@dishinit yeah its shorter in hydro, if I were to do a 10 day flush my poor plant couldnt handle it, the soil and leaf matter provide enough for a plant whereas pure RO water has nothing at all to give to a plant (sort of the point for the nute mix but damaging if on its own for too long) . On the dark thing- theres a number of theories as to why its good, one is that once in the dark phase and not chopped the plant will start to break down chlorophyll which gives the plant a harsh flavour- also why its good to slow dry and cure. The reason I do it mostly though is because if I had just spent 8 weeks doing what Kandy has been doing, I would want a chillout too! I'd like to see pics of your grow and screen etc and cabinet (or is it tent?) , I have some pretty high expectations for what you are going to produce man!

what strain are you growing? and light? and nutes? I am most curious!
SO I am going to go with harvest on Friday. while i reckon i could push it further the poor girl cant stand up and I have super important stuff to do next week (bloody bad timing and its bad timing) so its got to be this week. Lights off tonight

400w is being swapped to my veg room, and on harvest day If I have time I will start setting up the cupboard for my next grow and keep a lookout for my next journal its going to be a well exciting journey with 3 strains I have never grown before 2 of which I have never smoked so heres hoping they are true connoisseur strains and also heres hoping I can live up to the promises the plants make.
I've got my Tangerine Dream in one water farm, filling 80%+ of the 4' x 4' screen. Then a late placed C99, also moved to a waterfarm from Hempy on the edge of one side, that I have cuttings from to try again as she looks promising as a producer, but is overshadowed by the TD. I would probably grow two of these in water farms to fill the same 4' x 4' area.
Also on the edge, but mostly squeezed out is a Lavender, and a wonderful Indica of unknown genetics in 3 gal Hempy pots/bags. Still they will produce enough for me to guage whether I will grow again. Both the C99 and the Indica would require multiple plants in water farms to fill the same area screen as well as LST before the applying the screen. The Lavender was a necessary move to free my Veg space for a TGA/SubCool strain, Jilly Bean, that is reported to do well under scrog.
My focus has been on my TD, the others were started at approx. the same time, so all are in their 3rd week of flower. I am sometimes amazed the others are still alive and going strong, they are actually growing around the outside edge of the screen as much as through it.
I use filtered tap water with believe it or not, a ppm of 350 after filtering. I add 4ml of h2o2 plus 3 ml of cal mag/per gallon (this being to keep the TD green). I use Supernatural (dry) Nutes, Aqua Grow, Aqua Flower and Superlicious as a sweetener after week 3 on everything. I am also using a "Vermi T Solution" compost tea as a Foliar spray. This may be responsible for exploding growth in the late 2nd to mid 3rd week. Every plant I sprayed with this has shown positive growth, both indoor & outdoor, ornamental or edible, veg or flower.
I am currently in a 4' x 4' tent with 600 watts HPS....this will change to a 6' x 6' in the near future with light rail and augmented lighting for full footprint coverage.
My move to a larger tent is to provide more room for 3 TD's phenos similar to what I have now, or 4 to 6 other plants at a time regardless of scrog or no scrog, water farm/hempy or dirt.
What I have learned from my abilities, is less is more. Fewer plants, better individual attention (with the exception of this grow) produce better yields and less problems.
Here is my grow a few days ago including a root shot of the TD.....nice piece of lumber if I do say so myself.
The metal cage you see in the root shot is a modified Tomato cage initially used for training & to support my original self standing wire screen.
My Water farms are home made 5 gal buckets with 10" Net pot caps using the GH drip ring kit. Each bucket also has a 6" air stone in the bucket itself. I aerate/feed with a throttled back GH Dual Diaphragm air pump to both units.