Good post...I would say for me, your descrip of the Kali Mist high is spot on. That's almost exactly what I experience when smoking the mist
They are spendy....I kown... you pay for what you get. Have you ever tried Jillbean by Tga and if so how does kali compare?would you compare it to the Kali Mist?
Don't mean to thread crap (and I loved you're write up, btw, I thought it was very endearing), buuuut what if we were the most intelligent species in the Universe, and Earth happened to be Its only egg in the entire basket? Metaphorically and hypothetically speaking: We are the only person in the room...If youre not stunned by the sheer magnificence of life on this planet and the literal possibility of there being billions of civilizations out there, any of which could be, at that very moment, looking right back at you, wondering if youre out there too? Well then, Ill bet not too much impresses you, Charlie.
Don't mean to thread crap (and I loved you're write up, btw, I thought it was very endearing), buuuut what if we were the most intelligent species in the Universe, and Earth happened to be Its only egg in the entire basket? Metaphorically and hypothetically speaking: We are the only person in the room...
My father told me when I was very young that he wanted to see intelligent life forms end up being something completely unexpected. He said he wanted to see a talking rock, or something completely random like that. This always stuck with me for some reason. Why does all "Life" have to be like us? And I don't mean, "Okay, so aliens aren't bipedal hominids. Actually, they have six 'arms' and slide around on a mucus-like gel that their over sized, amoeba-esque bodies secrete." That's not even close to what I'm saying.
You remember the beginning of It's A Wonderful Life? What if galaxies actually were communicating with one another (and you) to some degree? The center of the Milky Way galaxy is a super massive black hole. Most people think nothing can escape a black hole once it reaches the event horizon, but we've actually witnessed (at least we think we have) the center of our galaxy spit stuff out! I don't expect to crack any sort of universal code in this thread, the mere implication that something can escape a black hole opens a slew of other what if's and wtf's, imo, which I can't even begin to pretend to understand. However, black holes have mass, right? How massive are they? How much "energy" comprises one of those (E=mc^2)? So... you're telling me that that's just a lump of energy with no order? No flow, no cycle, no metabolism? No consciousness, no agenda? I mean, after all, our solar system is just one of many that circles this black hole. Wouldn't you say that thing is pretty important?
When people start talking intelligent life I usually end up thinking about the universal fabric, information coded into the most basic form of that fabric, either the Fibonacci sequence, or Golden Ratio, and Time.
Intelligent or not, a happy mj plant makes me smile