, but only certain kinds of Kava. I'll try to find specific articles that relate to this ill fated anomaly.

​Woke up. Urine was beyond soapy and I'm a person who drinks lots of water and refrains from soda. NO indication of any liver problems or bizarre symptoms besides euphoria and extreme relaxation, not sure if you want to refer to that as a bad symptom. ;)

Even preparing powdered Kava root is sort of a chore to make, but I consider it a ritual as it's quite fun exploring the different options and perfecting that slime into a milky bronze drinking potion. I'll leave off with these iconic words of wisdom, "Churn, baby, Churn!" :lol:
Greetings Hilo!

Hmm. The bag ran me a little over 20 bucks for 250 grams. Serving size is 1/4 cups and 1 cup hot water. You can easily serve up 4 small bowls of this stuff. Two bowls and your head is swimming. The bag itself contains ten servings.
Splendid! :D

Gotta love the customer service and professionalism of one of my Kava vendors. They sent me the wrong extract flavor and acknowledged it. Four days later they sent me a jar 4X the original size at no cost to me. Will be tasting the Orange Chocolate ​tonight with pictures of course.
I'm achin' to find more potent stuff. I sampled some kava from a nearby store and was dissapointed. I followed your recommended 1/4 cup to 1 cup water and assume the root powder I had was just a batch of less potent stuff. Would love to know how your new kava kava goes though.
All the Kava I receive is of very good potency and freshness. I order my stuff from three respected vendors. I would never purchase any kind of Kava at a supplement store. Most of the time you'll get junk. If you don't mind me asking where do you live?
The night is young and I have an over active imagination.

So, let me fill you in on a few new extracts that came into play during the last week.

Here we have Kava Chocolate & Orange Extract and Honey & Lemon Extract. Both taste good as no solvents are used by incorporating a new CO2 extraction method. However, I would hold off from purchasing the extracts as the live root powder is much more potent and longer lasting.

Here they are for your viewing pleasures:

if your feeling a lack of feeling from the extracts it might be the size of the pea you apply lol

i ended up using a much bigger than pea sized peice

but as for potency whole or groundt root will always be more potent OR even less

as the alkaloid content varies from place to place and from root to root

that is to say one root is not the same as another

now that being said

i used the extracts as a booster to the regular drinks

i have a galon mason jar in the fridge with already made drink

if i feel the drink hasnt done its job like i wanted ti to

then comes the extract to fine tune the feeling :D
Doesn't kava taste nasty as shit? I remember drinking a water bottle full of it in highschool and how terrible it tasted. It was pretty awesome though.

taste is all in how you go about it

if you think something is gonna taste really bad its gonna

you trick your self into

1 dont let it sit long enough to make much of a impression on your taste buds

2 dont think its gonna taste like shit

3 enjoy natural tastes and find it to be very pepper and thick like a good tequila
Doesn't kava taste nasty as shit? I remember drinking a water bottle full of it in highschool and how terrible it tasted. It was pretty awesome though.

Doesn't taste that bad. If you strain properly removing the pulp its not such a gunky mess. Once I had one cup in me it was quite easy going down and I actually enjoyed it quite a bit.
I live on the Big Island of Hawaii! Unfortunately Hilo side, as I hear Kona has some really good kava. I know of Kava bars but I don't know where I can just pick some up.
if your feeling a lack of feeling from the extracts it might be the size of the pea you apply lol

i ended up using a much bigger than pea sized peice

but as for potency whole or groundt root will always be more potent OR even less

as the alkaloid content varies from place to place and from root to root

that is to say one root is not the same as another

now that being said

i used the extracts as a booster to the regular drinks

i have a galon mason jar in the fridge with already made drink

if i feel the drink hasnt done its job like i wanted ti to

then comes the extract to fine tune the feeling :D

The extract certainly works. However, I find the effects to tamper off quite abruptly.

For instance, if I apply one good size pea portion under my tongue there's an instant effect of numbness. The numbness increases in strength for the next five minutes. The effects plateau for another five minutes. Followed by a steady decline in effects for the next ten minutes. However, for the next 20-30 minutes theres a relaxing afterglow akin to a mild benzodiazepine.

The vendor I order from definitely perfects the art of Kava making! ;)


taste is all in how you go about it

if you think something is gonna taste really bad its gonna

you trick your self into

1 dont let it sit long enough to make much of a impression on your taste buds

2 dont think its gonna taste like shit

3 enjoy natural tastes and find it to be very pepper and thick like a good tequila

Certainly! :D

Who actually likes pounding the hardest whiskey without a chaser on hand? I know I would receive many "yes" nods in return, but you get my gist.

Kava has it own unique taste and texture. Once you get use to its distinct texture, you'll find Kava to be quite delightful on the taste buds. After the first cup of Stone Kava I actually took in the aromas and texture. It's a new taste that requires adaptation.​ :D
I live on the Big Island of Hawaii! Unfortunately Hilo side, as I hear Kona has some really good kava. I know of Kava bars but I don't know where I can just pick some up.

You live in Hawaii and don't know a spot? :lol:

It's the main drink of the Pacific Islands! Hawaii, Fiji, Tonga Etc. all drink this on regular occasions.

Yes. Kona Kava is one of the major Hawaii suppliers of Kava. Look them up and see for yourself.

However, I order from another vendor. I'll give Kona Kava a try once I finish the rest of my supplies. ;)