Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by billcollector99
cutting the branch and putting it in water might work

I agree with bill on this unless you want to sacrifice some yield and put it under cfls

all sound good i appreciate input an no i dont want to sacrifice no more then i have to at this point i dumped a lot of shit already
wish i had not riped the branches from bubba scared of them
but glad i eventually just continued to spray

i threw out da tahoe herm
the other two big clones larry an black water
and i started wit two each

but not interested in sacrifice any more



Well-Known Member
Danks bruh -i got a big head glad i can use it for something other then a hat rack

lots over at my other place say kids gona have rough christmas wit so many drops comin up


Well-Known Member
I dont see what they are doing is so special, if you cross an elite with another elite, you are bound to get some fire. Seems like some of these guys are crossing the same genes over and over, calling it something diff and reselling it. And then they making money off it smdh


Well-Known Member
that paper thing should work out ok

i just thought of the tempature in there

was gona just leave til harvest dont know now that im thinkin about the heat

mite damage some that falls early this wk 3 prolly be a 8 to 9wker

prolly fallen in a week

den have to lay in heat for a month

only half 12 / 12 a day should be ok


Well-Known Member

i transplanted the wifi an sour di @ 3wks today
i gave them bud blood and bush master
then i threw them into the tent
they are a couple of stretchers by what ive learned
i never grew either one before just asked around to get ready for them
normaly i like a higher number of veg wks
i like 5-7 for sum dat dont shoot into da roof


Well-Known Member
They took down all Bush Master off the shelves in the hydro stores by my house....Saying something about it has stuff in it that causes cancer....Is that true? Anyone hear or know about it?


Well-Known Member
thanks good look bill told me will start watchin on that its a shame if so cause it works good
this is last time i use it -i do plan to research it further though
sumtimes cali rules and regs diff

an it is so strange the laws
some pharmaceuticals trying to get new meds to market they test on rats at high dosages
2 out of ten rats die you cant bring your meds to market say it killed rats
ciggerets will kill 6 out ten rats and still legal an nothing causes more cancer

but not all will get cancer from cigs
i saw a lady had to be ninty years old
puffing so hard her cheeks pulled in doing like about 1/2 a cig a pull
i looked at her she looked like she had been smoking all her life like that
and will probably die from sumthing else
and then sum guy smoke for couple years get cancer die

so cigs will cause cancer but not everyone dat smokes them will die from them

but thanks

and its a shame only my forth time to use it still got a full bottle almost

oh well im an old man not looking to rush things but we all got to go
my ticket will not get punched by bush master


Well-Known Member
that paper thing should work out ok

i just thought of the tempature in there

was gona just leave til harvest dont know now that im thinkin about the heat

mite damage some that falls early this wk 3 prolly be a 8 to 9wker

prolly fallen in a week

den have to lay in heat for a month

only half 12 / 12 a day should be ok
Hey D hows it goin mate?..........you could try a little desk fan blowin on the paper, could help to keep it cool.


Well-Known Member
i have been digging for over 45 minuets now
can not find anything conclusive on the bush master
did find a lot of conrtoversy
carcinogens everywhere
flush good
sum pulling cause of fear
laws of these items in cali crazy

i found enough to scare me not enough to be conclusive
so i will step away from the product not throw out for now will stop use of
will flush extra long

once again thanks
bill an bkb both cali guys hugh


Well-Known Member
besides my other chores in basment lab

i spent about 1/2 hour flushing bubba clone in the sink

it is 4.4 of flower looks like gona be done in couple of weeks

so already flushed like crazy now to get nutin but water and molasses til end