Justifying Corporate Salaries in America

I I believe that the exact number is still unknown to this day, as a fact.

it's around 6 million so ya know.

I see a perfect scenario for a holocaust ...this time it being those prisoners of Gaza and the West Bank.

you mean the people who elected a terrorist government whose stated goal is to wipe the jews off the face of the earth?

let me muster up some sympathy for them. should be no problem as a jew. you are clearly jewish too. and black.
it's around 6 million so ya know.
Cynicism is the heart of many problems today. Cynicism that anything can actually be known. Cynicism about the motivations of government. Cynicism about hard working scientists who have difficulty explaining in a sentence what they have studied for thirty years. Knee jerk doubt without making the effort to learn.

you mean the people who elected a terrorist government whose stated goal is to wipe the jews off the face of the earth?

let me muster up some sympathy for them. should be no problem as a jew. you are clearly jewish too. and black.
The state of Israel has a lot to answer for. But I have yet to hear the heads of the state of Israel say similar things about Palestinians.
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The state of Israel has a lot to answer for. But I have yet to hear the heads of the state of Israel say similar things about Palestinians.
maybe they should, because electing hamas to power when tey literally want to wipe jews off the face of the earth is not doing them any favors.
maybe they should, because electing hamas to power when tey literally want to wipe jews off the face of the earth is not doing them any favors.
Genocide was once a common practice. There are passages in the Bible containing admonitions to do just that. I doubt that history would forgive this act if Israel took it. I know I wouldn't.
maybe they should, because electing hamas to power when tey literally want to wipe jews off the face of the earth is not doing them any favors.

Israel forcing millions of Palestinians into Gaza and West Bank, then turning around just to steal back the land they gave them, with settlers.....is doing anyone favors?

You obviously have a muslim complex issue.
i thought it was apartheid and genocide. now it's just eminent domain?

you're jewish.

As if public sexual solicitation wasn't enough for one day, you offer this.

You are Christian

You are Jewish...really...coming from your sorry softie ass?? Mr. Pro Gay Anti-Trump...using racial slurs....go figure.
i thought it was apartheid and genocide. now it's just eminent domain?

you're jewish.
Buck I'm sorry but the Israelis have blood on their hands too, entirely blaming the people living in ghettos on their own land is naive.

The two sides are the problem in Israel, that's why it's so difficult to solve; neither side is entirely wrong and neither side is entirely right.
Buck I'm sorry but the Israelis have blood on their hands too, entirely blaming the people living in ghettos on their own land is naive.

The two sides are the problem in Israel, that's why it's so difficult to solve; neither side is entirely wrong and neither side is entirely right.
yep, i'm not a fan of the land grabbing but the point of my post was to mock all the hyperbole coming from the anti-semites.

apartheid and genocide turned into eminent domain real quick there.
yep, i'm not a fan of the land grabbing but the point of my post was to mock all the hyperbole coming from the anti-semites.

apartheid and genocide turned into eminent domain real quick there.

dont forget to mention your sexual offense and racial slurs.....or power moves.....not a fan

mocking solves so much
You just say the same shit every time.

We're trying to discuss solutions and you produce simplistic shit like "Let's get rid of CU but Democrats don't want to because they're paid off" which is so easily demonstrably false.

I changed my proxy to France btw, so you'll refer to me as "Monsoir" in further communications, merci, au revoir!
Actually the DNC voted against banning corporate donations for themselves and their candidates.

maybe israel would be more inclined to negotiate if the palestinians didn't elect a terrorist group that wants to kill every last jew on earth.

The Palestinians haven’t always had Hamas as their majority party though. Did Israel play nice then?

I understand where you’re coming from, and tend to agree. Pretty tough to negotiate with a terrorist organization whose stated goal is to kill you. BUT, I would counter that by saying that Hamas is a direct result of Israels decades long land grabs, brutalizing Palestinians, and lobbing bombs at them. If Israel had have been even somewhat even handed in their dealings with the Palestinians Hamas would not be in power today.
The Palestinians haven’t always had Hamas as their majority party though. Did Israel play nice then?

I understand where you’re coming from, and tend to agree. Pretty tough to negotiate with a terrorist organization whose stated goal is to kill you. BUT, I would counter that by saying that Hamas is a direct result of Israels decades long land grabs, brutalizing Palestinians, and lobbing bombs at them. If Israel had have been even somewhat even handed in their dealings with the Palestinians Hamas would not be in power today.
so palestine's reaction to having bombs lobbed at them is to elect a terrorist group that wants to kill all jews.

israel's reaction to having bombs lobbed at them by terrorists is to resettle some land? and be tougher at negotiating?

seems disproportionate.
so palestine's reaction to having bombs lobbed at them is to elect a terrorist group that wants to kill all jews.

israel's reaction to having bombs lobbed at them by terrorists is to resettle some land? and be tougher at negotiating?

seems disproportionate.

One side has a sophisticated military capable of raining down hell fire, and the other side has rocks and bricks that they toss, with the occasional suicide bomber sprinkled in. It’s hardly a fair fight.

I would like to see the Palestinians stick to diplomacy, but that’s easy for me to say from the comfort of my suburban, American home. I’m certain that I would feel differently if I had lost 1/2 of my family to my oppressive next door neighbor. Can you not understand how some of them have become radicalized?