Kali Mist Old school weed at it's finest


j/k :) cool story man
Hadn't looked at any of Serious Seeds' gear too hard but might have to have another peek after reading this. The attention to detail and the skill in which it was delivered all made this a really enjoyable post (Wall Of Text? Yes. Good Read? Definitely.)

I am a MMJ patient and even though you think what you have offers no medicinal value, I can tell you that there are plenty of sick people who would love to have access to that herb. When I originally got my 215Rec, I was lured into thinking that Indicas were pretty much the only thing worth picking up. They worked great for my appetite and sleeping issues, but as far as my depression and anxiety go they did little to help. The few sativas most places did carry ranged from shit like the Double Diesel (great smoke but waaay too racey for me) to the "Mango Haze" (which, when I was down in San Diego, seemed to be a generic term that meant any weak fruity-smelling OD designed for the oldtimers..no offense ;-))

Finally, after relocating to NorCal, doing a little strain research, and getting help from reliable budtenders and fellow patients, I was able to lock-in a few strains that work for me.

Long story short, don't underestimate the value of what ya got. One man's pleasure is another man's treasure. Thanks for posting!
yeah not to mention who wants to be so heavily medicated on stoney indicas all the time that you get nothing done. isnt part of medicating being able to to medicate and still get on with your life. in my case i find that nice sativas actually make a huge difference i get so much more done around the house while stoned than i do normally
Hadn't looked at any of Serious Seeds' gear too hard but might have to have another peek after reading this. The attention to detail and the skill in which it was delivered all made this a really enjoyable post (Wall Of Text? Yes. Good Read? Definitely.)

I am a MMJ patient and even though you think what you have offers no medicinal value, I can tell you that there are plenty of sick people who would love to have access to that herb. When I originally got my 215Rec, I was lured into thinking that Indicas were pretty much the only thing worth picking up. They worked great for my appetite and sleeping issues, but as far as my depression and anxiety go they did little to help. The few sativas most places did carry ranged from shit like the Double Diesel (great smoke but waaay too racey for me) to the "Mango Haze" (which, when I was down in San Diego, seemed to be a generic term that meant any weak fruity-smelling OD designed for the oldtimers..no offense ;-))

Finally, after relocating to NorCal, doing a little strain research, and getting help from reliable budtenders and fellow patients, I was able to lock-in a few strains that work for me.

Long story short, don't underestimate the value of what ya got. One man's pleasure is another man's treasure. Thanks for posting!

Your completely right 4-20. I should have made it clear that what I ment by saying that Kali had no medical value was that it didn't help me. I also should have made the point that I wouldn't want someone who could really use it to bypass trying it just because I didn't find it useful. I appreciate the call out on that one.
@Droopy- Might be some misunderstanding in the tone of what I was trying to get across. Wasn't intended as a putdown or callout in anyway, just thought that the desciption you gave of the strain sounds like something that would be really beneficial to patients. Wanted you to not to sell yourself short, "You're Doin the Lord's Work!" as some of the more biblically-inclined might say. I
*I usually examine all strains from the medicinal aspect and always try to keep an eye out for ones that might help me with my various ailments.
@Droopy- Might be some misunderstanding in the tone of what I was trying to get across. Wasn't intended as a putdown or callout in anyway, just thought that the desciption you gave of the strain sounds like something that would be really beneficial to patients. Wanted you to not to sell yourself short, "You're Doin the Lord's Work!" as some of the more biblically-inclined might say. I

No prob, man. I got what you meant. I didn't take it in a bad way. I don't smoke for medical relief, so I'm not really in that mindset when I'm thinking about MJ. Hell, for all I know Kali may be a great smoke for depression or something along that line. I know it sure makes me happy!!
I've lurked into this thread before but never was brave enough to read your post droopy, but finally today I was stuck in some nasty traffic jam so I busted out the phone and read it. What a great read, I salute you sir.

I have been contemplating whether to grow Kali Mist or not, I've always wanted to try it especially that 90% of its genetics are sativa, and I've never smoked that pure of a sativa strain, always 50/50's, 60/40's and 70/30's. I do not smoke too much, as a matter of fact I smoke as frequently as you, I consider smoking a reward after a hard week at work. Unfortunately due to the nature of the work that I do, I need to be constantly available and in case I get the call, I need to be coherent enough to perform my job - I cannot stand when weed makes me stupid to the point that it takes me 20 minutes to get a hold of myself. It sounds like I will be planting Kali Mist come January. Thank you for your motivating info!

Ps. Would you be kind enough and let me know how you take care your girls? Are they topped? What size container and most of all, what was your tallest pehno?
I've lurked into this thread before but never was brave enough to read your post droopy, but finally today I was stuck in some nasty traffic jam so I busted out the phone and read it. What a great read, I salute you sir.

I have been contemplating whether to grow Kali Mist or not, I've always wanted to try it especially that 90% of its genetics are sativa, and I've never smoked that pure of a sativa strain, always 50/50's, 60/40's and 70/30's. I do not smoke too much, as a matter of fact I smoke as frequently as you, I consider smoking a reward after a hard week at work. Unfortunately due to the nature of the work that I do, I need to be constantly available and in case I get the call, I need to be coherent enough to perform my job - I cannot stand when weed makes me stupid to the point that it takes me 20 minutes to get a hold of myself. It sounds like I will be planting Kali Mist come January. Thank you for your motivating info!

Ps. Would you be kind enough and let me know how you take care your girls? Are they topped? What size container and most of all, what was your tallest pehno?

Glad you liked it. I keep 4 mother plants of Shelly, I don't want to lose this cut so I decided to over-do it on the number of mothers, for safety sake. I bonsai them and keep them in 1 liter pots. She, and all the original females responded well to bonsai. This way, she doesn't eat up anymore room than one regular mother plant would and I just clone 4 more when it's grow time. I re-plant the mothers into my grow pots and keep the new clones as mothers. That way nobody gets heavily rootbound. I grow in 4 gallon self watering pots I picked up at walmart.

The first grow I did with Kali, I used 5 gallon buckets. I tried to grow them outdoor just to see if I could. You can't. At least if you live in a frost zone that hits before mid November. Hence the buckets. When it became obvious that I couldn't beat Ma Nature, I moved them inside. I've scroged ever since. On that first grow I didn't top just to see what would happen. The sativa phenos ended up about 4 ft. and the indicas finished around 3, not counting the bucket. I highly recommend scrog. She doesn't mind it a bit and as far as I'm concerned, it helps the yield. If your using 1000 watts it may not matter much, but I'm only at 400 watts, so I want to maximize. The main cola is awsome to behold (at least as far as sativa type mj goes) if you don't top or LST, but as stated, I'm after weight rather than beauty.

I've been using Fox Farm nutes with good luck however, the run I'm on now, I'm trying Sub's super soil. I'm only about 3 weeks in but, from what I see so far, it looks like it may be my go to method from here out. Granted, I've still got a long way to go, but early results indicate a no hassel way to grow the girls. Of course, how it ends up will be the real proof of concept.

I keep my temps at 75 degrees f and 70 degrees f respectively. and my humidity naturally hovers around 40 to 50% You might try more or less, but I don't need any equipment and she seems to like it, so I don't mess with it.

I've seen quite a few people talk about needing 14 to 18 weeks to finish their Kali, but in my experience with it, Simon's description of 77 days is really close. I go closer to 80-85. Also, Western Winds, by Sagarmatha Seeds is supposedly the same original line as Kali Mist( Not counting Simon's revisions) and they recommend roughly the same, if memory serves. I know People will say WW is original Kali Mist stock and Serious lost their mystery male parent stock to a bust but, if I were in their shoes, I would have Grown out the Kali seeds I had and picked the best male I could find, then inbreed the line to get back to the begining. It only makes sense. That's why I feel WW and Kali are genetically, likely one and the same. I haven't grown WW, but the grow and smoke reports sound familiar. If anyone else reading this has direct experience with growing both, it's time to pitch in your two cents worth. I may try letting one plant go on down the road a few extra weeks just to see for myself. Anyhow, I'm getting off track here. At 80-85 days, I'm mostly clear/cloudy (even split) with maybe 10-15% amber.

I feel your pain on being on the hook for work. My job involves electrocution or being ground up in heavy machinery if I make a mistake, so I don't go on a date with Shelly and then go to work. Luckily, my boss is a cool dude and will pick up my slack for me if Shelly and I had a recent make-out session. (He's in love with Shelly too btw) Kali Mist won't un-couple your brain from the rest of your body, so you should be good unless you do risky work. I'll be around if I missed anything, let me know.
Thank you, that should have me pretty much all set for January. One last thing I forgot to ask odor wise, does it have this stinky skunky odor to it? I'm currently growing Sour Diesel and my wife isn't pleased with me at the moment, to say the least.
Thank you, that should have me pretty much all set for January. One last thing I forgot to ask odor wise, does it have this stinky skunky odor to it? I'm currently growing Sour Diesel and my wife isn't pleased with me at the moment, to say the least.

I've never smelled SD, but I would doubt that kali will be an issue for you. My plants don't have a really strong, overpowering smell. Don't get me wrong, you will need some kind of odor control, but I don't think you will need to go to extraordinary measures. I promise you the plant's smell is delicious and the smell that will permeate the room you've been smoking in will have you salavating like Pavlov's dogs.
Thank you, thatshould have me pretty much all set for January. One last thing I forgot to ask odor wise, does it have this stinky skunky odor to it? I'm currently growing Sour Diesel and my wife isn't pleased with me at the moment, to say the least.[/
Think it smells now? Wait til you chop. Sour D permiates everything Better get a good lawyer lol
I have a lanky Kali M in week 3 of flower. Still stretchin. Love the review. Made me glad I got these beans. Bought them right out of the hand of Simon
Thank you, thatshould have me pretty much all set for January. One last thing I forgot to ask odor wise, does it have this stinky skunky odor to it? I'm currently growing Sour Diesel and my wife isn't pleased with me at the moment, to say the least.[/
Think it smells now? Wait til you chop. Sour D permiates everything Better get a good lawyer lol
I have a lanky Kali M in week 3 of flower. Still stretchin. Love the review. Made me glad I got these beans. Bought them right out of the hand of Simon

3 weeks. hang on to your hat. she keeps going for a looooong time. You're lucky, man. I would love to meet Simon. I would be honored to shake that man's hand.
They are spendy....I kown... you pay for what you get. Have you ever tried Jillbean by Tga and if so how does kali compare?:?: would you compare it to the Kali Mist?
^^^I'm curious, too. I'm growing Jillybean because I was looking for the high of my youth and Jilly seemed like an old-school, giggly, social high. If you've had some and can compare to Kali, I'd like to hear your report!
^^^I'm curious, too. I'm growing Jillybean because I was looking for the high of my youth and Jilly seemed like an old-school, giggly, social high. If you've had some and can compare to Kali, I'd like to hear your report!

Jilly Bean is mostly indica so I guess you can't really compare the two.