Well-Known Member
So I was in a really downer mood last night and I fell asleep and awoke in an even worse mood this afternoon. So I try to get comfortable and break out a tiny little Vial bubbler and pack it up. After packing the bowl, I decide I've spotted an engineering flaw which could be easily corrected and enhance the smoking quality of the pipe. So I fished out a pair of pliers from my tool bag in order to pull the stem in deeper and closer to the source of the smoke. For whatever reason, I had pulled to far and now needed to pull it in the opposite direction to right it. I stood up and walked over to my trash can ,I forget why. But when I came back and plopped down on my couch for my first hit, I ended up sitting on a pair of needlenose pliers that had been lodged between to cushions and propped straight up. It felt like I'd been shocked in the ass by a tazer. I took up expecting to see a porcuppine underneath me and instead I saw the two serrated grips staring back at me perfectly straight.