Kandy Kush Waterfarm 400watt Hps

thanx Otter....i really want to do both if i can...im lookin and saving for my 600W'er as we speak......i will measure it up and be sure today but i think i would be intense to run 2-250's 1-400 and 1-600...thats alot of light and heat...a/c would be a must unless i could open a window.......but fall and winter w/ window open here is a no no...big time....tell badger i said hey.......so Kandy has to be pretty close now huh???????whut r u 2 gonna grow next........????? i'll be there......hope fully all this summertime growin goes well...thanx again for ur help Otter u to brother Badger
@nyjuggalo badger says what up! We both think all that light in there will be too much, we both think go with 1 600w and 1 400w light. that'll be more than enough. still get hot in there so get that fan in!
i have got a mohan ram and a cream caramel and a blue widow in seedling stage now, trying to build up enough peng medicine for the year basically!

right then day 50 and I have lots of trych shots for you. I say I am about 10 days off, Badger reckons maybe 15 days off now. we shall have to wait and see though!

ppm 1250 so no nutes today- she has slowed down on her nute uptake and is drinking maybe 1/2 a litre less a day now so we are getting very close!

tried to avoid it but had no choice but to tie some of the buds to the wall because they are so top heavy! thats the only slight issue with letting her grow so high above the scrog but really its not an issue at all! I like how big some of these bad gals are! :mrgreen:

i wish i had one of them weighing tools from science at school where you could hang stuff off it to weigh- gettin mighty curious about my yield now! IF I have achieved a gram a watt i should get 12.24oz off of her. fingers crossed ey? :D

the bud in the first shot is a MUTANT! thats what i mean by seein the sativa showing through the dense indica buds. nearly all of them ar doing that now! yeeeeah!
Ya those are just the independent Bud sites getting fatter :) Looking great like usual :):) cant wait till harvest...took me 4 hrs just to do mine yesterday lol you gunna be going all night hun ;)
yeah its gonna take ages, but hopefully the pair of us can get it done in a day- learned to make all food and drink up the day BEFORE harvest now! first harvest i didnt drink anything all day. me = dickhead! lol! :D

cant wait for the blue widow to start flower....getting ur yr in a few grows sounds awsome...so i will just chill with the extra lights.........i will rock my 400 for now............................gotta put up some pix ma self tonight.....hope u come by.....ttyl
Hey, just wondering if you are using some sort of scope to get up close on your trich's? You can see the pistils real good in the pics but the trich's are a little tougher to eyeball. I must say that you have done an amazing job with this plant, congratulations, she's a beauty!
@ny yeah im looking forward to the blue widow. I am actually much more interested in the mohan and the cream caramel tho- both strains i have never smoked or grown before but sweet seeds never let me down before and they were expensive too. most curious indeed! :D If you have the space and can keep it cool go for a a 600w and/or a 400w- look at my kandy under the 400w, just imagine what she could be if i just put a 600w light in there! I dont think I would have the space for her! Im kinda concerned about upgradin to 600s in my cabs for the mohan and the cream caramel but they in cooling tubes so im hoping that'll deal with the excess heat. blue widow will be under the 400w poor baby getting left out and having to be under a 400!

@gangasism hey man, thanks a lot! I love growing this strain- can't believe it was a freebie! Yeah I used a combination of a macro shot through a jewellers magnifying glass. Its really bloody hard to do actually- i got shaky hands and holding a lens to a camera and trying to get up close involves lots of swearing but I love the shots you get with it! If I tried a bit harder I could get some real good crystal shots though. :D
hey otter...yeah i decided to just get a 150 for a side light and stay 400wer for now...i will buy the 600w but leave it in the package till i move....adding the one 150wer maybe 2 so i have 300 extra and i make 700 insteada 600...idk yet still pondering and fobbleing over tons of ideas....just got an inline fan 4" and so duct i need more sheet rock or i have to buid a stealth cab, that i can break down and take to cali with me when we move in nov........
@ny that sounds like a bangin idea, cant wait to see your set up man.

@blaze cheers buddy :) any help i can give or tips you got for me lemme know :D
So Otter, if you were to summarize this current scrog grow and lessons learned, what would they be?
What would you change, add?
Always looking to learn from someone more experienced than I.
@rick cheers man, Id be feckin delighted if i hit the 15oz mark! I dont think its possible under a 400w light though, going by a gram a watt (if i have achieved that) I should get 12.2oz or thereabouts. but you never know, she is a beast!

@dishinit thats a really good question and one i think I would like to think about before i give you a full answer but off the bat I would:

maybe have set my scrog slightly higher because while i love letting it grow high above the scrog its a little too high- I'm having to tie up most of my colas now because they just cant take the weight of the bud! Im not sure its a bad thing to have to tie them up but I am very visually orientated and bits of string irritate me! they seem surplus to requirement to me.

I still havent quite got my weaving to a standard I am 100% happy with, there are still gaps and clusters. I would have done more weaving but breaking that stem made me back off a bit. Im not so concerned about breakages now seeing how fast she recovered.

have a totally sealed cabinet with an allocated air intake and output. I had fungus gnats get in there, they are not damaging but now its summer i worry about aphids and spider mites. Fungus gnats may have come from the plant i had in soil in that cabinet but it could be from veg waste in my house who knows, they arent bad but it shows what else could happen.

ALWAYS have a back up nute meter. My nute wand went haywire recently and made badger burn the auto we have on the go, the only reason kandy didnt suffer the same fate was that i found an old nute meter i had and between the 2 meters I got a reading i could go with. this is a lesson i cant stress enough- its taken about 10 days for the auto to recover from that nuteburn, not good.

trust my instincts, you know what to do, its in our natures to know what a plant wants and whether it likes what you are doing or not.

look at other peoples grows a lot, I cant express how much I have learned from all the grow diaries on here, there are some seriously shit hot growers on here.

I know thats not the best answer I can give, thats a big question you asked man! I had a good idea of what i was doing before this and now I am certain when i put mohan into scrog i will have a more even canopy and also a 600w in a cool tube and no bloody gnats!
Thanks Otter, some real food for thought.
Do you plan to modify your next scrog with an upper screen?
Look at SVT's setup, that's where I got the upper screen idea from.
He said he uses string in a 5" X 5" square grid pattern, and cuts it away during harvest.
From his input, I plan to construct a similar sacrificial string, upper screen to keep a semblance of order, but more importantly, aid in ventilation between colas.
Very good point on back up EC/PPM meter/wand.
I learned that lesson also the hard way.
I like to have yellow stickies around.....just in case.....no fun battling pests.
And like you, but perhaps a bit more obsessive about it, I really appreciate all the info I have, and continue to garner here by following various grow journals. There are some folks here who really know their stuff.
yeah an upper screen was something I considered (too late) for this grow but allowed my buds to get too big to be adding a screen. on my next scrog I think I probably will add a top screen once all the budsites have grown up high enough above the lower screen. really didn't think that through on this particular grow- lesson learned! I am slightly concerned that some of my budsites are clustering in this scrog but its a highly mold resistant strain and i am trusting in that and my dehumidifier.

I would have the stickies around but dead creatures attract more creatures - again though more than anything its a visual thing for me- seems to be unnecessary items when I could just properly seal my cab. I am a bit of a weirdo perfectionist like that lol!

essentially when it gets right down to it I want to eventually have no need for anything unnecessary in my cab. This is all stuff I am learning over time. I hadn't even considered a second screen until it was too late etc. on this grow. but there are so many things I have learned that I cant put into words from this grow, hopefully in my next grow journal you will see the difference from what I have learned in this grow.

sorry for babbling! of to look a svt's grow now- cheers for the heads up :D
So. harvest is one week today! :hump:

Cant wait to see my final yield and what those damn roots look like- when i flipped her to 12/12 I had a peek and they were already a huge block! gotta be properly root bound in there- didnt even put my airstone in this one. sort of in 2 minds about airstones really.

I tried to get some better pic of her trychs today, still cant get right in there with the lens that i have. not many pics, not much to report just thought I ought to do a one week away update. :weed:

she looks so fuckin tasty, I find it hard to believe I created this monster. I am allowing myself a small amount of pride in a job well done I must say! still job not done completely yet so wont be totally satisfied till she has been curing for about 3 weeks, then I will relax! bongsmilie

**edit** looking at the trychs through my viewer id say they are about 60% milky atm. hard to judge though.
