K1Ng5p4d3's Cardboard Box Grow (hehe)


Well-Known Member
Dude... I'm telling you... hydro is easier than soil...

easier to measure Ph...
easier to Measure PPM...
easier to flush if you fuck up...
easier to maintain healthy, by using inorganic nutes and a regular dose of H2O2... the only living being in your grow is the Cannabis plant....

Much cleaner and non inviting for a lot of pests...

I don't know... man..... maybe you should try one seed and see...

Just food for thought...



Junior Creatologist
it didnt work. I tried to type in the web addy and it was invalid. No biggee though, i committed to the 600 n took counter measures for the heat, so ill just balance things out by growin a shitload of plants, lmao.

N gypsy, damnit, lol, where were u when i was askin all over the forums for some advise on what to do??? could u do me a favor n hook me up with a link to some blueprints on how to make a one plant hydroponic bucket?? ill set one up for sure and grow one as an experiment with the rest of my dirtbags, lol. I just cant find any instructions on makin one grow bucket - i just got done tryin to look, n its all bullshit from what i can tell.


Well-Known Member
So King have you heard back from the lighting fucker?! Just curious, to hear what he had to say. I really want to make the step to hydro for my next grow, but it is intimadating! At least to me it is, I've had good success with soil, and it really seems like hydro is much more detailed, but I definitely see the overall benefit! So how are those girls looking?


Well-Known Member
OK dude ... here we go...

I guess a good type of container would be on of those rubbermaid tubs made for a loaf of bread... have you seen those??? you can find them at WM... You can stand it on end and have a deep container for your roots...

or any type of container with a lid and cut a whole on the lid...

Get a piece of foam and cut to fit snugly in the hole...

Slice the foam vertically so you can put your seedling in, with the little root hanging out the bottom...

Put an airstone connected to a pump... the bigger the better...

While you are at the pet shop, get a Ph test kit... (later on you will want a PPM meter to accurately dose the nutes...) but I just use 1/4 strength to make sure I don't burn them... since I don't have one yet...

Keep the Ph around 5.8...

Keep the res temp around 58 to 60...

and the plants around 70...

If you use the set up for clones, make sure to put the airpump on a timer.... let ir stop and "dry" the stems for 5 min every 30 min or so.. but experiment... no rule... everybody says something diff.

Hit me up with some questions...



Junior Creatologist
Now i REALLY dont know what the fuck to do, lol. I went to Home depot by where i live to pick up some equipment to make my own hydro bucket for 1 plant to do my experiment on dro vs soil.I went into the home gardening department and they were fuckin selling waterfarm individual plant setups for 15 bucks!!!! the six gallon bucket ones, with the 4 gallon res and 2 gallons worth of space for the net pot n hydroton. Its even got a drip ring around the lip of the bucket.

its the EXACT same thing as this package sold right here:

1 WATER FARM COMPLETE HYDROPONIC SYSTEM FREE SHIP! - eBay (item 320113397806 end time Nov-01-08 22:22:18 PDT)

So now lookin at all the shit i have to buy, which would run me a little over 20 bucks for everything from airstone to pump n piping n alla that, Vs pickin this thing up for 15 bucks, i think i might just go prefabbed and then on my next grow just make another 5 or 6 the same way the prefabbed one is made. BAH! oooooor i might just buy one and get the equipment anyways, and make one on my own still - so that way i have two of them, and can not only experiment on soil vs dro, but also can do home made vs pre fabbed.

there are so many god damn options!!! lol - im surprised jorge cervantes head didnt fuckin explode before he became a master grower, cuz mine almost fuckin did, thats for sure :D


Well-Known Member
$15 bucks sounds like one hell of a deal. I bet it would end up costing almost that to build one with the drip ring and all. Does it come with the hydroton?


Junior Creatologist
yup. Hydroton too. They got flora nutrients right next to the box, but im either gonna pick up AN nutes or FF hydro nutes for this (probably FF though cuz ill be using FF for the soil, and all i would have to do is pick up one extra bottle to accomodate hydroponics. All the other FF nutes that are sold are water soluble so theyll work well with hydro and soil. I think its the GrowBig thats the one i have to get seperate for hydro). Anyways, its lookin good, and im goin back up there today to pick up the waterfarm and the equipment to make another one on my own. So this grow comin up is gonna be fuckin FUN man, i cant wait. Now if my seeds would just fuckin get here, id be sweet, lol. Id hate it if they didnt come n i had to get a PO box n order them shits all over again man.

Anyways, about my current grow - ill have pics tomorrow for everyone. Im tryin to let the nugs grow as much as possible before i give updates, that way you can actually SEE the difference. Theres new veg growth almost everyday, but the buds are producing kinda slow. Cant wait to throw them under an HID to finish them up, n actually SEE what the difference is, lol.


Junior Creatologist
ok, i got a bunch of pics of the buds starting to develop down the branches, and how they are gonna end up filling in (i think, lol).

Theres alot of pics so bare with me here:

I hope this gives you an idea of how they will turn out. Im gonna do this for another week or two, and then im not gonna post any more pics until the day before harvest so i dont give away my harvest time until its too late, lol. So maybe ill do one more in 2 or 3 weeks, n then ill just do a regular post here n there, but i aint gonna give away too much.



Well-Known Member

Beautiful.... !!!!

Good Job Man...!!!!

Oh!... and...

Just remember... sometimes... less is more... hehehe....



Junior Creatologist
thanks yo, n i know - i go crazy when i bust out the camera. Im kind of obsessed with this shit now. I feel like a fuckin crazy person or somethin ;)


Junior Creatologist
My seeds have passed Customs and arrived in NY on Oct 1st. They shouldbe here within the next 2 days cuz i ordered them express. Now all i need to do is wait for my lights to show up, which will be by friday, and i can get the damn thing started right ;)


Well-Known Member
hahah. Sounds great man. What kind of seeds, and what kind of lights? I'll love to see what your new set-up looks like.


Junior Creatologist
Twilight purps n some bluecheese are gonna be here by tomorrow, but i ordered some BB, whiteberry, purple wreck, n purple power, all feminized just yesterday. im movin out in feb so im stockpiling seeds for the move so i can get a nice big grow on as soon as im settled in. But for now im gonna grow the twlight n bluecheese.

The lighting is still a fuckin mystery though. I gotta wait til tomorrow to talk with the dickhead that i ordered my 600w setup from, cuz he misposted the ad he put up on ebay n said that a 600w digi ballast was included with the kit, but it wasnt supposed to be - so now i gotta talk to him tomorrow n hell either refund me, give up the ballast for an extra 30 bucks, or try n talk me into settling for a 400w setup. I aint settlin for the smaller setup, so its either the ballast for 30 or a refund for me, in which case ill have to shell out an extra 70 bucks to get the same system from someone else.

Either way, i got my cooltube in the mail yesterday, and my tent, exhaust/intake fans, filter, and vortex will all be here by tuesday at the latest, and as soon as my light gets here by the end of this week ill set everything up and take pics of evrything.

cross your fuckin fingers for me kids, this orderin shit offa ebay stuff is fuckin nerve racking.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like your moving WAY up from your cardboard box. Haha. Good luck man. May I suggest cloning a mother, and doing a SOG?


Well-Known Member
yeah bit of an upgrade huh? haha. but yeah fuck ebay dude i bought a new LCD screen for my laptop when i broke it, when i got the screen it didnt work at all. it was cracked on the inside and the light didnt even work. when i emailed the dude i bought it from he refused to give me a refund and said "i never said in the description that it was working so you should have read that" what kind of bullshit is that? so yeah... fuck ebay


Well-Known Member
That is hella fucked up. It ruins it for the people actually trying to sell good stuff, and for the people trying to buy some cheaper stuff. You should assume that its working if they are selling it unless it says broken.


Junior Creatologist
i buy shit offa ebay all the time, n u just gotta be careful who your buyin off of. Most of the time i buy items that come from people who have an online ebay store, so you know they are at least semi-proffesional. Second, you need to look at their feedback rating. Never fuck with anyone who has less than a 95% positive feedback rating, cuz those are the people who fuck around with shit like sellin broken equipment n doin you dirty like they did to you.

The dude im buyin the lights from is an idiot for sure, but at least hes bein nice about it. He admits that its his fault, n after i laid a guilt trip on his ass for makin me waste my money, he basically gave in n said that after he talks to his boss he can hook up a good deal for me to make shit right. I mean, i got the reflector, the bulbs, the cord+bulb fixture, hanger, and free timer for 114 bucks. N hes gonna gimme the 600w digital ballast for an extra 30 bucks hopefully. now THATS what i call makin shit right. Worst comes to worst, he might try to sell me on settling for a 400w system, but i would rather have his ass refund my money if thats the case. I just want this shit resolved by tomorrow so i can get my fuckin light, throw my females in the tent that are already flowering, n use my cardboard growroom to germ n veg my good seeds. Is that too much to ask? K1Ng5p4d3 says NO man, it aint.


Well-Known Member
damn glad to hear you get decent ebay experiences, he's trying to make it right.
Too many scammers on ebay.