Kandy Kush Waterfarm 400watt Hps

AUTO AK X NYC DIESEL lowlife seed. about 1 week from harvest, surprisingly nice plant! :D
bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliewow, i just love this picturebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie

I love the way the pistils are so screaming straight up . I love the christmast tree shape. The colors are so trippy, like an acid meltdown. Neon lights and neon nights..
Your so super sweet and so very cool ottermunky!
No wonder your plants are so beautiful.:lol:
Im really glad you started a journal, i did not know anything about waterfarm. It is a really amazing grow style.
have you ever heard of the infamous elite of the elite exodus cheese..??? hahah, its supposed to be the STRONGEst shit on earth.. lol... man would I LOVE To see you grow that strain. !!!!! and break your new record for colas on a single plant!:lol:
thanks- this plant was mainly badgerbadgers because i was focusing on kandy so much. shes a sweet little plant! we grew this strain in soil and it was ok but nothng like this! I have heard of this amazingly elite exodus cheese- I will hunt that sucker down and grow it- Im really getting into those connoisseur strains now I know what I'm doing! cheese was originally a uk strain and exodus was really hard to find. I dont know if its easily track downable here now, in the beginning you could only get clones. Good suggestion- will certainly be growing a cheese variety at some point- over here its like the holy of holies! Got a few other ridiculous strains on the go at the moment tho so it would be a while before I can get some others going!
thanks for the likes! I will pass the word on to badger for you! :D
ak x nyc d sounds interesting! looks awesome!! :leaf::D i have a blue cheese and uk cheese clone, never had the exodus, only heard of it. but i know when i went to amsterdam for the first time 4 years ago, i walked in greenhouse and bougt an 1/8oz of 'cheese' and no joke, that shit had me on some wild style paranoid super stoned shit :shock: (and i smoke funk all day) lol, i smoked half the joint and put it out and and in my pocket, then just walked outta there all awkward like i lost the cool in my step lol... and then went and ate 2 breakfasts..
hahahaha! wicked!
thats the problem for me- i prefer a higher cbd content- to grow a cheese variety is something I will do because badger likes it but for me its something I can enjoy growing, love the look of, take pleasure in the dank smell etc but i cant smoke it. :(
I just remembered something SO SO important for first time waterfarm growers that I dont think I mentioned before. Both I and Badger and many others agree, when you get your waterfarm, drill LOADS more holes into your top bucket. GH do not put enough in. nuff said, but REALLY IMPORTANT!
nice work bro -the pistils on the last shot above looks an inch long what is dat -i like it
i hit yo star on the way out

1Luv Stay True
Or just get a CocoGrower...same principle, better design because of the cocotek liner it comes with; No need for holes as its compressed coconut, and roots have no problem burrowing through ;) CANT wait to see what you get Otter, I'm jealous ;)
hi otter i'm running my 1st waterfarm grow right now i have a grape god i topped between 4th and 5th node and light lst on a 30 day veg in a 2'x3' tent (.6m x .9m) under a scrog im now 5 day into flower and mine isnt filling out as fast as yours.my question is do you think topping is a bad idea to use in this growing method?
Very nicely done!

55 Colas is one impressive mofoin SCROG.

I don't think everyone he can send you adequate congrats but we are all sure trying.

Enjoy the sweet sweet smoke.
Harvest! totally tireded took 2 of us 6 hours to trim that bastard! very happy and tired and promise to answer all your questions and show you the harvest porn tomorrow! big love have a wicked evening all, gona smoke my scissor hash and get hiiiiiiigh now! well deserved me reckons! oh also, 1155 grams wet! take off maybe 80 grams for stalks then maybe 70% weight loss should end up (hard to be accurate) around 11 oz which is nearly a gram a watt! happy days! watch this space.....
oh, and it was 53 colas not 55 :D
Very impressive Otter. Found this thread through Badger's and it's been cool watching it develop. Pat yourself on the back my friend, you've earned it!
That AK x NYCD looks like a MONSTER! I am just trying NYCD right now for the first time, and I love it. The combo is going to be fantastic! The leaf coloring is great too. That's going to be a fun one to clip up! I have all this CBD bud now, I would trade you 3-to-1 for this in a heartbeat! Learning a lot, thanks for sharing!
Harvest! totally tireded took 2 of us 6 hours to trim that bastard! very happy and tired and promise to answer all your questions and show you the harvest porn tomorrow! big love have a wicked evening all, gona smoke my scissor hash and get hiiiiiiigh now! well deserved me reckons! oh also, 1155 grams wet! take off maybe 80 grams for stalks then maybe 70% weight loss should end up (hard to be accurate) around 11 oz which is nearly a gram a watt! happy days! watch this space.....
oh, and it was 53 colas not 55 :D
That's what I'm talking about, can't wait to see the pictures! I bet the scissor hash was an awesome taste of whats to come...I had never trimmed before so I had no idea that it would accumulate like that on the scissors, was very glad it did however. Very nice grow, wish I'd known about it from the beginning.
Hey guys, once again thank you so much for all the wicked encouragement! its nice to know Im doing it right, lol!

@predd, topping is strain dependant on whether the plant will like it. I don't think its a bad thing and also dont forget, my strain had trainwreck genetics which make it a sprawler anyway. I don't know Grape god but look at its genetics and find out the typical traits of its parenthood- that will tell you a lot. It may be that it likes being a short bushy plant. either way you can still scrog but it will tell you if you should do more topping or to stop where you are. HTH :D

@Amber, hey hun, my ec metre is Nutrawand by ZD instuments. its good but like all these things has a shelf life.

@Ultra, hands off! its all mine! :D lol!

now for the harvest pics, some of them are multiple pics of the same buds etc. It does sort of look like a murder scene is some of the pics! ah whatever! enjoy!:
took her down today, early but unfortunately had to happen. shes a pukka little plant, after she got burnt we gave her no nutes and she lived on the ro water. hardcore little basttard! and has produced 488 grams wet! wahey! there are some pics of my dry rack before and after she has been put in there with kandy. and of badger being a typical bloody juvenile!

oh yeah, and Raylan, the scissor hash is one of my favorite rewards from harvest, you dont get much of it but daaamn, its such a clear headed high, but it sucker punches you- just try to attempt anything after a couple of joints of that!

wow very nice pull dude!! sick ass scrog n an even better drying rack i like that idea.. now the hardest part lol the wait.. can't wait to see what numbers u pulled on that
Otter.................u nd badger do really really amazing work.................so so so gnarly......................effin A +++++++++++++++ job.......