Justice Kennedy Retiring.

So sounds like you're part of the problem? I'd say you're worse than any die hard dem or die hard republican if you really just don't care about the country as a whole. Pretty sad.

i care about the country.

it would be best if the republican party stopped acting like the enemy.

if it takes a civil war to take our democracy back, so be it...

are you going to sit back and let trump nominate someone would might grant him enough votes to pardon himself?

that would make him a king at that point. war would be imminent...

like i said, i give ZERO fucks about republitards. i wish them misery...
No you forgot your buddy in bullying London and had to add him.

It is still only a few people agreeing with you.

Poor getting desperate for attention buck.

Have fun in your frustration. Guess that’s a no on the weed.
Bully ?? me??
I only got involved with you when you said you were racially profile being a white man going into a bad neighborhood to obtain crack and got busted. I merely pointed out that you were not profiled but included. you went into a neighborhood in which you stood out and the cops arrested you for buying crack. You agreed and accepted a plea deal.
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Bully ?? me??
I only got involved with you when you said you were racially profile being a white man going into a bad neighborhood to obtain crack and got busted. I merely pointed out that you were not profiled but included. He went into a neighborhood in which you stood out and the cops arrested you for buying crack. You agreed and accepted a plea deal.

You sure stick to your version of everything. That is not what happened. And not how I told the events.

And you sure are a bully. A terribly wrong one. You spend much of your time here insulting a woman.

You belong with the hypocrite bunch.
You sure stick to your version of everything. That is not what happened. And not how I told the events.

And you sure are a bully. A terribly wrong one. You spend much of your time here insulting a woman.

You belong with the hypocrite bunch.
That is what you said. You got busted in a bad neighborhood on your way to purchase drugs. Is this not correct ?
Insult a woman ? @ttystikk claims he is a male...wait are you talking about yourself ?
Why do I have to?

And why do you think I hold your opinion about it in any regard?
Welcome back meth man. How do you feel about justice Kennedy's retirement? Would you say you agree or disagree with Trump's willingness to attack women's rights with his judicial appointments?
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Welcome back meth man. How do you feel about justice Kennedy's retirement? Would you say you agree or disagree with Trump's willingness to attack women's right with his judicial appointments?

Honestly I have not read about it yet or even read this thread beyond the call in for the trolling session. I don’t follow politics every day like you guys. I will catch up on it. I learn of many events here and have been away.

I will say you guys keep me well informed of what is going on. I don’t even have cable or satellite tv hooked up out here. We do have not the best internet connection. The forum works pretty well usually though.

I have a lot of catching up to do here and in non virtual life. Still rehabilitating my shoulder. Nowhere near back to speed.

I will have to get back to you. Might you stop referring to me as meth whatever?
you said "most" like you.

you can't even name one

do you suppose no one likes you because you are such a compulsive liar? i mean, you just lie non-stop

Yeah I’m going to stop going in circles with you. It’s not fun anymore. Well for me. You seem to do it compulsively.